

Trakanon Raider
This season is amazing so far. The character (and actor) of Spartacus is really coming into his own and is a massive improvement over how he was acted and portrayed last season.
Yeah, the new guy really stepped up this episode. Actually, pretty much everything did - the large scale movements are pretty epic, assuming it was all CGI they are up there with the best of TV effects.


Buzzfeed Editor
I like how they are making things a little more gray. Some of the slaves are being assholes (Killing kids) and some of the Romans are decent people. I'm glad they aren't being cliche with the slaves being super-joe-good guy freedom fighters, and Crassus being snotty rich guy that only wins because he has money.

The way they are doing Caesar is clever, too. There is really no history about him in Rome during this time, we just know he was Military Tribune. The whole giving the sword to the son and making the son the "symbolic" commander of the army, would explain why no one credited Caesar with whipping Spartacus' ass. Not that they're trying to be historically accurate at all.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This episode basically made Crassus the new protagonist of the show for me. I'm now rooting for the Romans.
And I feel like they are doing this to get us ready for the spin off, while trying to make us feel good about the deaths of Spartacus, Crixus and Gannicus. I'd rather see the villain of the show as the villain, and not as a hero. What's not to like about Crassus? He lives as honorably as the heroes do, trains as they do, and thinks like they do. Hell, he even loves a slave over his wife and treated the Gladiator who trained him (but was a slave), as a brother.

It feels like we are being manipulated. It's like the writers are just going to use this to springboard into that other show about Caesar.

Who am I kidding? I'll watch it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I laughed at the end

"I will carry this sorrow with me.....NOW THROW HER IN CHAINS!".

Solid episode, though. You're also right about Crassus, they are going to a lot of effort to make him come across as a protagonist instead of an antagonist. The real importance of this episode, though, is probably to help better explain why Crixus will split off from Spartacus' army. It will probably by Crixus + the rape n' pillage crew doing all the "evil" stuff, while Spartacus takes his army further away from Rome eventually.


Buzzfeed Editor
And I feel like they are doing this to get us ready for the spin off, while trying to make us feel good about the deaths of Spartacus, Crixus and Gannicus. I'd rather see the villain of the show as the villain, and not as a hero. What's not to like about Crassus? He lives as honorably as the heroes do, trains as they do, and thinks like they do. Hell, he even loves a slave over his wife and treated the Gladiator who trained him (but was a slave), as a brother.
Might do a little to change your mind when he decimates his own troops.

On the other hand. Remember, Caesar actually pushed huge "social" changes and equality in his short reign. And that's *partly* because, even though he was born of the Aristocracy, Sulla essentially took great pain to shit on him every chance he got and got the other nobles to do the same (Of course it's also because the pleb base was his power). So, in a lot of ways, Caesar saw things from a "pleb" point of view (High debt, difficulty in keeping position, clawing his way up). Crassus, who was born without title, was also benefactor of Caesar, so them sharing the same view that Rome needed to more equal (And maybe even a little more fair to the salves--reforms started happening about a century after this.), is not that far fetched.

The fact is, not every Roman was an asshole that attended orgies, beat their slaves and killed people for pleasure. A lot of them were the ancient version of our bleeding hearts, who railed against the system. (That being said, a Roman "bleeding heart" is still brutal, but for them it was progress.) And some of them actually treated their slaves more like family than objects (Cicero, I believe, had a slave he called his brother.)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone else feel we might have just seen the set up for Spartacus or a main character anyways downfall? Crassus brings his slave woman with him and puts her in the slave camp. I think Spartacus will try to "free" the slaves there and will in turn be blindsided by that chick. She informs Crassus or leads them into a trap. I could see it happening.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Might do a little to change your mind when he decimates his own troops.

On the other hand. Remember, Caesar actually pushed huge "social" changes and equality in his short reign. And that's *partly* because, even though he was born of the Aristocracy, Sulla essentially took great pain to shit on him every chance he got and got the other nobles to do the same (Of course it's also because the pleb base was his power). So, in a lot of ways, Caesar saw things from a "pleb" point of view (High debt, difficulty in keeping position, clawing his way up). Crassus, who was born without title, was also benefactor of Caesar, so them sharing the same view that Rome needed to more equal (And maybe even a little more fair to the salves--reforms started happening about a century after this.), is not that far fetched.

The fact is, not every Roman was an asshole that attended orgies, beat their slaves and killed people for pleasure. A lot of them were the ancient version of our bleeding hearts, who railed against the system. (That being said, a Roman "bleeding heart" is still brutal, but for them it was progress.) And some of them actually treated their slaves more like family than objects (Cicero, I believe, had a slave he called his brother.)
I've purposefully stayed away from historical accounts. Maybe they try to make us feel better about the deaths of our heroes by saying it spurred Caesar and Crassus to push for equality across Rome. And then they can still spring board into the next show.

I'm just not a big fan of being manipulated. If one were to turn that show on the first time this past week and not know the title, they'd think that it was a show about Rome.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Finally got around to seeing the 1st couple episodes. The guy playing Spartacus, has finally made me forget Andy Whitfield. These last two episodes are better than last years entire season.

The gore has been bumped up. The CGI and special effects are better...what's not like to like!?

Agree with everyone saying that Crassus is being shown as the protagonist for a spin-off. Which I will watch from beginning to end!


El Presidente
Nice that even back then they had bumfights. Loaf of bread instead of a McDonald's value meal, but same shit at any rate!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I found this episode boring as shit. I thought they might try and remedy it by killing off Naevia, but alas..


Good episode. New slave chick is hot. Could have done without the gay sex.
Agree about the New slave chick he will fuck her sooner or later.

Also the Gay sex Fuck they need to leave that shit out, just slows done the Episode.I dont care if wanna have it in the extended cut blu ray whatever.
Also all Newvia scenes with her speaking or fucking , being naked need to end just kill that bitch.

Lastly how many more shows will it be before Sparatcus fucks that Roman wife Slave that used to run it their?
She has good heart like Spartacus and is hot.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I was surprised to see the pirates introduced so quickly. I didn't expect them to show up for another few episodes at least.

Beef Supreme_sl

Agree about the New slave chick he will fuck her sooner or later.

Also the Gay sex Fuck they need to leave that shit out, just slows done the Episode.I dont care if wanna have it in the extended cut blu ray whatever.
Also all Newvia scenes with her speaking or fucking , being naked need to end just kill that bitch.

Lastly how many more shows will it be before Sparatcus fucks that Roman wife Slave that used to run it their?
She has good heart like Spartacus and is hot.
Exactly the thing I want out of a show about Spartacus: Picking and choosing what sex scenes I like over the ones I don't. And who Spartacus is going to fuck next.

Well done Starzzz and DeKnight. Well done.