Shit's blowin' up thread


Millie's Staff Member
gdamn asians, anyone else if a building exploded right under them they would run for cover, probably leaving a poo trail behind them. this guy, keeps filming.

Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
The heat from that explosion that close must be pretty extraordinary. And yes I would have shit my pants. lol


FoH nuclear response team
that must have been a pretty old plant, no one uses those spherical tanks anymore.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Only time I've ever seen them are on plants built in the 50's.
There's not part of a plant built in the 50's that is still in use that hasn't been replaced multiple times. In the petro chemical industry depending on what is stored in a tank or pressure vessel you're looking at 15-20 years tops. Exxon-BR was built in 1910 and has a 15-20 year upgrade path. I know because for 20 years it was my job to replace the shit in turnarounds.

LPG is always stored in a spherical tank.



FoH nuclear response team
Oh I'm not doubting you, I've just never seen them anywhere else and I know some of our N2, O2 and AR tanks have been around for 30-50 years.

I do direct your attention to the Ascend plant in Pensacola, FL. It was built during WW2 and was used to support the war. It is like stepping back in time when you get there, all the 1950 Schwinn bicycles are still used to get around on and no cars are allowed on the property (unless essential, you can't even smoke within 1 mile of the plant and if you're caught you will be fired). All of the other plants have blown up except for that one and it's the size of a small town. They have several of those old ass round tanks and it scares the shit out of me.

I only made that comment because I'd only seen them at Ascend and the ones in Portal 2, haha.




Bronze Baron of the Realm
The reason it still looks old at chemical plants and refineries they replace "in kind" when it's time to replace it. I have built lots of stuff that we get the drawings for that still have rivets which I believe they stopped using in the 40's. But it had been replaced a half dozen times or more from the same drawings.

Yeah most plants use bicycles or those 3 wheel bikes with a cart on the back. Looks like old ladies going to get groceries lol.

But yeah most gas stuff is stored in the hemispherical tanks.

Funny about the no smoking thing. At the 2nd largest refinery in the country they put up giant tents during turn arounds for smokers only and outside every operator station they have 2-3 BBQ pits for guys to cook while working. You can't go 100 feet without running into a smoker or someones BBQ pit.