South Park


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know if it is going to kill off AAA because kids don't buy them. There is a good chance theywantto consume the games but simply lack the funds. They'd prefer to see and experience the game with someone else controlling it than pop down all their monthly allowance money on purchasing it proper. So my argument would be when they have less free time to watch people play the games and more disposable income to buy the games they'll switch paradigms. I'm sure if these Lets Play really cut into the sales (I'd imagine they bolster sales actually) there would be massive litigation by the game giants to get them shut down. Not to mention the game companies freely give the games away to the popular Lets Play people pre-release and everything. So I think it would mostly be viewed as win/win for both parties.


Trakanon Raider
I think it comes down to how you value your time and entertainment is moving towards spending it exactly as you want to. You can watch a minute, 5, 10 or an hour and feel like you haven't missed anything, because nothing ever happens. Right now, you have a generation of kids who grew up with a browser open in the background, so "entertainment" is just a click away. Launching a game is comparatively a lot of work, even more in any kind of competitive multiplayer when people want to be able top hop in or out at moment's notice and you can keep watching across devices, which doesn't really work with games, Hearthstone and minecraft are the closest, but still very limited.

Episode was sweet.


Millie's Staff Member
i think it comes down to something very simple, a lot of these games are boring as fuck to play because they are usually sequels or very similar to something you already played and when you play them yourself you have to grind a lot of the time, alone. its ten times better not having to do all that shit and with some whacky asshole blathering on an on spouting catchphrases at different moments it makes you feel like you got a buddy there with you. maybe the real issue is childhood depression. a lot of young kids are cooped up alone in the house when jerkwads like us grew up playing outside with our friends and we had real buddies.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
interesting read from the creator of no man's sky in how kid gamers who grew up on minecraft are different than us older gamers
No Man's Sky ??" and why the Minecraft generation will reject Call of Duty | Technology | The Guardian
Interesting read from a guy who might actually publish a game that will probably suck.

I do agree that glorified rail shooters like COD single player are on their last leg, but the future probably looks more like GTA/RDR/Skyrim and less like Minecraft or Red/Green/Blue Man's Sky.


Molten Core Raider
There were some good parts but I think it was just ok. The Twitter/streamer bullshit was overdone (yes I understand that this was the point). I guess I'm just a grandpa.


Millie's Staff Member
i think the shotgun routine with hologram kurt cobain was possibly a little too fucked up for south park, but i thought the twitter comments were pretty funny, if a little distracting. if anyone goes back and watches this again check out some of the twitter handles on those, there are quite a few easter eggs. the pewdeepie cameo at the end was terrible though.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
i think the shotgun routine with hologram kurt cobain was possibly a little too fucked up for south park, but i thought the twitter comments were pretty funny, if a little distracting. if anyone goes back and watches this again check out some of the twitter handles on those, there are quite a few easter eggs. the pewdeepie cameo at the end was terrible though.
It wasn't that fucked up, I actually thought they might have him swallow the shotgun and pull the trigger, now that would have been fucked up.


Silver Baron of the Realm
There was way too much of an emphasis on cartman this episode and he was never funny in that role. Then they wasted the ending on pewdiepie who also wasn't entertaining in the least... it's like they brought him on in the end just to kiss his ass or something.

They should have at the least had a 3 second exit scene with a pissed off Mr. Hanky glaring at pew and telling him to fuck off.


FPS noob
i thought it was a nice fuck you to television to basically say that people like pewdie are the future of entertainment/celebrity, not the current system. i don't like it at all and don't think its really true (kardasians), but i thought it was interesting


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Industry wants a monopoly, embraces bullshit like Cartman, older generations knows it's bad but don't know quite how to stop it (Stan), younger generation are already abandoning the old industry for people as retarded as pewdie which confuses Stan but it's still better than industry's total domination.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
All I know is I almost died laughing when Cosby offered Taylor Swift a glass of champagne and she declines and scoots away.


Molten Core Raider
All I know is I almost died laughing when Cosby offered Taylor Swift a glass of champagne and she declines and scoots away.
Yeah, that was good and it could have been gold. They had more than enough fucked up scenarios going on that they didn't need the social media shit. That's what makes it feel like a lost opportunity to me, I guess. /grandpa


Potato del Grande
Last two episodes just weren't funny... at all. This is after some of the best they have ever made.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
For some reason. I lost my shit when Kyle's mom nonchalantly tells him that Bill Cosby is here to see him. Reaction was priceless.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Very meh, after a fantastic season. Just wasn't enough there for a two parter. It felt like a side story stretched out to the main story of two full episodes.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I never even heard of PewDiePie until I saw this episode. Went to look him up and was just blown away by how massive his audience is on Youtube. I cant believe people find that shit entertaining.
