

Golden Knight of the Realm
Here's a sweet cheat sheet for hotkeys:


...and I'm not playing this game until cheetah speed is back. Good luck everyone else!

Link to view a list of current server statuses


Goonsquad Officer
one thing i don't understand is, why are they having us sign in an authentication server. doesn't origin do that? can't they check who we are via origin?


Buzzfeed Editor
I got my refund from Amazon this morning of $44.99. Great game, was really engrossing.... for the few hours I was actually able to play - will definitely come back to it at some point in the future, but I play video games after work to relax - not make my life more stressful and last night after attempting to log-in for most of the night I just said fuck it, I'm out.
Yeah, I would get a refund except that...

Fuckin EA man. I haven't even played the game. I bought it on Monday or Tuesday and every single night I haven't been able to play. This will be the last time in the foreseeable future that I buy a game via download, that's for fucking sure.


You know things are really bad when Electronic Arts is actively suspending all of its marketing efforts on SimCity. The publisher has sent an email to its marketing affiliate partners asking them to "please stop actively promoting the game" until further notice. Specifically, EA's Origin says they have "deactivated all SimCity text links and creative," and they're asking affiliates to remove all promotional material from their websites.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
one thing i don't understand is, why are they having us sign in an authentication server. doesn't origin do that? can't they check who we are via origin?
No, no, you don't get it see. This is Electronic Arts. Your crazy notions of only having to sign in one time on their system to play their games is madness in their world.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I would get a refund except that...

Fuckin EA man. I haven't even played the game. I bought it on Monday or Tuesday and every single night I haven't been able to play. This will be the last time in the foreseeable future that I buy a game via download, that's for fucking sure.
I feel the same way. What's funny is I would normally never consider torrenting a game that I am genuinely interested in playing, but would torrent this tomorrow without hesitation - if for no other reason than their aboniminable customer service during this whole thing. It's a strange situation, as I can understand how frustrating/sad this is for the Maxis team - they made a good to great product, but were let down by the distributor. I remember the D3 launch vividly, and for me this is several times worse in the level of frustration and annoyance it has generated for me. Once things simmer down a bit I'll definitely hop back in here and find where everyone is playing, as its a fun game that I was only beginning to understand some of the mechanics.

Amazon is pretty great for refunding everyone's purchases as well.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
BTW why don't you fine folks post some screenshots of the RR cities and regions?


A Mod Real Quick
Their DRM piracy solution is working as intended.. no one is pirating the game. Of course, no one is buying it either.


A Mod Real Quick
We'll see how many refunds will be handed out though, that will count for some sort of negative buying


A Mod Real Quick
"What we saw was that players were having such a good time they didn't want to leave the game, which kept our servers packed and made it difficult for new players to join,"


Goonsquad Officer
what a retarded statement. >_<

anyway. So i'm trying to connect to NA E 1 and i'm not even getting a queue, it's just not working at all. are all the servers like this? or is NA E 1 a special kind of retarded?
Something i dont get , i have a 78k city....yet i need over 10k employees when only 8k are working to begin with. What the fuck am i not understanding here? I had my planning running so damn smooth , looking at the needs of the city on what needs to be fulfilled and building accordingly. But for some reason the numbers of jobs needing fulfilled sky rocketed and it just makes no sense. What the fuck are the rest of the 60k people doing , i dont have another city to where they are leaving to work over there , just the one city right now. I did lose connection to the servers , so maybe that fucked up the numbers?

EDIT , just tabbed back and now a whole section of residential are complaining for lack of work and are leaving.....sigh. Spent a shit load of time on this with the damn speed being limited as it is and now my city is fucked up. Wonder what compensation we will get for this garbage they put out so bug ridden.