Robin Williams found dead


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Damn, very sad...watched a bit of The Birdcage with my wife tonight, one of his classics.
He was beyond fabulous in The Birdcage.



Potato del Grande
Guy was never funny in anything. All his movies were shit. Wtf is wrong with you guys?


Vyemm Raider
You know that dream where you're doing cocaine in your sleep and you can't fall asleep and doing cocaine in your sleep and can't fall asleep and then you wake up and you're doing cocaine?

I really hope this wasn't really suicide, because this upsets me.


A Mod Real Quick
This is shitty. His movies were staples of my childhood. Hasn't done anything relevant for me in the last 15 years or so, but I respect the man for being a humanitarian at the same time.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Usually I'm just pissed off at people who commit suicide, but then I remembered he played the Genie in Aladdin (which I loved the shit out of as a child) and just feel sad. So RIP I guess.


Molten Core Raider
Awe fuck. A little bit of my childhood just died. He was a constant presence from Mork on up. One of my very first toys was a Mork action figure with the egg


> Than U
Usually I'm just pissed off at people who commit suicide, but then I remembered he played the Genie in Aladdin (which I loved the shit out of as a child) and just feel sad. So RIP I guess.
True but at the same time 3 out of 100 have serious depression and many more per 100 have severe pain, yet telling your doctor you have either and you are likely to get a random pill that doesn't work or in most cases wrote off as a pill chaser and ignored in the US.
He had rehab issues so he was trying to get help, but from my experience dealing with both probably not the help he needed like most people.
For decades people who commit suicide have been wrote off as selfish or stupid. They are just in the last 5-10 years learning that some of these people have no control over it, and that they really didn't want to kill themselves, but the mind told them they had to and did it, almost like a out of body experience.

It is sad and depressing in itself. The first step being when someone tells a doctor they are depressed, or in pain, the fucking doctor should listen and treat it as something visible like a blood clot and seek and treat or send them to someone who can instead of going umm hum, that'll be $200 for the visit, take a aspirin and call me next month, should you still be alive.


<Prior Amod>
Guy was never funny in anything. All his movies were shit. Wtf is wrong with you guys?
I will leave this up to the will of the people. We shall have a 5 person jury. First 5 get to vote and if majority wins, I shall shaw this interloper for 72 hours.

Talk shit all you want, but you don't talk shit about the Genie from Aladdin when he dies.


I will leave this up to the will of the people. We shall have a 5 person jury. First 5 get to vote and if majority wins, I shall shaw this interloper for 72 hours.

Talk shit all you want, but you don't talk shit about the Genie from Aladdin when he dies.
Did he break any rules?


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
He's a dick, to be sure, but he didn't break a stated rule. If he persists, then a shaw is justified. If he shuts the hell up, let it ride.