Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I haven't been following the game, but if it's going to be even remotely like EVE people will hunt these ships down if they can.


Silver Squire
It's alpha, but the FPS still looks janky. If they can figure out it (maybe even use snap-to cover like ME or Gears), I'll buy in. Whole lot of salt there to be mined when the FPS newbies leave their $1500+ ships.


Beats ED's too.
Sort of hard to say when one's is an actual useful tool in a real game you can play right now and the other's a proof-of-concept website for a project that's not even in full alpha yet. It's not even apples and oranges - it's an apple tree vs orange pips!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Here's a version that's not compressed as fuck by twitch:

Also - PU demo:
I really hope you can use a shortcut to bypass all that running around the station before getting to your ship. Seem cool and "realistic" the first time but i couldnt stand doing it every time...


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I really hope you can use a shortcut to bypass all that running around the station before getting to your ship. Seem cool and "realistic" the first time but i couldnt stand doing it every time...
Yep. Skipping through that I'm wondering, "Who wants to do any of this shit?"

Rule #1 of making a game, it has to be fun. Not all the time, but it has to be generally fun.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I can already see the forum discussion: "I am totally against shortcuts because that would be 100% against the vision as handed down by Chris Roberts. You dont like it, you are not worthy enough to even play this"


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
As usual new presentation and a new sale and funding goes up by over half a million in a day. They can still print money it seems.


This "game" isn't an outright scam. I think they are actually trying to get something out there. I am not confident at all that it will be worth playing and I dislike some of the things going on with it.

That being said if this was an elaborate scam I would just be impressed. The rate at which these guys can raise money is insane. The things they are selling for such astronomical amounts, just warms my troll heart.


Molten Core Raider
I'm a bit in awe as well. You have to admire the business model regardless of how funds are being (mis)managed. The game has gone from a 4 million dollar kickstarter success story to a 90+ million dollar crowd-funding/micro-transactions empire. That's a neat trick.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Im personally surprised they haven't made a mobile ap. They obviously have a following of retarded whales. Cash those fuckers in at every turn.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Even if it wasn't a "scam" how could they ever produce a game at this point that would balance gameplay with the amount of money people have sunk into the game. People who sink money into a game say they don't like "pay to win", but at this point how could they make it anything but that and not have a bunch of pissed off people. The same people who actually paid for the game.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
1) It's still a mostly PvE game. People who want to competitive dogfight all the time will probably just play Arena Commander within the game itself.
2) From reading the trading forum, most of the people buying in early know that most of the money they're paying is to support the game/get some initial advantage in the first couple months, and only a sliver of it is for long term advantage/convenience.

Think about the D3 AH on release. Tons of stupid people paid tons of money for Act 2 yellow weapons early on to get early advantage knowing those weapons wouldn't be that great in the long run. Some people just have way more money than sense, or are just willing to pay a lot for early advantages.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm a bit in awe as well. You have to admire the business model regardless of how funds are being (mis)managed. The game has gone from a 4 million dollar kickstarter success story to a 90+ million dollar crowd-funding/micro-transactions empire. That's a neat trick.
Micro trans empire is league of legends which is in the billions. Or wow or swtor which is in the hundreds of millions per year.

Not an empire yet!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Even if it wasn't a "scam" how could they ever produce a game at this point that would balance gameplay with the amount of money people have sunk into the game. People who sink money into a game say they don't like "pay to win", but at this point how could they make it anything but that and not have a bunch of pissed off people. The same people who actually paid for the game.
I think the bigger question for the whales isn't whether they will be able to dominate people like me out the gates but rather whether the released form of Star Citizen matches the vision they had when they broke out their check book.

Like Mist says this is still mostly a PVE game, but it is the PVE game they will actually enjoy? we'll see!


what Suineg set it to
I don't know, if they put in a shortcut allowing novices to bypass the mile and a half forced RP walk station trip to purchase the correct type of EMP replacement missiles for your antiquated newbie ship, my entire feeling of realism will be ruined.