Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


I won't hate you on for spending 7000, but I don't even understand what you are spending that much money on. Is it all just different spaceships?
Mostly yes. I have multiples of a number of ships and that's how you end up spending so much. I won't bother posting a ship list as it's a pain in the ass but I pretty much have at least two of almost every ship in game. I don't have a Scythe but I do have one Idris-p I also picked up ships for my friends. Some have paid for them and others haven't decided if they will keep them or not. If not I'll get them back and likely melt them for upgrades or incorporate them into my fleet. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.


It's important to note that nothing you've stated is solidified into a game and can change. Much of Star Citizen is hopium written on napkins and players and picking and choosing which gameplay aspects they like and filling in the holes with what they're hoping for. Given the number of delays for what amounts to few basic game features anything complex and ambitious is at risk of being cut or dumbed down.
Yep absolutely. Things can change if they don't pan out. What I mentioned is currently in R&D stage at the most otherwise it's still on paper. It was mentioned very recently that they just completed hooking up mock star systems to test features internally we just don't know which systems. They can't fully implement it anyway in release until certain parts of the game switch to 64bit precision. It's required for the "maps". Initial roll-out is AC 1.0 for those changes and full integration by AC 2.0 early to mid next year when multi-crew ships are playable. I really don't expect any major news on the PU side of things until next year. It's still early days in that regard but it's part of the system for Squadron 42 which is supposed to be partly playable by mid next year (will see) so maybe we will hear more about how they worked out space travel before then.

EDIT: I wanted to add that they are still working on ways to make things like the ship pipeline faster and have succeeded to a large degree. But you are right just getting some of the AI and other "simple" features up is a major first hurdle which naturally causes delays. They just created their very first working NPC crew member that players can hire/use. They have a long way to go but I don't think it's totally fair to blame them for the delays. They have grown insanely in the past year and with that comes growing pains. Plus as they bring systems online that simply didn't exist before things will move along much more quickly. There are some great interviews with their tool developers and other devs that work on these systems in the past few AtV episodes that you should check out if you haven't already. It's one thing when they talk about it but it's another when they actually show you what they can do now. It's pretty cool to see them whittle down work that used to take days into seconds.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Im happy the guy is putting up a small chunk for the games development. Though, you guys are acting like this is the bearded lady or some shit. Trying hard to keep a straight face over spending 7 grand on a game. Shit, we all used to make fun of people for buying a character in EQ for a few hundred bucks. What the hell is wrong with you guys? I wont even invest in shit I want unless I get a return on it or know that it will serve me well in some type of way. Putting more than a little pocket change into a game is just absurd.


Molten Core Raider
Heck, I'm hesitant to buy a new game at full price and will wait for a Steam sale when it's really just an hour worth of pay for at least a few hours of entertainment. Maybe I'm just a miser when it comes to games =p


Semi-pro Monopoly player
I enjoy your posts regarding money and SC Variise. They do a solid job of explaining the thought process behind pledging to a game like this.

Although I stopped after a few hundred, I can see how easy it would be to break 1k (or even more). This is one of the things I believe SC does right. (Creating excitement on each ship, making it hard to say no)

If I enjoyed space games more, I could see spending that type of money.


Is Elite Dangerous an MMO? FAQ

"Elite: Dangerous is classified as an MMOG, but with the important addition, that you can choose if you want to meet other players or not and there is even a mode to play fully offline. The game features a shared persistent galaxy server, where macro effects and events such as economy, society and war status etc are recorded. The are no multi-player lobbies. "

Having the single player mode is just going to confuse people.
So why is this thread in the MMO forum and E: D in the Other Games one, then?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, I wouldn't classify either as MMOs. In my mind MMOs are games that areonlymultiplayer and mostly only played on a server owned by the company (not, in general, privately or publicly hosted servers that can be modified).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
But you could say that age of Conan wasn't an MMO if it's like that. The first 20 levels can be played solo and was originally able to be played offline in alpha. Which this game hasn't even reached. Little hard to be classifying just eft this game is right now when even the devs can't give a straight answer.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Because Soygen can't understand these new fangled MMO types these young whipper snappers are playing.
It's less of "not understanding" and more of "not caring".

Honestly, though, last time I moved that Richard Garriot "not really an MMO" thread into Other Games, that thread's regulars cried that I was over-moderating.


2 Minutes Hate
Generally we keep the threads where they originated unless there is a huge cry for change. "Huge cry" generally means by people who have less than 5 posts in the Amod thread.


Yeah, I wouldn't classify either as MMOs. In my mind MMOs are games that areonlymultiplayer and mostly only played on a server owned by the company (not, in general, privately or publicly hosted servers that can be modified).
Lets be real here hardly any of the games in the MMORPG section fit this description.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'd say almost every one fits that description.



Gime a break Soy the only game on that list that is "ONLY" multiplayer is Planetside 2


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If there are other people running around, it's multiplayer. Are we now calling them single-player if you can solo stuff? What are we even talking about at this point?


Nothing nvm. Wrong thread for this discussion.

This game looks like it would be sweet if it were actually an MMO


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
As the person who makes the decision on where threads go you guys worry too much. If it's a gray area I prefer to keep it wherever OP puts it. That avoids a lot of confusion and debate about it.

MMOs are going to continue to get singleplayer and instanced multiplayer features and singleplayer games are going to continue to get MMO-like features. There's no need to worry about where the lines are between RPG and MMORPG and no need to make decisions for each game.


What Tuco said.

Besides the only forced single player aspect of SC will be AC/FPS arena games that you have to pick manually so that's not really forced. Even Squadron42 is planned to be semi-MP since they plan to let your friends or whoever jump into missions with you if you set the flag for it in game. That's arguably more single player than anything else in the game. Then they will have "mission disks" post launch if the game works out to add more chapters to your story that picks up from wherever the PU was at the time of the release of those missions. That's how they plan to fund the game as well.

In the PU (Persistent Universe) part of SC there will be no such thing as single player planned unless you count creating your own PU server and setting # of players allowed to 1. They plan to let you do that sometime post launch so you can mod and mess with a partial galaxy to your hearts content. Even that will be a cut down version of the SC PU which will only exist in its entirety on the Google Cloud that CIG runs. Not sure why people think you can run a full PU on your server as CR mentioned numerous times he doesn't want to allow that. Also as I mentioned before you won't be able to set your PvP counter to 0. You will only be able to set it to 1 which will have almost no impact outside of "high sec" space. Even around the highest security rating planet you could technically meet a pirate that can proceed to empty your wallets and rape your ship. That's the plan anyway.

I think this whole idea that SC is single player with some MP aspects is born out of... well lack of understanding of the finer details. Lets leave it there until the PU Beta launches late next year.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
We'll revisit moving this thread in 2027, when the open beta starts.