Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


FPS noob
4k trailer of single player campaign? dunno much about the game

Roberts Space Industries Constellation Commercial - YouTube

I believe its all engine footage too, not CGI movie but someone more familiar with the game will have to say. I linked the trailer instead of embedding it since you can't go higher than 720p in embeds. Trailer is pretty glorious in fullscreen 4k on a 4k monitor.


While I personally can't say others on the RSI forum mentioned that it's in-engine and not a rendered out footage due to some of the known Cryengine/CIG bugs they noticed during the footage. I watched it a bunch of times and haven't noticed anything but I'm not much of an expert on this. I'll wait for confirmation from one of the Devs and see how they did it. We know they have a guy who's job it is to make these commercials so it's not like they hopped in a Constellation and shot this in five minutes. It's probably a combination of real in-engine shots combined with pre-set animations for the NPCs and whatnot.

Personally I'm more interested to find out how real the footprint is. If that's real holy shit it looked good.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Looks ingame to me. Maybe not real time. Their physics based rendering is amazing.

Running Dog_sl

And on the Elite forums people are freaking out because it's beenfour weekssince they last patched the beta

I don't think anyone is seriously worried about SC yet but the huge funding and missed deadlines makes Roberts an easy target for media scare stories.


Downloaded trial. Launched game. Video did not play. UI bleed red all over the place. Managed to climb the ladder before it froze. /uninstall


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Trying to stir the Hornets nest is about all that journalist/blogger is going to do. But for something that was started in 2011, you would think they would be showing more than what they are - regardless.
That's the problem with scope creep. Either way I feel like they've hardened their feature set, have an engine and are working through creating a game. I'm really not worried about the release schedule, but then again I'm happy to not play it until 2018. I can see the people who dropped >$1000 being very upset though. A fool and their money are soon parted


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I am still only in for the 25 dollars that I paid way back as an early backer. I have a Hangar, can "play" the Arena module and have a noobie ship with Lifetime Insurance and some other stuff. I am going to watch this thing play out from a very comfortable side-line. I always felt the scope was too big. I mean, space-combat with other ships, then grappling them and fighting your way in, FPS-style? That 's like 3 games in one. Not even talking about Planetside gameplay and the whole Economy thing. Stilll intrigued though. Of the 25-dollar kind.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm in for $45 so I can wait. I've had access to this game for a while, but I haven't downloaded it yet. People who spend more than $100 on this (right now) scare me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Zero in. Would have helped if I thought they needed it but with all the fanatics running around throwing thousands of dollars at this..


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't get the point of your post... ... ...
heh... heh... .....

The game doesn't need my support. You've got a bunch of drooling idiots with more dollars than sense throwing thousands of dollars at it. And the devs designed the rewards to sucker them in. There is a subset of human beings who just can not control themselves when certain buttons of theirs are pushed, Indian casinos excel at this type of psychological manipulation.

I hold out a ton of hope for the game, and if they didn't have the drooling idiots emptying their bank accounts then I would help. But they don't need my $100 (or whatever). So I'll happily ride their coat tails and play (pay) when it's released. For now I'll spend the money on helping those games that have been missed but I think have merit.


2 Minutes Hate
I just bought in at $45 because it'll probably be cheaper than a retail purchase. I didn't even know about the game until it already met the kickstarter goal. I never looked at it as "they needed my money".

I was looking through selfish glasses. You're more classy.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I also bought in for selfish reasons. I knew it'd be big and I wanted to buy in asap so I could say I was into SC before it was cool.

In truth I bought in a long time ago because I really really really wanted another space combat sim.