So about that no such thing as voter fraud?


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Oh, I don't mean it in such a strict interpretation as maybe it could seem. I'm very well aware that the idea of "one nation, one language" can inhibit as easily as it promotes. I understand it comes off sort of rednecky. I don't have a problem with mexicans coming here and only ever learning broken english, as long as their children learn fluency. I don't have a problem with putting up street signs in two languages, or basic utilitarian instructions with multiple translations, so that people don't get fucking lost or just stand around confused for no reason. As long as english is the primary. And I'll admit to blatant self-interest and provincialism on the topic. Fuck it, Hillbillies got rights too.

And this topic is dead without further input anyway. We might as well talk about language.
Yeah, you're far to reasonable. I can't fight with you like I can with most people who take that stance. Stop being sensitive and thoughtful, you fucking fuck.

But it is remarkable. I've lived in many parts of the world, and I've never lived somewhere that celebrates the lack of language knowledge so much. I have pretty much lost my accent enough at this point that I don't get hassled, but when first I moved to the US I was actually refused service at a few places because I was a "damned foreigner" who clearly hadn't taken enough time to learn American. Perhaps this has made me overly sensitive to this issue.

If your "proof" of your statement is a 1 minute clip from a 40 year old show, you're gonna get cheap shots in response.

And I guess the never mind passive aggressiveness came from after you checked his wikipedia, realizing he is actually not as stupid as you thought.
I guess I didn't realise I had something to prove, and thought I was entitled to an opinion. I've encountered him in person. He wasn't bright.

I suppose me saying never mind has nothing to do with me not wanting to engage you on a pointless issue that has no bearing on anything whatsoever. Good luck with life. You clearly take things seriously.


Ssraeszha Raider
If a business wants to do everything in Tagalog then that should be their choice. They're severely limiting their potential customer base, but if they're ok with that then what's the problem? Speak whatever language you want, just don't complain if it makes your life more difficult


Musty Nester
Yeah, that's the "unofficial" part of "unofficial official".

If some guys want to run a business in whatever language, well more power to them. But if they can't speak the common trade language they're gonna run into some real serious problems real fast, no matter what segment they're serving. If you have to create that law then you've already lost the common understanding that the law is aimed at enforcing... so that's kinda pointless. It would be much better to not lose that understanding in the first place.

It's a delicate thing. When they start trying to teach ebonics in school districts instead of english... it's pushing the line of tolerance and functional usefulness, no matter how good theintentionsare. At least you teach them something, yeah. But it's the wrong thing and I'm not sure that's better than failing to teach them the right thing. In fact I'm pretty sure it's worse.


Ssraeszha Raider
I don't think the ebonics thing went very far, it was just played up by the media being the media. Going the Canada route and requiring everything being in multiple languages or pay a fine is just stupid. This is one of those things the market should dictate