Silver Hand - WoW Vanilla 1.12

  • Guest, do you have a hole in your podcast listening list? Our very own Seananigans will be broadcasting this Saturday 7/27 at 3:30pm Central

    Go into the FoH discord and find the Happy Time Fun Hour channel and give it a listen!


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
In general I fucking hate private servers. You never know when they are going to be shit down. I always assume the people running it have some ulterior motive sell gold or whatever other bullshit. Even so since Blizzard are such faggots about providing beta access here is a chance to check out a fresh server to feel out the game before the September release. Right now I am tempted to roll a new character on this server although I can guarantee the leveling experience will be a bit frustrating in just that everything will be beyond over camped. At least there won't be Naxx geared 60's camping lowbie areas day one since these P-servers seem to attract the most autistic of griefing fucks.

Dear adventurers,

With rumours swirling, we know many of you have been waiting patiently for an announcement regarding the project's plans for the final months leading to Classic.

It's time, so buckle up. On Saturday, 22nd June, 15:00 CET, Silver Hand will be welcoming brave adventures in search of one final ride. In a departure from the project's usual fare, beware that this is no standard realm.

Silver Hand will be launching as an accelerated PvP realm and it won't be for the faint of heart. What do we mean by accelerated? Here's the lowdown.

  • The realm will launch with patch 1.12
  • All content will be available from day one (AQ will still involve the sceptre chain but no war effort)
  • Experience and drop rates will remain at the usual 1x
  • Raid attunements will still be in place
We've aimed Silver Hand at those wishing to experience low level content on a new realm and those looking for a final challenge. How far can a dedicated guild progress in such a short window of opportunity? It's a race to the end, in more sense than one. Silver Hand will be shutting down at the same time as Northdale and Lightbringer, just prior to Classic's launch. A final date will be announced in the near future.

See you there June 22nd! The Light's Hope Team


Trakanon Raider
I am not sure if I can trust the WoW Vanilla clients you have to download via bittorrent. Shit can contain malware, who knows...


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I am not sure if I can trust the WoW Vanilla clients you have to download via bittorrent. Shit can contain malware, who knows...

You can get the 1.12 client from a lot of different places so I don't think that is much of an issue honestly.