

I doubt anyone would be interested, but I'm willing to trade my Origin with this, and Sim City 4 on it for like a wow time card or something. PM me etc...


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
carrier has arrived


Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I keep seeing this thread with new posts and come hoping it's news that the game is fixed
I, on the other hand, keep coming for the opposite reason - to laugh at how ridiculously broken this game continues to be and to watch EA play out the role of



Registered Hutt
I guess this is on test. A lot of my gripes are in the list. When they patch this to live I'll probably go play. The city service vehicles, recycling plant, and tourism specialty issues were pretty high on my shit list. I don't know if they've resolved the disconnect between industrial and commercial over freight though. That element just seems to be missing from the game.

Currently In Development

We have an update for you, Mayors. We're currently working on a number of fixes/improvements in our Development Test environment, the majority of which will be added to our next updates.

Once we're ready to release these fixes, we'll update this thread with more details.

In the meantime, we're also working on improvements on our Public Test Server. You can see these changes right now, so we encourage you to try them out on the Test server. Here's what's on it right now:

Updates currently on our Public Test Server:

. Join Region Filter: Results will only show regions with available slots.
. Leaderboards: Leaderboards restored.

Updates currently in our Development Test environment:

What's New

. Mayors Mansion: Mayor will now drive his fancy cars to work. Mayor will take his helicopter, limo, or sports car if the modules are present.
. Data maps: Now show in their normal color when a color filter is enabled (unless in a colorblind mode)
. HUD: Now color-corrects when in a colorblind mode.

Fixes and Updates
. Cities not Processing/rollbacks: Fix to mitigate the chance of future occurrences of cities not processing and rollbacks.
. Leaderboards: Restoring leaderboards to all servers.
. Invitations: Invitations to join a region should be sent and received more quickly.
. Region Filters: Now sorts regions with available cities to the top
. Tourism: Fixes for unexplained fluctuation of tourists. Tourists more smartly counted on transit.
. Casinos: Casinos tuned so that Gambling will be a more profitable specialty. Players can bulldoze and replace existing casinos to see effects of tuning.
. More Casinos: Raised module limit on Sci-Fi and Sleek Casinos to 6 modules.
. Region Play: Cash gifts can now be received in a bankrupt city.
. Education: Fixed school buses getting stuck at the high school. Existing Schools will fix themselves.
. Education: Fixed school buses picking up students at neighboring cities that didn't have school bus stops.
. Education: Fix to more accurately track regional student population.
. Education: Fix where kids leaving the school bus stop would teleport to the nearest pedestrian path instead of walking directly into the school.
. Education: University wings now give the proper bonus.
. Recycling: Fix for the Recycling Center where it would sometimes stop working, recycling services will visit other cities.
. Air pollution: Fixed issue where air pollution would appear to come from nowhere. Fix issues where your regional air pollution would be reflected back into your box for a double penalty.
. Fire Service: Fire Trucks don't clump, dispatch to fires more efficiently.
. Water: Water pumps are now capable of pumping water from rivers at a larger radius so they can take better advantage of the water table in a city.
. Disasters: Cooldown for random disasters: Some players were getting hit too frequently with random disasters, this introduces a cooldown where no random disasters will occur.
. Trade: Fix for trade ports that suddenly stop shipping.
. Transit: Street Cars and Buses go to high volume stops first.
. Transit: A city with residents and public transit will now provide the accurate amount of workers and shoppers to its neighbors.
. Transit: A transit vehicle stuck in a pick-up or drop off loop will now go back to a garage instead of trying to pick up more people.
. Transit: Neighbors buses will now come in lower numbers into the city and do a better job at picking up local passengers first.
. Tuning: Residential-only cities have failure state.
. Budgets: Fixed bug with monthly transactions being used to get around systems pushing back.


Tranny Chaser
Played last night after the 2.0 patch...

Better but still broken beyond belief.

Streetcars and Buses now prioritize people who have been waiting the longest, but this means that they all rush across the entire city towards each 'most congested' stop like 3 year olds chasing a soccer ball and still get stuck behind garbage trucks. Still requires a ludicrous number of buses to keep the overall weight for a bus under half an hour in a big city.

Hospitals are still not used properly. It seems the only way people can get to a hospital is if an ambulance goes and gets them, if you have sick people wandering around the city they will just wander around until an ambulance comes to pick them up and drag them over to the hospital even if they are less than a block away.

If you don't have enough jobs then you will enter a cycle of continually increasing population and homelessness while still building new buildings that immediately go vacant due to not enough money. At one point I think I had 15000 homeless people and yet more people were moving in everytime I knocked a building down. There didn't seem to be a good way to get the homeless of the street.