South Park


Molten Core Raider
Season like this wouldn't be complete without a two-parter at some point.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Episode was great. Looking forward to the next part. Loved the return of MJ to the show.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The best jab at the late MJ was still "you seem kind of transparent"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's been said so many times, but the continuity this season has probably been the best addition they have made in a long time. Just the little one liner throwbacks make chuckleworthy jokes. I really hope they keep this format for the forseeable future.

As for this episode's topic, I feel just like the boys. WTF? People are making money by just making commentary videos for games? Kids these days are fucking stupid.

/grandpamode off


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I have to admit I am also in the camp of WTF. I don't get the youtube stars like Pewdiepie, or 99.9% of twitch streamers and shit. Then again that's also why I find episodes like this amusing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Although I don't watch these things I understand the appeal. Especially since they seem to revolve heavily around the AAA titles which have largely removed any innovative or interesting gameplay in exchange for a more cinematic experience. The gameplay has become almost filler for "What happens next?" It is just taking one form of entertainment (video games) and taking another form of entertainment (commentary) and meshing to two together. I can understand the appeal even if it does not interest me.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I can enjoy watching someone play something, and maybe comment on it. But 99% of these successful streamers/youtubers have such terrible personalities, that's what I can't get my head around. Holy fuck are they annoying. If an internet shotgun existed, I'd buy one and shotgun me some youtubers.

Ultimately, most of the profitability of these ventures is due to advertising, and frankly I don't think this system (advertising) we've got set up is entirely healthy for society as a whole. Well, that, and if you're a hot chick, you get idiots throwing cash at you.


Golden Knight of the Realm
There are streamers that are interesting for a few different reasons I'd say. I used to stream WoW arena back in early WotLK, as one of the first users of xfire. I also happened to play a holy paladin (OP at the time) and was the highest rated in my battlegroup across all 3 brackets. The chat was essentially the same as today's twitch chat, although people were less sympathetic with me as the streamer and more in the "Lololol look at this noob and all his mistakes"-camp. At any rate, xfire capped viewers at 500 so I never could see how far down the rabbit hole I could go.

Rant off, my point here is that even though I had no voice commentary or anything, people enjoyed watching high level gameplay of their favourite game. It's the same with people like Hi im gosu who has a large fanbase who has yet to use a microphone or cam. At the same time, streamers like Trick2g are decent at the game yet get viewership completely from personality and the way he plays.

And mixtures between both of them are probably the most successful, when you have ultra popular streamers like Bjergsen who will comment on what he's doing and 'react' to the game he's playing in general, you have a recipe for $$$

I'd say, either have an interesting persona, or be good at whatever game you're playing (that is also a popular title - sorry for all you heroes 3 fans) and you'll be able to rake in some dough


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Its a different game now. Unless you are a tip-top level professional gamer who streams erratically you won't pull many viewers just streaming without voice and webcam. That used to fly when streaming was still fairly new but now people are more willing to watch inferior play if the streamer interacts.

I also don't think anyone is raking in YouTube dollars being a high level gamer. The YouTube millionaires are people who are objectively bad to mediocre at the games they're playing but they are an entertainment stream.


Millie's Staff Member
i watch "Lets Plays", but they are usually for games i have already played, i either watch to see if they know where all the extras and bonus stuff is or if maybe they know where stuff is i dont know about. one youtuber named Super Bits and Bob, did a whole bunch of p99 videos as a troll shaman and they were interesting, when i watched all his eq videos, i looked at what other games he plays, one was called Vampire-The Masquerade. i own that game, but i never played it, its been sitting on my shelf for several years gathering dust. i watched this guy playing and it got me interested in it, i installed the game, and started playing. the game has many possibilities and endings based on what choices you make in characters and later on if you dont do finish up certain quests. this youtuber was so slow in making his vampire videos i ended up passing him and i finished the game. then played it again as a different character and finished it again while this guy as of today is still not even half finished with the game and is playing it terribly.

TLDR Lets Plays are important to gauge what games are out there and your own skill level. these pewdepie faggots who say dumb shit while showing their faces in a small window i dont bother with. i want just the game and a normal commentary.


FPS noob
lets plays and twitch is going to kill off AAA gaming as it stands right now. the people buying the yearly franchises are in their late 20s, 30s, or older and they are going to age out of buying that much. The younger people aren't buying as much. I don't think its necessarily a bad thing, its a bit insane how huge the teams for Assassins Creed, Destiny, etc have gotten - spending $100m on a AAA game means you need to sell at least 4m copies to just break even.

It will be interesting to see what happens though. I don't think its necessarily bad, but my favorite genre of games is the deep immersive story stuff like Mass Effect, AC, TLOU, Uncharted, etc and I'm not sure how a lot of that stuff survives. They have been trying to integrate multiplayer into every game the last few years and I think thats just forcing unwanted crap down.

The funniest thing is that for years publishers were worried about piracy, but its not piracy thats going to diminish their userbase, its literally people not even wanting to play their game but watch someone else for free.