Screamfeeder Infraction Appeal

Commute Screamfeeder's sentence to 24 hours?

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 68.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 31.9%

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The Big Mod
Screamfeeder has requested that I deliver the following appeal regarding Cad's [most recent] pussy shit infraction:

"Fuck you Cad you weeping vagina. No one likes you and my smegma would be voted mod before you get re-elected. Repeal this shit because you're terrible at everything and then apologize."

Put it to vote boys.
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Pay to play forum
If Scream goes to his AA meetings again, Ill vote yes.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Cad is the worse Mod. He rickshaws Scream, but not those that were goating him, and asking for his reply.
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Unelected Mod
Cad is the worse Mod. He rickshaws Scream, but not those that were goating him, and asking for his reply.

Come on Lendarios.

Screamfeeder was doing his multiquotes and multitags trying to drag everything back to him. When Arbitrary called him out on it, Screamfeeder spent his next 5ish posts all trying to drag Arbitrary into a personal fight with him. When he posted in the Amod thread about wanting negs, he then tagged everyone again and again.

This is all a common pattern for him and he has been warned about it multiple times and responds to the warnings by ramping up the trolling.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Keep that annoying faggot in the shaw.
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The Big Mod
Come on Lendarios.

Screamfeeder was doing his multiquotes and multitags trying to drag everything back to him. When Arbitrary called him out on it, Screamfeeder spent his next 5ish posts all trying to drag Arbitrary into a personal fight with him. When he posted in the Amod thread about wanting negs, he then tagged everyone again and again.

This is all a common pattern for him and he has been warned about it multiple times and responds to the warnings by ramping up the trolling.
if this is your honest interpretation of what happened, then go back and reread the thread. he tagged nobody in the Politics threads and had almost no multiquotes. not that tagging people or multiquoting should be an intractable offense anyway, so i'm not sure what your point is. either way, shitposting hours were in full effect and everyone was doing it. hodj was predictably responding to every post in the thread which kept Screamfeeder's momentum going, people were posting memes left and right. it was all in good fun though, or at least it was until Cad's bitch ass enters the thread and decides to take out his small penis syndrome on somebody because they aren't a Donald Trump supporter. just look at the way he enters the thread like a hard ass in order to provoke confrontation:
I'm about to warn all you motherfuckers. This is your verbal warning. Shut the fuck up.
I think you better have a nice night and fuck off before you find yourself in the shaw for a month.
Go ahead. Post again. One more time.
dude is a fucking joke, his insecurity is dripping all over his keyboard warrior style posting. for future reference dipshits, these are the type of people who should not be moderating.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
If we just go around banning everyone for acting like a faggot then I would be the only person left.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
IMHO don't feed the troll and the troll has no power. I was party to that shitshow, and as soon as I realized Scream was trolling and being totally obtuse, I disengaged and ignored him. IMHO you don't shaw faggotry or trolling. Same thing with Tanoomba-- the board needs its idiots. Ban/shawing people for simply being annoying morons is a progtard strat.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Come on Lendarios.

Screamfeeder was doing his multiquotes and multitags trying to drag everything back to him. When Arbitrary called him out on it, Screamfeeder spent his next 5ish posts all trying to drag Arbitrary into a personal fight with him. When he posted in the Amod thread about wanting negs, he then tagged everyone again and again.

This is all a common pattern for him and he has been warned about it multiple times and responds to the warnings by ramping up the trolling.

He does goes into shitposting spams, where he just doesn't stop, BUT he is also goated and encouraged, and quoted asking for a reply by other members in the opposite side of the argument.

Posting an unpopular opinion,( either trolling, or a genuine opinion) does draws a lot of replies against you, and simply replying to those, will make the conversation look that it is all about you. Cad painted himself into a corner, by daring him to post again( even if Scream's subsequent posts were on topic).

This is where the bad modding comes in.

He could have said, "keep the conversations on topic, or there will be warnings to everyone", allowing everyone to continue posting; instead he singled out scream and not the others.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Request we rename Cad to Dad.
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