Soccer 2012-2013 3.0


Judging by the reputation system someone didn't agree with my previous Wenger musing, unless it was a ManUtd fan upset about the RedFace stuff

I honestly think he is on the verge of having enough, the backstage political crap can't be helping at all and there must be some reason the alleged treasure chests full of cash aren't being spent on world class names. It's possibly the catch 22 situation, the bigger names see players leaving instead of joining so they don't want to join at the tail end of their run in the sun. Top class squad additions aren't joining so the players are getting itchy feet. Rinse/repeat. Then again the Wenger of old might have been able to convince them to join anyway.

I love the chap and his Invincibles team will never be forgotten but I just personally believe his story is almost over and I'd rather he went out with some dignity than for things to get even worse. I had to watch my boyhood hero Mr Clough stumble drunkenly out of the game almost taking Forest with him.

Now if Mourinho wants a real challenge he should go to Highbury instead of OT where success is guaranteed. Okay, maybe not.

I will say I'm glad to see the level of discussion has been pretty decent so far, the civility has been far higher than the end of the previous thread and there's been a nice spread of teams getting talked about. Long may it continue!

I'm a Gunner through and through. I just, can't really stand our squad right now. I like Wegner, it's not really him. The club, iirc, is noting in saying they're saving for the future and trying to build their youth squad. That's... alright I guess. And, on topic of the Invincibles... my god, could one have a more favorite team? Every player on that roster was epic and legendary. I first started watching the EPL in like 02 or 03, and my first game was an Arsenal match. I was hooked. The fluidity with which they all played was so perfect. But, now, we just blow. We can't score and we don't attack enough and we do that characteristic Arsenal triangle crap which, looks pretty, but is mind-blowingly boring. I want to see some blokes scrap and play hard like that Man City / Man U game.


Molten Core Raider
Gooner fans outnumbering the Pool fans on this board.

Tis a sad day to be a Spurs fan



Tranny Chaser
Pretty sure I said everything that's being said about Arsenal this time last year. Fact is they qualified for CL last season for two simple reasons:

a) Robin van Persie
b) Spurs collapse (triggered by Redknapp being linked with England job and the exhaustion of players due to Redknapps failure to rotate enough)

They have money in the bank, these cash reserves will be bolstered further by some advance payments from the new Emirates deal, therefore Wenger has to splash the cash in January to salvage their season.

Is the money available to him? Gazidis said it is.
Why hasn't he spent it yet / Will he spend it? We know Wenger is very very stubborn, often to the detriment of the team, best example = persisting with Almunia and not buying a truly World class keeper has undoubtedly cost them a trophy or two in the last 7 years. Is Wenger determined to persist with his moderate spending model as some moral crusade to show that you don't have to spend like City/Chelsea to win? Possibly


Footy Manager 13 is out tonight on IOS (definitely as it's already on the NZ appstore) and apparently Android as well.


Molten Core Raider
Yes, the lone voice, but I think there were a couple more secretive ones.
Yeah, me. I don't post in here much because I go from a 10-100 on my angry scale in 0 flat when I'm talking Soccer, Football, or baseball.

Huge Red Devils fan. My brother and I have supported them since we were children. (And I'm a yank)


<Gold Donor>
Judging by the reputation system someone didn't agree with my previous Wenger musing, unless it was a ManUtd fan upset about the RedFace stuff

I honestly think he is on the verge of having enough, the backstage political crap can't be helping at all and there must be some reason the alleged treasure chests full of cash aren't being spent on world class names. It's possibly the catch 22 situation, the bigger names see players leaving instead of joining so they don't want to join at the tail end of their run in the sun. Top class squad additions aren't joining so the players are getting itchy feet. Rinse/repeat. Then again the Wenger of old might have been able to convince them to join anyway.

I love the chap and his Invincibles team will never be forgotten but I just personally believe his story is almost over and I'd rather he went out with some dignity than for things to get even worse. I had to watch my boyhood hero Mr Clough stumble drunkenly out of the game almost taking Forest with him.

Now if Mourinho wants a real challenge he should go to Highbury instead of OT where success is guaranteed. Okay, maybe not.

I will say I'm glad to see the level of discussion has been pretty decent so far, the civility has been far higher than the end of the previous thread and there's been a nice spread of teams getting talked about. Long may it continue!
Arsenal really misses Dein tbh. Its not Wengers time to go imo (but if it is, so be it) - some things need changing, but I can't think of too many managers who could do more with the team we have year in year out. Red face, Mourinho, Pep?



Arsenal really misses Dein tbh. Its not Wengers time to go imo (but if it is, so be it) - some things need changing, but I can't think of too many managers who could do more with the team we have year in year out. Red face, Mourinho, Pep?
Yeah the Wenger/Dein team was pretty damn good. I don't want to see Arsene go at all but the gradual downhill slope they have been on seems to be getting worse and it's possibly going to take a miracle like last years Chelsea CL win to fix it. Still, let's see what happens in January*

Someone posted a screenshot on another forum I frequent yesterday of their ChampMan2013 Premiership winners list in the game by the year 2030. The league title went to either ManUtd or City every single year. Hope that's not some Nostradamus level shit going on >.<

*Is aware that's been said for 3-4 years in a row now.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Fucking shocking defending from LFC combined with Pep being flat footed, can't believe that score line and I'm sure the players are in shock with the way they've played.


<Gold Donor>
Hard to make fun of Lpool with the state Arsenal is in - but this is some shocking stuff. Villa is playing much better recently though.

Looks like Manc is starting to pull away as well. Will be interesting to see if City can keep up the next 6 weeks.


Molten Core Raider
Really shouldn't be losing 0-3 to Aston Villa at home

Rodgers was talking about aiming for a top 2 finish this season too

Manchester clubs are pulling away it seems now. Busy Christmas period coming up though so anything can happen

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I don't think anybody would have expected this and you can't say that Villa played that well other than sitting in their box, really just some shocking defending. Fucking embarrassing.


Tranny Chaser
Was at the game today, LFC just weren't incisive enough in final third, too many passes in and around the Villa box without ever looking threatening.