Should you tip the waitress and how much thread


The Scientific Shitlord
So... you are a self-admitted asshole? At least you don't hide it, props.
Everyone is sooner or later. No point is beating around the bush. I never felt I was entitled to a tip, but if someone didn't tip they didn't deserve service. Pay it forward and all that jazz.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
No, that DOES make you an entitled asshole. You were paid to deliver pizzas. Who gives a flying fuck if you "think" they deserve service or not, you were a paid employee, you do what you agreed to when you decided to start cashing their paychecks.


The Scientific Shitlord
No, that DOES make you an entitled asshole. You were paid to deliver pizzas. Who gives a flying fuck if you "think" they deserve service or not, you were a paid employee, you do what you agreed to when you decided to start cashing their paychecks.
I still gave them service, just of the lesser variety to correspond with the lack of tip. You get what you pay for, and vice versa, when the system is tip based. I've always felt it was a fucked up system and agree with the folks saying we should adopt an Asian or Middle-East type to replace it. Since I recognize this as unlikely I tip when I eat out or get something delivered.

Delivery and waiting tables have their pay based on the fact that it is expected to be tipped based on quality of service. Period. I always did my job, and tracked the cheap assholes who didn't want to uphold their end of this arrangement. I was never mean about it, but I was aware of the many variables in my discretion and put them to use accordingly. 4 orders to be delivered? Great. If you never tip you are last in line whether you are closest or farthest. The plates, plasticware, and condiments I keep on hand that I wasn't required to, but did to be helpful to folks? None for you, Mr. Scrooge.

Like I said, I had coworkers that would go the extra step and fuck with peoples' food. Spitting in it, dropping boxes deliberately, leaving it out of the heat retention containers, etc. Many shades of gray out there. Caveat emptor.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
I tip for the same reasons I'm terribly polite to wait staff. Anyone, ANYONE, who serves me food, cleans up my toilets, empties my trash, basically anyone who could be a part of Project Mayhem I tend to treat well. As the man says, do not fuck with them.

That being said, how MUCH tip is entirely dependent upon the service and the cordiality of the waiter. I will grant you a certain tip for just not farting on my steak before you bring it to me, but the dimensions of my largesse are dependent upon you doing your fucking job and pretending like you fucking like it, and me. But again, I am always polite and rarely have issues with service.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Some serious assholes in here, like this Rezz guy. Pay your wage (of a whole 2.13/hr) for filling your water and doing your job? Fucking asshole, thats the same as giving you shit service. Talk about an entitled fuck.

At that point, if I ever saw your sorry ass back in our restaurant I wouldn't fill your water and give you the "shoe treatment" of taking your bread to clean my sole. Enjoy whatever aids-y disease you get from our floors for being suck a cocksucker.

Anyways, might as well call this thread the server hate thread. I've gone back to serving and am doing during the whole 6 months-1 year job hunt with a degree thing most of us go through to find a decent job, and let me give you my view of the restaurant I work at which is like all the other ones I have been employed for.

Hostesses: Let's just call you mildly attractive whores who are too stupid to do your job. Yes, every one of them is a giant cunthole who will fuck anything. Our proprietor is married to the hostess he knocked up. They are also the dumbest fucking people on earth. They cannot figure out how not to do retarded shit like triple seating people (even the ones they like) when other people have open tables. Rocket surgery is required I guess. Nobody at our restaurant deserves less of a salary than them.

Cooks: OH THE POOR COOKS. Fuck you. Yea, they work hard and 90% of them should be deported and are lucky to even have a job. You might have one of them who speaks passing english who you have to use as an interpreter and unlike many would have you believe in here.....well, they fuck things up all the time. Yea its usually servers who fuck up an order, but servers are doing far more at one time than each fucking cook at their own little station. I like ours though, and yea, most of them should get paid more.

Bussers: They were the really underappreciated guys at my restaurant before the corporate douchers like many of you in here for our chain decided they wanted more money (fuck Obama right?) and fired all of them so we get a measly .05% percent more in tip shares for double the work (the rest went to the aforementioned cuntholes of hostesses that stand and talk about getting fingered all day). Of course the management fucks made sure to tell us that the "service standard" hasn't changed now that we are doing twice the work for what amounts to 2 dollars a shift.

Management: At our restaurant their job usually results in disappearing from the line when we get a push and telling the servers to "get the window" while they're talking to their shitty wives about their shitty kids, or outside smoking, or at the hostess stand trying to fuck one of the 18 year clueless cunts while never doing their job. If I had a dime for every time one of these inbreds couldnt figure out a loaded potato doesnt mean just butter....Anyways, most of their jobs are shitty and they have to come in early doing food prep and other mindless shit so they dont feel like actually working when it gets busy. And when things go wrong, its always your fault regardless if your stupid customers complain their extra well butterflied steak isnt extra juicy. Most of them are on power trips too since there is an endless supply of college students etc to take your job and they can be complete shitbags of people and not get in trouble for it. OOH BOY YOU MADE IT BIG IN LIFE YOU ARE A FUCKING FRONT OF HOUSE RESTAURANT MANAGER AT A BIG CHAIN. TIME TO MOVE TO BEVERLY HILLS DICKHEAD!

Servers: As someone else pointed out earlier, the difference between great service and ok service at the end of the day is very small. A lot of servers would rather not go "above and beyond" because for every one of you that pays extra, well guess what. Shaniqua or Jimbob from bumfuck expects that just to tip you at all and still gives you 10% or recently for me, Shaniqua left 0 on 90 bucks because at the end of dinner her and her baby daddy had a fight in the restaurant and stormed out. Serving will make you fucking loathe humanity. You know why we fucking freak out and share our great tips with each other when it happens? Because it rarely ever does, and for that fraction of a second you dont hate people so much. Then you get Shaniqua or one of the other retarded Georgia hillbilly fucktards here and you go back to hoping they all get T boned in the parking lot when they leave and die in a fireball. Many servers are lazy as fuck though, and I let them know it all the time....but for that 6 hours of work generally I do far more actual work than people I know with desk jobs with their bachelors.

Hopefully it will be my turn soon to play CS in my office like my roommate does all day in a comfy chair and work 1-2 hours while getting benefits etc.

Aychamo BanBan

At that point, if I ever saw your sorry ass back in our restaurant I wouldn't fill your water and give you the "shoe treatment" of taking your bread to clean my sole. Enjoy whatever aids-y disease you get from our floors for being suck a cocksucker.
You're the exact piece of shit that shouldn't be working in a restaurant.


Trakanon Raider
Genjiro, just as you wouldn't want us to paint all servers the same after one bad experience don't do the same your customers. No job in life will ever reciprocate 100% satisfaction for the job you do. Just like someone stiffs you on a tip I'll have some jack ass manager take credit for a report I write at my job. But that doesn't mean I stop performing because we all have integrity. Remember, integrity can't be given to you and it can't be taken from you.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I agree on cooks fucking things up. In my restaurant experience the vast majority of the mistakes with peoples' food was the fault of the cooks not paying attention and/or not being able to read the directions we typed into the computer and which were printed out on the ticket.

I always hated when other people brought my food to tables because I liked to check it myself to make sure it was all correctly made.

Of course, I never said that the cooks fucked up because people just assumed I was passing the blame.


Trakanon Raider
I think it's in poor taste for a server to ever say whose fault a fuck up was. It doesn't matter, and as a customer I don't care who fucked it up. All that matters if my order came out wrong. I fucking hate mayo on sandwiches, and restaurants in general are maybe 50/50 for not actually putting mayo on my club sandwiches when I order them without. I don't care if it's the waiter or the cook, someone fucked up. In that case I do have sympathy with the server that it's generally not something they can check without lifting the bun, so no biggy.

However I was at an airport restaurant awhile back, and ordered a chicken caesar salad. The waitress brought my salad out, with no chicken. Right I was like "uh yeah, I ordered achickenceasar." The waitress was all exasperated and said "oh my gosh, I don't knowwhatthe kitchen is doing today" or something to that effect. What the fuck are YOU doing? You brought me the goddamn salad without chicken on it! Are you retarded? The bud I was with also had to specifically ask for ketchup to go with his burger and fries, because the dumb cunt didn't bring it out with the meal. That's like serving 101. Does the meal have fries? Bring ketchup when it comes out.

We didn't really complain, and she DID comp my salad, which was nice of her, so we still tipped 15% or so of what the original bill would have been. But it was almost comical how bad the service was.


I order food at work whenever I can't actually take a break and I'm stuck there. I tip $4 standard for my delivery order every time. I may order between $10-20 worth of food (lunch and dinner). That's between 20-40% an I think that's reasonable. If I ordered for the whole office and It's $100, I think $8-12 is pretty good too.
I'm more paying for the service of delivery rather than tipping based on the cost of the order.

That being said, when I'm sitting down at a restaurant I like to keep a mental tally of all the negatives and positives. Starting base is 15% and each negative or positive lowers or raises the percentage (after taxes).

Each glass of water refilled is a +1%
Checking in on the table +1%
Positive attitude +1%
Giving a good recommendation on food +1%
BJ under the table +2%
Boxing the finished food for me +1%

Leaving the table waiting too long to order -1%
Not refilling a water glass -1%
Screwing up an order -2%
Rude/Poor Attitude -3%
Not Swallowing -2%
Taking a plate before I'm finished -1%
Throwing away my food and not asking if I want it boxed-1%
Wow you are a giant loser. I bet you feel good to be king for 45 minutes. I'll bet my life against $1 that you go out to eat for the power you feel rather than actually enjoying going out to eat.


Bronze Squire
Editorial out of Washington Restaurant Magazine:Tipping Culture From Far East Provides Great Lessons Locally

Screen-cap of article:


Bronze Squire
A restaurant trade magazine supports tipping? NO WAI!
It's more for restaurant owners, not employees. Other than employee recruitment (which would be a non-factor if tipping wasn't the norm) there is really no advantage or disadvantage to a tipping culture for the owners.


Genjiro, preach on Wakandan! So much truf in one post. Are you in Atlanta? Your deep seeded hatred for the typical chocolate face that graces any restaurant that doesnt have an al a carte menu is spot on...


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It's more for restaurant owners, not employees. Other than employee recruitment (which would be a non-factor if tipping wasn't the norm) there is really no advantage or disadvantage to a tipping culture for the owners.
Are you new to this thread?

The Ancient_sl

I went to Fiji and they gave consistently amazing service and tipping there is discouraged. Therefore it's my opinion that tipping culture is harmful to service quality.

No wait, it's actually that I don't think short anecdotal stories serve as evidence of anything.

I'll give a few more words as to why that article is wrong. I said my service in Fiji was phenomenal and it was, except for one thing. They were never in a hurry to do anything. I'm not stupid enough to think this is because they aren't receiving tips for their service but because of their culture, but apparently the author of the article is.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I went to ihop and ordered Chicken and Waffles, it was like 3am and I was by myself. I had this really strange shy girl that looked like she was really in to anime because she kept staring at my Naruto head band wait on me. It was like 8.99 for the meal because I bought water, I gave her a 20 and told her to keep the change. I hope she went out and got the newest issue of Shonen Jump with it.