Royal Quest


Golden Knight of the Realm
I've been playing this new F2P mmo on Steam for the last few days. It's a lot of fun so I thought I'd share it with y'all. It's a Russian made game that I think has been in development since 2010 and has recently started beta in the US. Gameplay is very smooth, and the mechanics seem pretty solid to me. You can play as a mage, rogue, archer, or warrior, and each class has two different specialties (mages are dps and also healers). Mages are very strong, but I enjoyed the rogue the most in terms of fun. Warrior can become a paladin or dark knight.

The game plays like a top-down arpg, though I wouldn't classify it as such. It's like a combo of arpg and mmo, where the loot, questing, combat, is much more mmo like than arpg. You can do whatever you want with your character's stat points, and each class has four stats that are all relevant (dexterity can actually be useful for a mage). There is also PvP, and I think there will be castle sieges, and guild vs guild battles. The pvp zone was pretty fun, and I crushed some teams solo with my mage just by some clever positioning of my fire wall and rain of fire spells.

My criticisms are that it follows a very linear theme park quest hub style for mmo's, and the first zone has a ridiculous amount of running back and forth. However, this is not as big of a problem since you can click anywhere on the zone map and your character will auto run to the location. It has a premium monthly subscription for those who like it, which gives bonus exp, free teleports, and other bonuses--which leads to my other critique where I feel end game will utilize a monetization mechanic I see a lot in asian F2P mmo's---using consumables bought from the store to prevent destroying your equipment when you upgrade it. If that's the case, I'll enjoy the game until then because that shit is expensive.

Royal Quest



Lord Nagafen Raider
Square didn't trademark giant yellow birds?
When you hover over one in-game it's even called Chocobo...

I decided to mess around with this off and on. Rolled a warrior who is level 9 now. Couple questions for those that are playing:

When you kill X number of mobs you get a hunter chest. Is the loot inside totally random? I keep getting things I can't use forever. Got level 12 boots hen I was level 7 and when I was level 9 I got a level 28 shield...

Can you gimp yourself if you choose the wrong talents? I have 2 talent points saved and not sure what to use them on first.


Surprised to see this game here, these types don't usually catch on but I guess that shows the power Steam has. Having a great time with this one. Level 30 Sorc, name is Alphamission, we should team up.

@Talenvor (if you're still playing)- hunter chests do seem pretty random, but save any actual armor/weps you get until you check AH. Some with slots are worth a bit, and the stuff you get from deconstructing them is always in high demand. As for messing up your talents, youll get a free reset quest around 15 which I would recommend saving until you pick your class at 20. There are also stat and talent reset items which are tiered 1-20, 21-40, and 41-60. The 1-20 ones are dirt cheap, the 21+ take cash shop items and are quite pricey.

Can't exactly explain why, as I've tried a bunch of these style games but they were always Asian and felt for the lack of a better term, super-asiany and just not fun. This one is done by the Russians and it seems they tuned it much more to my liking. So much so that I've been using google translate on the Ruskie forums to try to get any info I can since its been out for like 2 years over there.

Some tidbits from playing for a week:

The cash shop does have direct stat increase items, but there are equivalent or better that drop in game for most everything that I've seen. That and all cash shop items are trade/drop/sellable until equipped and can drop from the premium chests - these spawn very rarely in game and require a CS key, but the keys are found on the AH frequently. In other words you could farm gold for a day, buy a few keys off the AH, hunt down some chests and get some expensive/valuable CS items without spending anything. Or just farm gold and buy what you want directly from AH. Biggest CS complaint - Dat inventory space - can't buy this from other players but you can buy premium currency from AH and do it that way. But expect to spend a fuckton to get reasonable bag space for all the loot in this game, most of which has a daily quest or recipe its used in; nothing is pure vendor trash.

Game has lots of PVP. The PvPvE dungeons are great fun. Inside you get a stacking xp bonus the longer you are in it but also a stacking debuff which is curable with potions (which you get from the currency you earn inside). There are also Arenas, Battlegrounds, and castle sieges, but I haven't tried these yet. Theres also a pretty hardcore Guild War feature.When a guild hits level 10, any other guild within 10 levels can declare war on it, opening up all members of both guilds to pvp anywhere except safe spots. The guild who was declared upon has the ability to pay a ransom, set by the declaring guild, to end the war and prevent another war for 30 days.Or get fucked when they leave town, as is the case right now with the highest guild's leader basically telling the entire server if you decide to level your guild past 10, prepare your anus. It's pretty awesome. For more info check out the first server drama:

Mobs (and maybe players too?) have a resist check for all spellsexceptAOEs, which will always hit even if the mob is 20 levels above you. Intended or not, it makes mages pretty OP (and fun).

One thing I usually hate is the upgrading systems that allow a critical failure and destroy your item, but in this game the stones to protect from this are pretty abundant. I have like a dozen from drops/quests by 30.

Cards - these are like augments in other games, drop off mobs extremely rarely, but do some crazy shit. Anything from + damage to making all mobs you kill have a chance to drop a specific item like a gem or tradeskill item.

Rare mobs, World bosses with anything from 5min to several hour timers, non-instanced dungeons.

Will add more if any interest.