Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?

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I didn't notice a science thread so here goes. Post about science related topics here!!

I was reading about the Tesla Museum indiegogo campaign and it seems I just missed the boat.

There was a indiegogo campaign to build a Tesla Museum at Tesla's old laboratory in New York because some developers wanted to knock it down and build a retail park or something like that.

They ended up raising 1.3 million and getting the state to set aside 850K so they can save the property.

For those who may not know, and I doubt many in America do, Tesla was the genius behind our modern alternating current electrical system.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ray Kurzweil gets hired on to google as a director of engineering, fulltime position, for machine learning and language process. He has his detractors, but his analysis of technological growth is usual spot on. Where he seems to misstep is technology to marketplace. Even then, I listen to this guy and I agree with his general theory.
Ray Kurzweil gets hired on to google as a director of engineering, fulltime position, for machine learning and language process. He has his detractors, but his analysis of technological growth is usual spot on. Where he seems to misstep is technology to marketplace. Even then, I listen to this guy and I agree with his general theory.
So his big thing is that computers might become intelligent one day? I don't see how that's super controversial unless he demands we bow down to our computer skynet overlords.
I saw this video on youtube, I was going to post it on the conspiracy thread, but I guess it's not actually a conspiracy until the US denies it amirite?

Video is about a Yugoslavian documentary saying they sold the space technology to the US so they could catch up to the Russians in the 60's.

cool list.

I think it's still premature to claim they found the higgs boson though. At best they can say they discovered a new boson and are still trying to prove its the higgs.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Nearly everything in that list is pre-mature. It's like a list of the top 27 things that fake tech news sites have over-stated in 2012.




I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Now that this thread has been brought to my attention when I'm not drinking, should I add "Science" into the Tech forum?
They still need to test it more to prove it acts completely like the higgs, but for the most part, yes it's proven to exist. It's properties aren't understood enough yet to make the claim for it being completely proven though.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Nearly everything in that list is pre-mature. It's like a list of the top 27 things that fake tech news sites have over-stated in 2012.
That's not an accurate assessment at all.

Are you saying James Cameron did not go down to the Mariana Trench? Are you saying Voyager hasn't left the influence of the sun?

I mean, thepossibleapplications of some of the tech may be overstated, but there's nothing in there that is premature or overstated.
Whenever I see those "list of accomplishment" articles I think of all the vintage science magazines and how the old achievements look to me today.

I mean yes the ideas are sound and interesting to read about, but to think all of the items on the list will make it to mass production or general use in the method portrayed isn't quite accurate.

Speaking of vintage science magazines!!


edit, and looking at that magazine wtf 25 cents in states but only 10 cents in Canada.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Some of the stuff (The things you picked) is factual. The problem is that these tech sites always pick up some novel research that some researcher is exaggerating, then dumb it down by overstating its current state of progress and imagining up real-world applications.