

Molten Core Raider
Joy; just made it into the Gold division. Joined half way through the season and its my first MOBA ranked season ever so I'm happy. Now I can play a little Diablo 3 finally ! Does anyone know if they restart everyone completely fresh during season 2? Or do you stay in your divisions.


Molten Core Raider
Starting to actually watch games and matches during weekends while playing etc (never got into the e-sport scene at all in the past). Definitely a good balance of being involved and caring about your hobby without the pure level of addiction/time requirement with MMO's. Still really enjoying this game both on the casual level and ranked level.

Cursed client makes 90% of the game better; I'd say 1 of 10 games shit gets toxic on voice chat but usually 3-5 people always on cursed in ranked and most people are actually mature. Could be better but all and all pretty solid experience.

They do need to refine the match making and elo system but its passable. This idea of fucking Bronze 5 ranked players getting in games with mid tier gold and higher players routinely is just retarded. I understand there might be some limitations due to the population numbers playing ranked but personally I rather see them go away from set intervals for queues at least on ranked and keep division or grouped divisions in queue until proper numbers are in queue. Its a team a game and people can only carry so much; having people who don't understand the very basics of conquest playing with people who have a strong grasp creates a potential very toxic and frustrating games.

Not a huge issue but definitely something that I think they could provide a better solution for. FUCK them in the ear for the He Bo nerfs; not that they are drastic but considering the wide range of gods that fall in the "strong" tier I really don't think they are warranted. He has to be up close and personal to do damage, his ult requires typically diving into a team fight (not out) so he has a fairly high death rate and no clear cut escape. He is a aggressive glass cannon which if you follow higher ranked games or league play he really is all over the place as far as performance. He doesn't get a significant amount of play and when he does it has some very mixed individual results.

I say this as a player with around 200 wins, 3500 kills and 4100 assists give or take on him. I play him religiously mid and its really feast or famine and you have to balance playing aggressive enough to take advantage of his kit (more so then most mages) which can EASILY lead to deaths, more so then most mages (anubis is the only god in a similar roll as far as I am concerned, "maybe" anubis but he has a better form of CC). Sure I'm biased and all those people who have got smoked by him will make excused but for fuck sakes we have hunters who auto attack and 2 crit shot people that don't have significant protections. Nerf isn't huge by any means but its still sad to see. Also they need to give Zeus a minor buff; out side of arena stomping with a hades or ares combo, he completely has fallen off the map. He is one of my 2 favorite gods but I've seen him once in a ranked game for the last 150 games.

I still highly recommend the game to anyone who reads this and think it blows LOL out of the water outside of the population differences. Hi-Rez and the community have a very active social imitative with league games 4 days a week, challenger (amateur) series as well. They have weekly updates and streamers all on the standard smite twitch channel etc. Its not "the big time" but its more then enough to feel like you are part of an actual sub culture etc. This new odyssey thing is a good idea to generate cash to generate money for tournament play as well. This is about the only gaming activity I spend money on or have time for so I bought $100 in gems just to support to be honest.
small reminder that you get gems for each first win of the day (except ranked) till September 30th:



Im still playing this fairly often myself. Hit lvl 30 currently have 45 gods mastered but im still too nervous to try ranked lol. Normal games get toxic as fuck sometimes. I can't even imagine how it is in ranked..


Molten Core Raider
Ranked aren't horrible. I am in gold III now and maybe 1 of 5 games you get some complete toxic shit from 1-2 players. They do need stiffer penalty for people who leave games or queues in ranked, so annoying and waiting 8 minutes sucks especially when it happens a few times in a row.

Its still the only game I really play outside of D3 on ps4 for shits and giggles. I have 45 or so gods mastered as well but I usually just go pick 2-3 a week that I do all arena games with to learn the god. I still play He Bo/Isis in about 90% of my ranked games, sometimes Kuku.

Did just have an awesome 26 kill match in the arena with He Bo. Oh god the salty tears that came out....


Molten Core Raider
Actually I'd recommend getting into ranked, its a lot more fun then casual because a higher % take it serious. I'm not exactly a steller MOBA player but still caught onto ranked about 20 games (I had never played conquest other then like 5 games haha). After that it was a steady process.


What they need to do (and should have done a long time ago) is implement something to dissuade people from being toxic. As a pretty even keeled person I've come to find shit can snowball extremely quickly. I generally play support or ADC. There is nothing worse then getting teamed with a bad laning partner. I generally don't say anything if they are bad. It's just a game and not everyone is going to be great. What's frustrating is when they start bad mouthing you for being bad and the team sees them talking and you not and the whole team starts bad mouthing you. When you get out of a match and people start saying stuff like "Reporting you for being bad" it's an issue. The worst part about that, is they learn it from "The Pro's" on Smite's pro stream. People like Diem do that kind of shit all the time. Smite apparently supports this behavior.


Golden Squire
All MOBAs are like that. DOTA, LoL, HoN... Honestly, you just need to report harassment after the game, and mute them in game. League of Legend pros were like that as well, until the sport got big and they made them sign contracts that prohibited them from playing if they were toxic. You can't even play in the pros if you have a toxic history now.


Which is kind of my point. The game is new enough that they should be controlling what is on their channels that they personally broadcast. If they know the people they are paying to play it are being toxic what are they going to do about random players? Nothing. I mostly play arena now when I log in because Conquest is a 30% shot of being frustrating and not worth the time. At least in Arena if the team sucks it's finished in 15 minutes.
found some interesting stuff about Smites match making system:

Matchmaking and Ranking Algorithms for Smite

Goal The goal of the matchmaking algorithms for Smite is to produce matches with sides evenly matched by both Elo skill and also by player level (1..30).

Elo / Skill ranking Internally, the system keeps different Elo skill numbers for casual queues Conquest, Arena, Joust, ARAM, and MOD. There are also separate Elos for each different competitive (ranked) queue. Only ranked queues display the skill value.

The Elo skill ranking is based on the TrueSkill / Elo algorithms from Microsoft Research ( For the Smite game, we have made the following modifications:

We only keep a skill on the player (not by god) since matchmaking does not know ahead of time what god will be selected.

Players at level 10 or below have their ?official? Elo reduced for matchmaking in proportion to their newness to the game.

If after a match is finished, the system analyzes the players KDA, gold, and in game level reached (1..20). If a players metrics are extremely different than the rest of the team (good or bad), then his Elo is changed accordingly. This allows adjustment up for a player who carries a team, or down for one who provides no contribution.

If a player drops out or does not pick a god in the lobby, Elo is calculated as if that player caused the loss. If players on both sides drop out, both of them get Elo loss.

Matchmaking Smite queues are timer based. The following algorithm describes a 5 v 5 match (10 total players), but similar logic applies to 3v3 and 1v1:

The timer goes off and invitations are issued.

The system makes a pool of eligible players based on accepted invitations. If players must be not included due to match sizes, the system will drop the last players to join. For example, if 214 people are ready for Conquest, then 4 will not get matches and the system will try to make it the 4 people who queued at the last second.

Party requests are enforced.

The Elo and level for party members is averaged into one number for matchmaking. We have no restrictions, so an extremely good player can party with a very bad one. This happens frequently.

New players (level 1 to 6) are processed separately wherever possible to form noob only matches.

After noobs are done, if there are enough people in the queue the group is split into 2 or 3 sub-groups by player level. A typical split would have levels 7..19 in one group and 20..30 in another group.

For each sub-group, the players are sorted by Elo.

The system then deals with parties by always trying to match like parties against each other. This also minimizes the number of solos who have to play in a match with parties.

It then prioritizes the following party configurations:

3 and 2 vs 3 and 2

2, 2, and 1 vs 2, 2, and 1

2, 1, 1, 1 vs 2, 1, 1

All solos

At the present time more than half of matches have at least one party. Our data shows that mismatched party members is the number one cause of a steamroll or frustrating match.

To fill in slots for a match, the system descends the Elo ranking, taking the highest ranked members available to make a full set of 10 players.

Once the full match set of 10 is picked, the system exhaustively searches all possible combinations of who is on which side to find the combination where the sums of the Elos on each side match the closest. This match is then kicked off.

There are some other subtleties and edge cases that happen, but are too complex to cover in an overview.

The two biggest issues for a bad match are the following:

A party that has a very good and very bad player grouped together, this happens a lot when players invite their friends to play Smite

A player picks a god they have played infrequently (or are bad with)

These two issues are difficult to solve for casual matches since we want to allow friend to play together and since we allow you to pick any god you want to play

EDIT: I noticed several posts about the size of the user base and how that would improve match quality. This would be true for some game modes like ranked conquest which currently has a small player base, but normal conquest has more then enough players at this point for good matchmaking.

In addition we are going to try some more methods to improve the matchmaking, but every method requires placing some restrictions on players (for example, only allowing players to play certain Gods or going into a party with a friend of similar skill level, etc)


Molten Core Raider
Been close with 28 a few times but finally cracked the 30 mark for kills in a game! And I can honestly say they weren't due to any ones else stellar setups this time.


Molten Core Raider
Just a heads up; an old MMO pal of mine decided to give Smite a try tonight so I rolled a smurf account to play with him (so we don't get harder competition when I queue with my main). He is enjoying it so we will be leveling up during the nights abit and weekends. If anyone is looking to give Smite a try I'll gladly give you the lay of the land and explain all the meta's/items/gods etc. The game has integrated voice which makes things really easy.

I'm out of town until Thursday night but then should be on most nights. Just PM me your ingame name and we can get some games in. Everyone sucks so bad at low levels so plenty of time to learn !!! Is so much more fun then LOL with the actual movements and there is a lot of depth in skills etc. Still the only game I'm spending any time playing.

Turbofangz & TurboJ ingame


Man, this game has me addicted, loving and hating it at the same time. I typically try to play all modes, except conquest since it takes so long, for the first win of the day bonus and usually stick to arena or siege there on out. I also play in small chunks, whenever i get time. So monday i was able to get seige, 3v3 joust and arena wins and felt like it was a good session. Later in the night, I decided to get my assault win. After 4 losses in a row it became a mission to win. The skill gap between my teams and the enemy was laughable. It was like, how can people be this bad at this level? Granted, I'm not a pro. In fact, I'm pretty terrible if I'm not playing Guardian most of the time, but this day I felt like a god among men and even carrying the team, we couldn't get a win. At one point, as Fenrir, I had over half the kills of the team (14 or so kills) and we hadn't killed a single tower and they were pushing our Titan. I finally won after my 7th game. I was so discouraged and frustrated. Yesterday, I won every match (arena, seige, motd, assault) first go. So I called it a day and renewed my confidence.

The new mage looks interesting. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play her today.


Fenrir can get some really easy Ult kills even on bad teams so it's not surprising when you are on a bad team that you are topping kills even with an assassin. Now if you were playing Bastet, Serqet or Nemesis and grabbing top KB's in Assault that's impressive. Some times when you are on bad teams you just have to sit back, grab a kill every once in a while and wait for the time to tick down before you can quit out


Speaking of Serqet, I had a super fun arena a couple of days ago as her. In the lobby, Thanatos and Loki pick and insta-lock, so I decided to play Hel since she wasn't mastery 1 yet, but didn't lock in. The next person picks Bastet and locks. Oh brother...he we go. So i say screw it and pick Serqet and lock it in. The last guy picks Cabrakan. After us trying to get him to pick an assassin just for shits, he changes and at the last minute changes back to Cabrakan. I didn't think we'd do so well, but our team was actually pretty good and we won. I went 8-8 or something crappy just by being over-aggressive, as i usually am in arena, but I set up so many kills with her 2 and had so many of my kills sniped, but it was all good. It was crazy but a blast. I love playing non-standard comps when players are competent.