Science Ethics and Racism in Drug Enforcement Thread


Tranny Chaser
I'm barely paying attention here but has anyone remembered that police activity is focused in high crime areas and minorities are typically overrepresented in high crime areas so if you do absolutely nothing racist you're going to end up arresting a disproportionate amount of minorities?

Because that happens. A lot. Before you even factor in structural, institutional, or societal racism you're going to drag in more brown people.

edit - I meant to say overrepresented in poor areas and poor areas tend to be high crime areas.


Silver Knight of the Realm
The drug trade in America is largely controlled by minorities. From Mexican cartels to black and Hispanic street gangs. To say otherwise is just silly. Even drugs that whites use to control like meth are now run by the cartels. Now things like ecstasy, LSD, and prescription drugs are still probably white heavy, but the bulk of the drug trade from top to bottom is minority controlled. The only caveat is rural areas. However those areas lack the resources to do much about small time white dealers.