Star Wars : Rogue One

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
God, please not Boba Fett. All bounty hunters don't have to be Boba Fett. Or aliens. Or robots. Or 120lb girls who can kick the shit out of 7 ft mountains of muscle. How about, oh, I don't know.... A DUDE? You know, someone the audience of (mostly nerds) can identify with? And something not set around the OT.

Bounty hunting's just a job. A job that hints at a larger world, where there's outlaws and bad shit going down and so few rules and people enforcing them that bounty hunters are needed.


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
Include me in the camp of people that think this movie was good but not great, certainly far from terrible. I'm not gushing over this movie but honestly I don't gush over movies anymore. I don't gush over anything really anymore because I'm 42.

I tend to gauge media much less critically now and place it in the categories of: did I enjoy it or did I not enjoy it? This movie fell firmly in the "enjoyed it" category. Was that because of nostalgia? Maybe. Do other people hate it because it doesn't live up to heightened expectations? Maybe. Can you really review a Star Wars movie objectively? Nope.

I think RLM hit the nail on the head with how narrow the SWU is. Want to create new stories in the SWU? Fuck you, where's Darth Vader? Want to stay true to the originals? Fuck you fan service hack copycats.

I hope my kid is able to find his Star Wars someday but as I said in earlier posts, we were lucky to have it and it will never happen again. But those fuckers are going to have holodecks and driverless cars so fuck them.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I always felt like Jackson was cast as Mace Windu because because he was such a big name at the time and Lucas, in spite of it being a Star Wars movie, was trying to go for box office draw while addressing the old criticism of his original trilogy being too pale. So he brought in a hot, high profile black actor to play /gasp ... a jedi.

Forrest Whitaker's casting is different in that he was cast to play an already established character who happened to be black in the source material (The Clone Wars cartoon series). I think tying in the series was the driving factor there and Saw was a choice that made a lot of sense given the time period of the movie and what it was about.

sam jackson was in SW SPECIFICALLY because he and lucas were friends on some level and he kept pestering him to be in it. he kept writing him letters saying "put me in it, i don't care if you make me a storm trooper and never acknowledge that it's me, i'll know."

lucas said, if i get sam jackson in a movie, i'm not going to make him a faceless character. hence the creation of mace windu.
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That guy
Force Awakens had a few really big name actors in faceless roles. Specifically Simon Pegg and Daniel Craig, might be more but those are the two I know.


Trump's Staff
Can someone please explain to me why anyone gives a shit about the bounty hunters in Star Wars? I've never understood it at all.

I think a bounty hunter Star Wars spinoff would flop (comparatively) except with the grognard faction who have inexplicable boners for Boba Fett - a character with less exposition than some of the Ewoks.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Some of the highest rated episodes of Clone Wars involved bounty hunters, either young Boba and his crew or Cad Bane or when Obi-wan went undercover as one. So it isn't just the line-up of bounty hunters summoned by Vader or in Jabba's palace there's some fans who just have a hardon for the whole category. Hondo even transitioned over to Rebels because he was a liked smuggler character.


Trump's Staff
But Quaid, he had a cool helmet!

That's gotta be it.

If I were to venture a guess, id say Boba Fett had fewer than 30 words of dialogue and 3 minutes of screen time across the entire original trilogy. He never did anything unexpected or particularly noteworthy. He had shit aim and died a bumbling death.


Trump's Staff
Some of the highest rated episodes of Clone Wars involved bounty hunters, either young Boba and his crew or Cad Bane or when Obi-wan went undercover as one. So it isn't just the line-up of bounty hunters summoned by Vader or in Jabba's palace there's some fans who just have a hardon for the whole category. Hondo even transitioned over to Rebels because he was a liked smuggler character.

Highest rated by who?


Trakanon Raider
I was never interested in bounty hunters until Shadows of the Empire on N64. Then all of sudden Boba Fett and IG-88 were more interesting. I believe there's a decent story out there titled "Battle of the Bounty Hunters" but i'm not sure.


Potato del Grande
Saw this tonight with the wife. Left a pretty meh taste in my mouth. Wasn't near as "fun" as TFA or typical Star Wars movies. I get it was supposed to be a darker movie, and can appreciate that, but it didn't have any of the Star Wars magic, and it just felt flat as fuck. If this was not set in the Star Wars Universe, it would be a huge disappointment. Their main characters were shit with literally zero character development, and their actual good characters, got like 2 minutes of screen time, wtf. Up until they introduced the blind force dude, I was actually bored and wondering when the movie would end. That's sad. Also, ended up having to watch it in 3D because the 2D time we planned for was mis-listed on the website, so 3D was it unless we wanted to wait 2 hours. It was blurry as fuck in 3D. Anyways, if I remove my SW nerd goggles, I give it a 5/10.
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Potato del Grande
I was never interested in bounty hunters until Shadows of the Empire on N64. Then all of sudden Boba Fett and IG-88 were more interesting. I believe there's a decent story out there titled "Battle of the Bounty Hunters" but i'm not sure.
Bounty Hunters are fun, because they can be extraordinary, without being Jedi's. Kind of like Batman even though he has no super-powers. Or oldschool James Bond with all his gadgets.
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Trakanon Raider
Everything post ROTJ has sucked. That's the truth of it. Disney will shit out a Star Wars movie every year now until they tarnish the Star Wars name, and when "Star Wars: Han Solo looks for a new apartment" comes out, idiots here will say it's the greatest movie they've ever seen, until the next Star Wars movie comes out, at which point they'll say they never really liked the previous movie that much.
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Karazhan Raider
Everything post ROTJ has sucked. That's the truth of it. Disney will shit out a Star Wars movie every year now until they tarnish the Star Wars name, and when "Star Wars: Han Solo looks for a new apartment" comes out, idiots here will say it's the greatest movie they've ever seen, until the next Star Wars movie comes out, at which point they'll say they never really liked the previous movie that much.
Yeah, I remember the good old days of midget teddy bears running around with Indian feathers blowing up AT/ST walkers. So much better than what we got in Rogue One.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I don't think Disney will go as low as the Star Trek reboots. If they even get close to dropping a stinker as bad as the prequels the panic button will be pressed and they will take a serious look at making sure the next ones are up to snuff. That's kind of what we expected to happen with the Marvel universe but they stayed above board on all of them so far and went above and beyond on others.


Karazhan Raider
comes out, idiots here will say it's the greatest movie they've ever seen
Looks like most here have said Rogue One is mediocre and none has given it more than a 7 or 8/10. Also
Everything post ROTJ has sucked

Yeah, I remember the good old days of midget teddy bears running around with Indian feathers blowing up AT/ST walkers. So much better than what we got in Rogue One.
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