Star Wars: Battlefront, as told by Dice on Frostbite 3 (PS4?/XBone?/PC?)


Useless lazy bastard.
Find it hilarious how great a complete cash in like battlefront looks compared to FO4. The texture work in FO4 is shockingly atrocious, like you would think this game was made 10+ years ago.
They reused a ton of stuff from Battlefield is my guess. From what I have seen it is new set-pieces, new characters and new guns with a slight update to the lighting effects from BF4. Game is fun so far (thank you aim-assist 99% + Xim4) on the PS4, but this group/partner system is driving me mad. Either I am an total idiot (totaly possible!) or this game does not support me and my 4-6 friends joining as a group and fighting on the same fucking side. Hell, last night even me and my "partner" ended up on diffrent sides when we joined a game, wtf is that about?


FPS noob
joe on point as always. im gonna rewatch this video every time i'm tempted to rebuy the game



joe on point as always. im gonna rewatch this video every time i'm tempted to rebuy the game

I'm honestly surprised at how quiet the community is over this. Maybe it's because ME has the SJW fan base, but the ME3 ending garnered an exponentially larger fallout for a significantly smaller franchise mutilation.

Also makes me laugh at the arguments pre-release tearing at the people who made the announcement graph comparison for SWBF2/3. Even if it was early to call it, that infograph nailed it.


FPS noob
with no SP battlefront portion and Dice being candid about it like a year ago, and multiple betas that let everyone see exactly what they were getting, I don't think anyone was really that surprised with how battlefront turned out. Some people held out hope that maybe release would be "better" than beta, but that's about it.

Also when compared to stuff like Evolve or Halo MCC or Driveclub or Rainbow Six, Battlefront is still way ahead.


Silver Knight of the Realm
with no SP battlefront portion and Dice being candid about it like a year ago, and multiple betas that let everyone see exactly what they were getting, I don't think anyone was really that surprised with how battlefront turned out. Some people held out hope that maybe release would be "better" than beta, but that's about it.

Also when compared to stuff like Evolve or Halo MCC or Driveclub or Rainbow Six, Battlefront is still way ahead.
Chopped up for DLC BRO!




Not everyone is an informed consumer, much less someone that played the beta. Coupled with NDAs and the way press get their strings-attached copies, I think it's fairly justifiable to still see a community kickback for a major developer to shovel out shellware for a major IP when rebooting a massively successful franchise.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People who were not an "informed consumer" about this game only have themselves to blame.


I can agree to that, but I also think it's giving a free pass to the ongoing trend of butcher-style development.

A clear cut example of what's wrong with current AAA development and no one wants to say anything because "Everyone should have known better?"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Meh, I don't care what people play or buy. If you are having fun and get your money's worth, buy and play whatever you feel like.

Piece meal development is pretty much here too stay. I feel the same way about crowdfunding crap. But those lids are open now, no way you are ever going to get them back on. So you just find what you enjoy and play what you think is worth it.

If you think you can put in the hours to make this game's $60 tag worth it and you have fun, go for it, because in the end that's all that matters. At least you are buying an actual game , instead of "promises of a game" that is so popular these days.


Potato Supreme
Meh, I don't care what people play or buy. If you are having fun and get your money's worth, buy and play whatever you feel like.

Piece meal development is pretty much here too stay. I feel the same way about crowdfunding crap. But those lids are open now, no way you are ever going to get them back on. So you just find what you enjoy and play what you think is worth it.

If you think you can put in the hours to make this game's $60 tag worth it and you have fun, go for it, because in the end that's all that matters. At least you are buying an actual game , instead of "promises of a game" that is so popular these days.
Some people would disagree with the "actual game" description as well. TotalBiscuit just shreds this one.
? WTF Is... - Star Wars: Battlefront ? - YouTube


Blackwing Lair Raider
This game is a bit better once you get the 3 round burst rifle.
The T21b is pretty fun on the larger walker assault maps. I used my 10 year old nephew minion to help grind me to level 22 over the thanksgiving weekend. Overall he was totally amazed by it and it was hard to pry him away from it. For me I thought it was a pretty competent game for this type of thing and had a good deal of fun playing around in it. I am not a fan of the damn endor walker assault map I always get it as imperial and it drives me nuts trying to shoot rebels in that much tree cover.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
After playing the beta and watching reviews I think I'll pass on this. Might pick it up when it hits 20-30$ with all expansion content. This game is my #1 disappointment of the year.


FPS noob
battle of jakku maps are out for people who preordered, out for everyone next week. it includes new Turning Point mode, which is basically BF4 Rush. Nothing really amazing about the new map, its basically a bunch of crashed star destroyers and background scenery of capital ships fighting in the air. Turning point is pretty meh, new map is pretty meh, so nothing really new and definitely not worth buying the game if you were on the fence till now.

I switched from PS4 to xbox since its the only physical xbox disc I have and to play some more with my elite controller, will be playing randomly for a few weeks before trading it back in if anyone sees me online feel free to join up.


Log Wizard

More like "lolnerdfggts".

For a game to be "bad" I'd have to give it a 5/10 or below. This game isn't super buggy. It's graphics are amazing. It has a progression system that works. It's just got with how it FEELS. It's a 7/10 or 7.5/10 for me personally. Some of the balance issues are annoying, but probably 80% of those bad reviews are from people expecting it to be Battlefield or mad there's no Star Wars campaign.


Trump's Staff
7.5/10 is very very generous, unless you give a ton of weight to graphics and sound. I'd weigh those factors around 40% of total score. Even if it got top grades for both of those, that's only enough for a 4/10. Gunplay is uninspired, balance is in the dumpster, longevity is nonexistent, content is sparse. If this wasn't a Star Wars game it would be in the bargain bin by the end of release month.

This game is a 6/10 at best.