Should you tip the waitress and how much thread


Delivery driver when gas was cheap wasn't bad, for wages. Most folks did tip and those who did not. Don't kid yourselves we knew who you were and where you lived . That is why you almost always got dirty hakim for your delivery driver. If there was anything in the order he could snack on and get away with it , he was good with that. If not I do not know , and wouldn't want to know what he did to non tipper foods.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The mindset is that if you're buying the exact same amount but one is a 30 dollar meal and one is a 15 dollar meal that not only will each waiter or waitress have less tables, ie. if you go to a Chili's your waiter may be doing 5+ other tables where as at someplace nicer than that, Ruth's Chris is a bad example because it's significantly nicer and more expensive but I've never had a waiter there that was waiting on more than three other tables plus mine. Thus to ensure that the better wait staff are the ones who occupy the nicer places even while doing less tables, the general consensus is to tip on the bill amount rather than the amount of food to make up for that. Otherwise you'd have all of the best waiters and waitresses trying to get whatever restaurant will give them the most tables at a time.
and we've come back full circle to the original point: tipping isn't rewarding good service, tipping is paying the restaurant owner's employees. Or, in case of the current asshole of the thread, to force their standards of human appearance on others at the only place they actually can.

You pay at restaurants with cash?
I pay everywhere with cash, unless I can get it with an invoice. Is there a reason not to?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Because the guy flipping burgers doesn't have a separate $2.13/hr minimum wage, and flipping a burger takes much less effort. Please don't go out to eat, and please don't have children. For all of us.
This is wrong. Or at least really misleading. No server in the USA is making, tips included or not, 2.13 an hour. It is federal law that they be brought up, tips or not, to a minimum of 7.25 an hour. The 2.13 is the least they can be paid per hour with tips included as long as including tips they are making at least 7.25 an hour.

Which means, regardless of effort, a server is making 7.25 an hour everywhere in the nation. The thing is, if that 7.25 is coming out of the restaurant/business' wallet, they are usually looking for a job elsewhere pretty fast. Is it a great wage? Nope, not at all. Is it the same as the guy flipping burgers? Yes. Except the guy flipping burgers doesn't get a bonus based on performance (in the vast majority of eating establishments) vs. the server who can literally only make more more than 7.25 based on effort. Never lower. The check they receive isn't indicative of how much they have actually made in the slightest, as it is always used as a buffer for the 5.12 the government says and then it is further garnished by taxes taken from their reported tips. So yes, servers can have ass checks, but the more ass the check the more money they actually made.

And, as someone who has worked with/been a server for a long time, the vast majority of food service servers/waiters are shady as fuck when it comes to reporting their tips, so they are most likely making much more than even their check/assumed income leads one to believe. Only those who work in the most draconian of surveillance/security style restaurants (casinos come to mind) pay close attention to what they are reporting. And even that is sketch in most places. I'm positive my best servers are also raking in an additional 10-20% on the side that isn't reported, every year. Which comes to probably 7-13k, easily.

Don't feel bad for the servers, man.

If anything, remove the concept of "tips" as being a taxable income again, then people can actually be tipped on performance and not on some absolutely inane social stance that was forced on us by the government in the first place. Single mom's with shitty jobs aren't my problem. Especially not in this day and age.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is wrong. Or at least really misleading. No server in the USA is making, tips included or not, 2.13 an hour. It is federal law that they be brought up, tips or not, to a minimum of 7.25 an hour. The 2.13 is the least they can be paid per hour with tips included as long as including tips they are making at least 7.25 an hour.
you're aware that the main criticism of this law is that it's not enforced and many servers sometimes make less than those 7.25 when their boss decides not to follow the law?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
You realise you're not entitled to X job. If you don't like it, move on to another one.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You realise you're not entitled to X job. If you don't like it, move on to another one.
You don't understand, waiters at applebees deserve middle class lifestyles too. Think of the children. Stop being racist. Etc..


Trakanon Raider
See, I immediately look at that and know 15% is roughly $2.25 (yes, I know it's actually a little higher than that, but this is just for the sake of how I think about tips). I look at the total and take that to the closest whole dollar, so $18.00. $2.27 tip. I realize not everyone can do mental math like that, so I have friends with tip calculators on their phones and other friends that just always overtip (their words) so that they don't have to do any math.

I spend less time doing the mental math than the person plugging it into their calculator and probably just as long as the person making sure they're overtipping instead of undertipping. I honestly don't care anymore...the only thing that really still bothers me (and I'm sure I brought this up earlier in the thread) is having to tip on top of a delivery charge. But if I don't, like the guy just posted above, I know the drivers will remember and treat my pizza like shit.

The Ancient_sl


Total = $15.73
Tip = I Can't Math
New Total = $20.00
Do you actually write out "I can't Math" on the tip line?

See, I immediately look at that and know 15% is roughly $2.25 (yes, I know it's actually a little higher than that, but this is just for the sake of how I think about tips). I look at the total and take that to the closest whole dollar, so $18.00. $2.27 tip. I realize not everyone can do mental math like that, so I have friends with tip calculators on their phones and other friends that just always overtip (their words) so that they don't have to do any math.

I spend less time doing the mental math than the person plugging it into their calculator and probably just as long as the person making sure they're overtipping instead of undertipping. I honestly don't care anymore...the only thing that really still bothers me (and I'm sure I brought this up earlier in the thread) is having to tip on top of a delivery charge. But if I don't, like the guy just posted above, I know the drivers will remember and treat my pizza like shit.
But in your own example you undertipped so..


Mr. Poopybutthole
you're aware that the main criticism of this law is that it's not enforced and many servers sometimes make less than those 7.25 when their boss decides not to follow the law?
Er. It is federal law, which means that all they have to do is contact literally any state/federal oversight committee at all and provide proof that they aren't being paid at least 7.25 and then their restaurant gets audited/shut down. Or, you know, just find a different job because I am 100% positive that it isn't common practice for restaurants/bars/whatever to just ignore the law. Which state are you in where they just don't follow federal wage laws? Honest question, since unless the restaurant is somehow completely under the radar of the IRS, they kind of have to.

And, incidentally, in 15 years I've never seen even the worst server make the federal or lower with tips included. No server working 20 hours a week (or less) is taking home a combined total of less than whatever their hours are times 7.25 (minus applicable income taxes) anywhere I have ever been. Anecdotal information and all that, but I've been around and it isn't a thing.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This whole thing is such a scam. Business owners cry that if they have to pay a fair wage and raise their prices that they'll go out of business. But people are ALREADY paying that higher price when you add bill + tip. I despise the tipping culture here, and it's why I don't go out to eat. The restaurant industry needs to be kept to the same standards as every other industry.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Do you actually write out "I can't Math" on the tip line?






This really is a thing


Blackwing Lair Raider
I live in Scandinavia too (though not in Norway). I almost never get bad service, and I prefer paying more knowing that the waiter/waitress is actually earning a liveable salary than knowing they are essentially hoping for the goodwill of the guests. I went to the US for the first time in 2012 and it felt really fekking strange having constantly super cheery and over friendly restaurant staff check up on me every 5 minutes to make sure everything was tip top. What I look for in restaurant staff is the following:

1. Be professional, not super friendly. We're not BFFs!
2. Don't pester me constantly, if I need you I'll call for you.

The only time I've ever had bad service is at Subways, but you don't tip at those places in the US do you? God, I really feel for restaurant staff in the US, as you don't just have to do your job well, you have to fucking pander and fawn and have that soulless always happy smile on your face all day every day or else there goes your tip. Fuck me!
No, there's no tipping at Subway. And I guess maybe we just have different expectations, or maybe it's just worse here. Either way, the difference between a really bad server and a really good one can make a big difference in how enjoyable your dinner is, and with tipping, servers are basically paid for their performance. The bad ones will make shit and quit, and the good ones will get better. This is sort of unique for entry level jobs. I was a waiter in college, and believe me, it definitely beats the hell out of any other minimum wage paying gig out there unless you're a complete anti-social troll. You don't have to be crazy-bubbly-overthetop with it (I think the ones that do that are way overcompensating and are probably losing money in the process). So long as you're friendly, don't fuck orders up, and keep drinks topped off, you make pretty good money for what it is.
Every subway I've been in has a tipping jar, just like starbucks. And I will drop a dollar in there if the service is good just because so often the service is bad so I feel like if they do a good job I'll show them my appreciation.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You don't understand, waiters at applebees deserve middle class lifestyles too. Think of the children. Stop being racist. Etc..
I'd like to be able to continue to go to my favorite establishments and not be served by nasty ex-cons, so yeah I like giving them a livable middle class wage. Of course the kitchen is filled with other sorts, but I've worked restaurants and honestly sketchy kitchen workers aren't really spitting and ejaculating in your food, even if you're a dickhead. Your server is part of the atmosphere, you're paying for presentation in the building and the plate, you also pay for a certain quality of server.

I think many of you live in some midwestern/southern flyover shitholes and Applebee's really is about the extent of your dining experience, which is part of the problem. That and cheapassedness. Probably the cheap thing more than anything. People keep saying they'd just pay more as part of the menu price, but if that's just a different way of paying then why the fuck does it matter to you? It matters because you see it as a chance to NOT pay some amount of money since its not technically mandatory or theft, and by gosh it just burns some of you fuckheads up that its socially unacceptable to be your cheapskate self and stiff everyone.