Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


Now let's not get crazy with the word we and us here. I will be slightly annoyed if they don't release something before 2020.
I hope you are pulling my leg. I never meant to mean everyone does it. But it's very prevalent in the vocal minority and among the less wired in individuals that aren't necessarily gamers but do purchase big name games the same way they consume Hollywood films. The same people who think game development works something like a chicken that just needs to shit out a golden egg. They don't understand that a decent AAA game can easily take 5+ years to produce.

Now part of that is the fault of the developer. Most of them do a shit job of keeping the fans informed. Then again they have next to no say in it when it comes to big name publishers like EA so the blame can be laid there.

On the other side of things you have CIG that has gotten a lot better at fan communication over the past two years but IMO they still suck in key areas such as marketing (front end of site).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Now lets switch gears for a minute. Perhaps this is a good time to talk about the game industry culture or lack thereof. There is some shit flinging going on from some former CIG staff saying things like it's the most toxic environment they ever worked in, although he somewhat backtracked later, and another one mentioning the poor work conditions, long hours and low pay.

You can check it out here if you like. In the comments people mention some of the other comments these ex employees made since posting that.

Besides the poor tact that basically burns your bridges and ensures you never work in the industry ever again there is the other side of that coin.

If what they said is true it saddens me that they would treat their employees no better than the big studios. However I do have to question what a lot of people expected. Despite the millions we throw at them they have a tight budget and even tighter timeline. Apparently it was one of the reasons some production moved to LA and some of these people exited the company. Chris seems like a tyrant probably because that's pretty much what he has to be to meet expectations. I do wonder if that shouldn't be someone else's job though. It's not good to have your corporate head drench their hands in blood. In government you have the Chief of Staff for the role of "Heel" so the CIO/CCIO/ADM/DM/M and the rest of the alphabet soup of big shots can be the "Face". I'm surprised they don't have something similar in the gaming industry.

On another note it's pretty standard in the industry to work 70-80 hour weeks on salary and it seems CIG is no different. One problem with this is you suck the life out of people. You get games like ME3 or worse, DA2, that are half brilliant and half asleep just like the devs. It burns people out and sucks the creativity out of them, not to mention their life. My understanding is that high turnover is pretty common on projects like this. At some point they will give up and move on to another project or leave the industry entirely. Usually at the first opportunity.

One problem is us. We demand things now like right the fuck now. I see it on the Official Forums in the General Chat and even the Den on occasion but especially on Reddit and gaming magazines. Just don't get me started on the magazines. I will never click on another link from them again. The industry is all to happy to take advantage of that attitude and use it against their employees. It treats them like tissue paper after a good wank. Soon as they are through there is someone else to take their place.

Maybe the issue with CIG is the combination of too many big promises in the stretch goals and constantly re-iterating the graphics. There really isn't a lot of room left for paying staff properly when you need a massive army of them just to deliver on those initial promises. I'm not sure how fair it is to compare CIG to a more established studio. Apparently there are some out there that have great culture but they seem to be the absolute minority. Plus they have an established name and money bag to lean on. Still it's no excuse for poor behavior. Assuming that's how things are at CIG.

Honestly I don't have an answer. Short of game industry people having their own advocacy group I don't think things will get better. Even if they somehow managed that it's a global economy. Look at the VFX industry. It has been systematically gutted in North America and moved to College campuses, mine has a studio, and over seas for cheap labor. Primarily because the big studios don't believe VFX should cost anything and are not willing to pay for it anymore. It's kind of depressing to see the industries I always looked up and dreamed about being really no different from my 9 to 5 job. Except I still get benefits.

Anyway just thought I bring this up to see what some of you thought. The closest I got to this industry is a bit of gaming journalism that went nowhere. Perhaps some of you are closer to the fire and know more about the industry and how it operates.
I am wondering, do more studios do stuff like stock options for their employees, so they get a cut when the game starts making money? Or is that something that only works for small studios? I guess the outsourced part is just on a payroll (or however that works), but I would expect some of the others to have a stake in the company.

I am saying this because this is the case at least with (most of the )Goblinworks employees who are developing Pathfinder Online.

Career Opportunities

Now I have no idea what this actually means, if it is a lot of BS, or if these promises are never delivered on but it would seem that this could be an incentive to keep making those crazy hours.

(I hope we can keep this on the topic of Star Citizen, and not go on a tangent about PFO and Ryan Dancey and whatever.) Just wondering about work environments in the game industry in general. For instance, I could see a studio made out of a bunch of guys developing Iphone games to be quit different (and more relaxing maybe) then working for a high profile studio like CIG that has SO much to deliver. The high profile coming from both the scope of the game and the absolute crazy crowd-funding they have unleashed that is unmatched in the industry.


I honestly don't know how well they get remunerated. From further reading into working in the industry your pay scales drastically from concept artist to programmer to systems engineer. There is some suggestion that an entry level programmer makes about 50-60k and it scales up drastically with pay up to 100k by the time you have almost a decade of experience. Engineers make about 50% more and concept artist make about 25% less. The guy complaining was an entry level concept artist so he probably only made around 35-40k. Depending on where you live that's either enough to get by or completely inadequate. LA is extremely expensive so getting paid even 40k would likely mean you would be either looking for a roommate or paying most of your earnings into rent. I'm not surprised he left CIG and it seems they are constantly hiring so I'm sure turnover is similar to other studios.

The other person was working as a videographer and that pays rather well if it's a consistent gig but their pay range can be huge based on past experience and this guy had a lot of experience. I actually helped someone out doing videography and it's easy to get a big gig and then nothing for a very very long time.

Their beef seems mostly to do with the insane hours but again that brings us back to wtf do people expect. If CIG suddenly gave a ton of time off for their employees they would basically burn through their cash reserves. CIG isn't Blizzard or EA but then again the industry has been cutting its own throat with the types of games they have been releasing in the past few years. Not to mention giving their detractors in the game magazines fresh ammunition. They are already borderline hostile and dismissive at best towards CIG. They would have a field day tearing into CIG about how they are wasting pledge money on vacations and time off. Not to mention the echo chamber it would produce about "we told you so" on the massive delays it would cause for the game. They really have no incentive to report on the employee woes at CIG since it's exactly what happens across the entire industry and they never lifted a finger to advocate for them so why start now. It would only piss of the other studios, especially ones like EA.

And I looked up Ryan Dancey since you mentioned it and yeah lets not go there. In fact maybe this was a mistake on my part because it seems like a rabbit hole. Perhaps it's best to just let this die from here on out so I'll leave this topic alone from this point on.


FPS reveal video is up. Enjoy.

Couple of points as you watch this. Animations are place holder. They are doing a full mo-cap shoot early next year that will include the Push/Pull implementation in zero-G, dragging teammates, cover system etc. Expected release is "many months" away but it is the very first module set for release in 2015 followed very closely by the first Planetside Module. Also before this aired they showed off how they accurately implemented real positioning/camera in game. It actually works. For those worried about being motion sick don't. They independently animated the eyes, they had to, and added the camera directly to them so your eyes stabilize your view as you concentrate on whatever it is you are looking at, just like they do in real life via your brain. IMO that was the most impressive part of the presentation but it's not explained in the video. You can however notice it as they move around now that I pointed it out. The fact of how subtle it all is makes it all the more immersive IMO.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
After seeing the FPS video I'm slightly more convinced that they're actually still reporting to work and spending that money on something other than hookers and blow.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I liked the FPS module. About the head-bob: if what you say is true, then great. Still looked as a head bob though.
As long as we get toggles so we can turn all that stuff off.

I also liked the changes they made to the Arena Commander controls. I was actually able to shoot down a Vanduul this time.
I also was much better in tracking their motion and tailing them, so that I finally got to admire some of the vehicle graphics. It is silly, but I wish combat was much slower paced so we could actually truly get immersed in how good those ships look. Currently it just glimpses and flyby's. I guess when you are flying in convoy, you get a much better look, or maybe at a busy docking station.

Anyway, a lot of updates, very nice.


I'm Amod too!
I'll be interested to see if Elite: Dangerous will manage to take any of the wind out of Star Citizen's sails. They both seem to have a fairly similar planned feature set.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I'm with Tearofsoul on this, both for this game and Elite. I mean, if it's optional, sure, go for it, but I sure damn hope you don'tneedto do any of this just to be successful in your space sim.


I'll be interested to see if Elite: Dangerous will manage to take any of the wind out of Star Citizen's sails. They both seem to have a fairly similar planned feature set.
Well, one of them is actually a game that will be released in the near future so they're notthatsimilar.



Molten Core Raider
I have a hard time wrapping my head around what type of game Elite/SCO will be. I know what they're claiming (sort of), but whether or not they deliver and it works and its fun... I can't tell at all.


2 Minutes Hate
They aren't really MMOs. ELITE is closer to a single player or multiplayer game while SC is closer to an mmo but still not there.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think they'll both end up being fairly singleplayer friendly. Maybe I'm wrong about it but I feel like most fans want to be special snowflakes ala freelancer/mass effect instead of small time players in a big universe ala Eve. I know personally I want the special snowflake route.


Ancient MMO noob
My dream Sci-fi MMO would be: FreeSpace 2 + EVE + PlanetSide

But I don't think the tech to build/run/support this MMO effectively is even out there. Scale is way too immense while detail is too great.


2 Minutes Hate
I think they'll both end up being fairly singleplayer friendly. Maybe I'm wrong about it but I feel like most fans want to be special snowflakes ala freelancer/mass effect instead of small time players in a big universe ala Eve. I know personally I want the special snowflake route.
Yeah, both are single player or solo player friendly.


I personally don't really see the point of the FPS portion, but I guess if you have too much cash. I'm more worried they will screw up the Privateer multiplayer part by trying to do too much.

Elite looks like a decent game, but I hate the asshat community who seem to get their rocks off bashing SC. There's room for both games.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I personally don't really see the point of the FPS portion, but I guess if you have too much cash. I'm more worried they will screw up the Privateer multiplayer part by trying to do too much.

Elite looks like a decent game, but I hate the asshat community who seem to get their rocks off bashing SC. There's room for both games.
Same boat. X:rebirth pissed me off so much when they constantly tried to go 'hay look, we have FPS in this game, you can WALK IN STATIONSSSSSSSSSSS'.