

Use roads to control your population levels and resource drain. Better roads require more power/water, etc.

Helps control population growth.


I have a very successful "tourist" city. 1 casino, empire state building, 1 other business tourist building, airport, and pro stadium. The pro stadium almost sells out every time.

Also, plopping a Vu tower is like a high-tech cheat code. I had an industrial area that just refused to upgrade despite having every school. Plopped a Vu tower and 5 minutes later everything is high-tech.

I've been trying to theorycraft road structure to evenly distribute traffic. The first main issue is that, with only one exit (or direction of exit, for cities with highways through them), all traffic in and out of the city HAS to travel through a bottle neck. The second issue is that because it's usually the shortest distance, cars will disproportionately travel down the center or more center lane.

There's nothing to be done about the first. But I've been thinking about ways to alleviate the second. I tried an avenue city where there is a 4 way intersection at the start, which branches into another 4 way intersection at either side. The idea was that you split everyone out immediately so they distribute evenly. Give no cross streets so they can't move in toward the more-crowded center when leaving the city. It didn't really work. The bottleneck is huge.

(entrance at bottom)

The answer I think lies in a road structure that forces people toward the outside asap. Maybe at the start it should be a 3-way intersection (no center), in which the side branches go out far, then there is a 4-way intersection that brings roads back toward the middle. You could also make cross-streets go diagonally up as they go in toward the middle (also in pic), that way there is cross-street access, but any car leaving the city from the middle has an incentive to move outward, thus more evenly distributing the cars.Like this:

Really, no 1-way roads is really, really stupid. There would be so many clever things to do with 1-ways. The other problem with small cities is that anything without a grid is inherently inefficient land use. So something Tuco drew, even if it works really well, he's massively limiting potential city size. I think the road traffic problem is a cool one. It makes city design a challenge. But with the current car AI combined with tiny cities, it is just stupid.


So, I'm trying to find the answer to this, but I can't seem to find anything concrete.

About how long do resources like oil, coal, and ore actually last in a city? During my first city, I had two fully decked-out oil rigs going, but by the time they were maxxed out the estimate was they only had 2 months of oil left. In terms of gameplay time, how long is that?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Whats even more awesome is when 1 fire is going and your truck leaves , then another starts and it leaves only to be stuck behind the 1st one. There was a city i made just recently where i thought it would be a good idea to put my fire/clinic/police next to one another in the middle of the map near the highway per say. So traffic is backed up leaving the city and it was so backed up that it blocked that said road with the services and they were just sitting there sirens blazing and not a fuck was given by any commuter to let them in. Of course my city was fucked during that time frame , but was funny as fuck as it lasted almost 2 game hours.
I look at all the fires and think help your city grown in the end. New buildings pop up that make better use of your density. It sort of like how forest fires helps a forest renew and grow.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I want to get this but that pathing issues are enough to keep me away. I hope they fix them.
Sadly, I don't think they'll fix the pathing issues. It's a single core game and it would take too many resources for a proper fix to be put in place. If they could off-load the pathing AI to another core they could make a proper fix for it.

Here's a good thread about it on Simtropolis:

It was mind blowing for me to read this:
The fact that each agent technically finds a new job every day, and a new house for that matter...
How can you get even close to an accurate Sim if everybody has a new job and house everyday? Glassbox right now is a huge failure.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Dabamf, what you have to keep in mind is where these people go. If you look at the traffic go, you'll realize that half of them want to work in your industry, the other half want to go to your university. What I've found works well (granted, my cities are only 100k-150k population) is to bring the highway coming in to a four-way intersection, where the industry and university are on different sides of it. Obviously giving them a clear path to those objectives past that intersection will help too. Also if you have rail, building rail stations close to your university and industry will lower traffic coming from the regional highway as those people can now come in by train.

edit: added a graphic:



Golden Knight of the Realm
This game will be a ghost town in about a month, imho. Cities are way too small to keep people playing this game.
I'm pretty over it already. The no cheetah speed just killed it for me after pretty heavy sessions after it first came out.

Like Hatorade said, there just isn't a lot of depth anymore for spending time on a city. Plus, we've kinda already figured out TVs = win. What's left besides trying to work around the shitty traffic?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I know that feel bro. Even a regional airport didn't alleviate my shipping problems, although they may be only to ship freight and not a specific resource.

Also wish you could set an airport to not accept tourists and only have it ship cargo... and if you can do that, someone tell me how.
if you only make freight hangars at the airport does it not just ship freight? I know it has a default amount of passgengers, but I would think if you do more freight hangars and maybe a 2nd runway it will do majority freight. Just a theory, I havent tried it.

How does the trade port do for trading? I know you don't have to rely on road traffic and you can connect the train tracks to it, so it ships on boat and train.


Doer of Things
Oh and where the fuck did the Subways go? That was by far the best way to control traffic in previous SimCity games.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Game has a hell of a lot more broken with it than connections to the servers. The region play even on a stable server is completely spotty, syncing of cities takes way too long. Traffic Ai is non existent, Worker to pop ratio is broken, industrial to commercial connections are completely absent, pathing is horrendous. I could go on and on the fact many are of us are still playing is because the game gives glimmers of hope of what it could be and what fans want. Sadly with the more you look under the hood the more you find borked to the point of retardation. A game hasn't bothered me this much in quite some time because I so badly want it to work...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
if you only make freight hangars at the airport does it not just ship freight? I know it has a default amount of passgengers, but I would think if you do more freight hangars and maybe a 2nd runway it will do majority freight. Just a theory, I havent tried it.

How does the trade port do for trading? I know you don't have to rely on road traffic and you can connect the train tracks to it, so it ships on boat and train.
I don't think so unless I was having traffic problems. The number of tourists waiting for a flight just kept increasing and eventually I got "Your cargo terminals are full" or whatever.

Although now that I think about it, I don't think I deleted the default passenger terminal so that might have fixed it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Game has a hell of a lot more broken with it than connections to the servers. The region play even on a stable server is completely spotty, syncing of cities takes way too long. Traffic Ai is non existent, Worker to pop ratio is broken, industrial to commercial connections are completely absent, pathing is horrendous. I could go on and on the fact many are of us are still playing is because the game gives glimmers of hope of what it could be and what fans want. Sadly with the more you look under the hood the more you find borked to the point of retardation. A game hasn't bothered me this much in quite some time because I so badly want it to work...
Yeah, after reading the Simtropolis thread about pathing and traffic being broken, I'm with you and Tuco... buyer beware for sure and I doubt I could recommend it as a buy anytime soon.