Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


Well the pedo/nazi/racist stuff seems to be more of a concern then his loyality to Chris Roberts atm.
Ok I'll bite. wtf happened now? I looked and found nothing about Nazi/racist shit and I sure as fuck not going to do google searches for the 3rd so what's all this about?


Ok I'll bite. wtf happened now? I looked and found nothing about Nazi/racist shit and I sure as fuck not going to do google searches for the 3rd so what's all this about?
I read SC news everyday, and I have no clue wtf they're talking about. Probably the latest Goon/Derek conspiracy.


Useless lazy bastard.
I read SC news everyday, and I have no clue wtf they're talking about. Probably the latest Goon/Derek conspiracy.
Must be selective reading in that case, this has been tweeted by Ben himself, discussed on Reddit and so on.

Short version: Community director (or something) Ben has his own webpage ( sprinkled with all sort of racist/anti-woman/rape/pedo comments. To make it easy to find gems of wisdom you can even search them. It also contained over 1200 pictures of some US news lady he had a crush on to the degree he made comments on following women who looked like her around but alas he removed the links to them (they are mirrored on some timemachine sites on the web) but the pictures are still there.

Any sort of regular screening process would not put a person with this kind of history in a lead community role. Hell even basic admin jobs these days are screened against your internet history.

(Again, sorry for the derail. Its related to their community lead, not the game itself).


So, yeah, I haven't been reading everything on reddit these days, which is where I probably would have picked this up. After you posted this, I looked into it, and it seems this info was, in fact, dug up by Goons/Derek. Not that it isn't true. However, it is, like you mention, about Ben, not the company, the website is apparently very old, and the shit posted was from like 25 years ago.

I guess I have to ask, who gives a shit?


Useless lazy bastard.
So, yeah, I haven't been reading everything on reddit these days, which is where I probably would have picked this up. After you posted this, I looked into it, and it seems this info was, in fact, dug up by Goons/Derek. Not that it isn't true. However, it is, like you mention, about Ben, not the company, the website is apparently very old, and the shit posted was from like 25 years ago.

I guess I have to ask, who gives a shit?
Last posts from around 2011, and my intrest is how the company deals with it. You have to agree that any serious company would have to take steps when their community lead is linked to statements like this surely? You can not have a public representative who goes "haha some rape and pedo jokes when I was working a highschool haha" in this day and age. If they dont, at least, remove him from their twitch shows I would be quite worried about their social outlook.

And yes, its a derail. I dont have access to the Derek-squad forums so I dunno what they are doing with it thou, but from what I know of Derek Smart I am guessing loud-noice yelling about "I TOLD YOU SO!" even tho it does not have to do with the development with the game as such.


Wait... so this shit was over 20-25 years ago.

Lets see...

20-25 years ago I hated gays, party due to personal experience and propaganda, and made my distaste known publicly. I had no sympathy for disabled folks. I was a Far Right Wing Conservative that first voted Liberal because I recognized that their policies were Right Wing Conservative policies, at the time the Conservative Party in Canada was very publicly corrupt and I couldn't stand corruption, but stopped supporting Liberals when they came out to support gays and stayed away from political parties in general. Hell my best friend in high school pretended to be a Nazi... because of the symbolism/uniforms etc... now he practically is one and preaches it. I was hating on Muslims decades before it was cool and looking forward to killing as many as I could if it came to war. I even joined the Canadian Forces and was around in the Reserves when the Parachute (Airborne) Regiment was disbanded. At the time I didn't understand what they did wrong. Even meet their CO briefly before he was forced to retire.

Fast forward 20-25 years.

I fully support LGBT rights and some of my fondest coworkers identify as LGBT. I support the idea of gender fluidity. I long since lost my distaste for the disabled... so long ago that I can't recall. I might end up blind long before I retire and can't see out of my left eye worth shit. I have spent an almost unhealthy amount of time watching documentaries to try and broaden my knowledge and understanding of the world, politics, ideas etc. Consequently this pushed me heavily to the left and I cannot recognize myself from when I was younger. I can't hate Muslims if I tried and I don't try. There isn't an ounce of hate in me for minorities or anyone. Instead I try to put myself in their shoes and try to get in their heads and understand where they are coming from and that goes for everyone. Perhaps because I have been to the Far Right and now I'm on the Far Left I have more perspective and can be more objective on such things. I generally back the NDP in Canada and support their membership pushing it back to the left towards socialist policies but I'm not a member.

I could very easily have ended up committing war crimes if ordered to if groomed under the right type of command and in the right unit. Today I would literally do everything I could to ensure it didn't happen.

If we were judged on everything we ever said or thought in life there would be enough crime to hang everyone ten times.


2 Minutes Hate
Nintendo hired some weirdo chick that was also a not so secret whore right? Do you people normally dig into every company like this? People need to go outside.


<Bronze Donator>
nintendo fired some weird chick who turned out to be a prostitute, and also was pro-pedo among a host of other issues. She was some junior person who worked in their PR.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
"Someone made stupid jokes on the internet at some point. Therefore they should never ever ever be able to be part of a company, have any significant role in a company, never be in an administration role in a company. They should be forced to flip burgers at McDonalds their entire life, or become a garbage man."

Wait... so this shit was over 20-25 years ago.
Actually it was 5-10 years ago when most of this was said, right up to his hire to the Company, and he maintained this database of his statements all the way until a week ago. He was in his mid to late 20s when all this fell down too so it's not the (potentially) excusable perceptions of a mere teenager.


I was in my mid 20s when I started to lean Left and abandon Right Wing ideals. It took me roughly 10 years to get to where I am today. It didn't happen overnight.

If I had a journal from my early teens to early/mid 20s and that was made public today most people would not understand. They didn't live my life. I did.

Hell if one of my drawings was made public from when I was 13/14 I would have been arrested and likely charged as an adult for planning a school massacre. Alarmist incompetence from a society that doesn't provide any mental health services and uses the Police and Prison as an answer to everything including homelessness.

Now that being said I don't know Ben personally. Never meet him and you need years of direct in person interaction with a person to get them unless they are public with their views. Views from 10-20 years ago don't really hold any weight with me unless you continue down that path. Maintaining a database of your journal from ages ago is not proof that you are a racist/Nazi now but I'm biased due to my own past history.

Personally I think it's foolish to have a public journal. Nobody should have their journal publicly available. Others are going to judge you on your thoughts and statements at your worst place in life and often will have no context. Judge/Jury/Executioner follows via social media etc.

He who is without sin cast the first stone.

Never thought I would be paraphrasing Jesus as a non-believer but there it is.

On a side note the security services are allowed to subpoena all of your shrink's notes in Canada. Consequently shrinks don't write a lot of notes and what they do write is extremely vague on purpose.

Anyway unless someone can point me to something recent my care meter will remain at 0. I don't believe in witch hunts. I do however believe in second chances.


Holy fuck the shilling is strong in this thread.

Is this shit coming out soon or what?
Holy fuck the pretentious assholia is strong in this thread. Yeah it's a two way street.

Do you want to blow another 10-20 pages on your bullshit or can we stick to actual game discussion now.

To answer your question no it's not coming out soon. 2017 at the earliest and IMO late 2017 for the bare minimum to make the game playable. If you don't care about progress and just a release date don't bother looking again for at least another 12 months.

There. I saved you a whole year of whining.


Trump's Staff
Holy fuck the pretentious assholia is strong in this thread. Yeah it's a two way street.

Do you want to blow another 10-20 pages on your bullshit or can we stick to actual game discussion now.

To answer your question no it's not coming out soon. 2017 at the earliest and IMO late 2017 for the bare minimum to make the game playable. If you don't care about progress and just a release date don't bother looking again for at least another 12 months.

There. I saved you a whole year of whining.
Any non-shill have a perspective on realistic release date?

This fucking guy has been saying it's 'a year away' for the last 3 years running.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Any non-shill have a perspective on realistic release date?

This fucking guy has been saying it's 'a year away' for the last 3 years running.
Actually he hasn't. If anything he has said he didn't believe their projections.


Any non-shill have a perspective on realistic release date?

This fucking guy has been saying it's 'a year away' for the last 3 years running.
So I went through my comment history to see what I actually said. Even as far back as 2015 I said the game won't come out until 2017/2018. My earliest prediction that was wrong was full multi-crew by 2015. At that point they only began to get that tech going.

You know what you can do Quaid? Shove your dick in a meat grinder and turn the handle. We would all benefit if you stopped trying to fuck everything in sight.