Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Tranny Chaser
It was fun reading some of the spoiler script thinking, yeah, this part is bs and I'm being played. Aaaaand then the ending. Oooooof.

Zignor 3_sl

Oh and another nitpick

Captain Phasma looked badass in the trailer but did absolutely fuck all in the movie. Such a wasted character. You could have replaced her with a generic storm trooper and it wouldn't have made a difference. Come to think of it, that storm trooper that dueled Finn did more and had more character than Phasma.
Possible episode 8 spoiler...
Phasma will apparently have a much larger role next time.


Molten Core Raider
Colour me disappointed.

The entire thing for me reeked of "A New Hope" in a new wrapper. Couple things that actually grated were;
1: Jedi Chick new everything about the lore of the Falcon but had no clue what it actually looked like.
2: Wannabe Darth Vader taking his helmet off. Vader never did until his dying moments, the helmet removal just kills the sinister mystique of the villain moreso when add his little temper tantrums ontop (When Vader lost his cool peoples throats got crushed)

So overall
Abandoned kid in the desert - Check
Outland town in middle of nowhere to get on Falcon - Check
Self proclaimed best pilot (Han Solo replacement) - Check
Trench run to blow up Death Star/Planet - Check
Travel of hero/heroine to meet Jedi Master for training - Check

Not sure if they were just paying hommage to A New Hope, blatantly ripping it's core plot lines or just being lazy


Trakanon Raider
Colour me disappointed.

The entire thing for me reeked of "A New Hope" in a new wrapper. Couple things that actually grated were;
1: Jedi Chick new everything about the lore of the Falcon but had no clue what it actually looked like.
2: Wannabe Darth Vader taking his helmet off. Vader never did until his dying moments, the helmet removal just kills the sinister mystique of the villain moreso when add his little temper tantrums ontop (When Vader lost his cool peoples throats got crushed)

So overall
Abandoned kid in the desert - Check
Outland town in middle of nowhere to get on Falcon - Check
Self proclaimed best pilot (Han Solo replacement) - Check
Trench run to blow up Death Star/Planet - Check
Travel of hero/heroine to meet Jedi Master for training - Check

Not sure if they were just paying hommage to A New Hope, blatantly ripping it's core plot lines or just being lazy
In regards to #1. There are a ton of ships that share the same model as the Falcon.YT-1300 light freighter - Wookieepedia - Wikia

So that point isn't too bad.

Although you missed:

The fact that Finn was a clone of Han Solo. He wanted nothing to do with the Rebels and wanted to run and do his own thing. But then his new friends are in danger and a big event happens that makes him change his mind. It was copy pasta ANH with some ROTJ sprinkled in.


Tranny Chaser
There were no purple light sabers, jar jar's, medichlorians or shitty forced lines. And the old people hugged instead of a gross smoochie-smoothie. Count your blessings.


Trakanon Raider
What's the ROTJ part if it's mostly an ANH soft-reboot? The trees?
1) Han trying to save his son from the dark side. Even the scenery had the same feel to the Emperor's little area. 2) Having to take down the shields on the planet first, before blowing up the Death Star, and Han being the one to do it. etc. etc. There's quite a few things. Just overall the feel of it was ANH + some ROTJ "sprinkled" in.

On a separate note though. I gotta say though, that final lightsaber battle was really great. They did a very good job of portraying Finn's fear and lack of skill as well as the overall amateurism of all 3 of them. Which I personally thought was good. This is essentially the beginning of an origin story. The more time that passes, the more I like the film. I'm still disappointed, don't get me wrong, and I'm sure if I saw it again I might have that disappointment reignited (or perhaps not), but once you've left the theater for a day, you start to forget all the little things that bothered you and remember the good. And there was enough good for it to be an immersive, nostalgic experience.

I am surprised at the total lack of crossguard lightsaber criticism now that the film has been released. I know a lot of fans hated it the first time they saw it and that a lot of us hoped there'd be an explanation for it, since it doesn't make sense in combat (although they did force that scene in where Kylo used it to his advantage, but still, that fucker was spinning it around like crazy, no way he wouldn't lose fingers, it's still stupid imo. But I guess everyone has looked passed that, which is fine. But there's no explanation for it. He's been trained, he has a sith master (presumably Snoke is a sith lord yeah?), so he should know how to construct one, but meh, I guess he has a specific style of combat and has found a way to make it work for him. I did like the jagged, roughness to his saber overall though.

I also like how it appears that Kylo doesn't follow the Sith playbook. He will use any force powers that benefit him, light or dark. I mean, they did mention him being on the dark side and shit a few times, which I actually wish they didn't, because it'd be cool if he was neither, but was still evil. I liked him using force push, which is almost exclusively a light jedi power. I get the sense we'll see more of that as well (hopefully), where the lines are blurred for him between light side force powers and dark side force powers.

I guess my biggest overall gripe is being really pissed and annoyed at the character inconsistency of Luke going all emo and running away. But omg the hype for seeing him kick ass will be insane. He is going to be godmode I hope. But my personal theory is that he'll be killed in the final film and that Rey will have to save the day and defeat Snoke/save Kylo. I hope to god they use that Tupac concert technology/Paul Walker shit to use Alec Guiness Obi-Wan projection and have him be in one of the next films consulting/talking with Luke.

There were no purple light sabers, jar jar's, medichlorians or shitty forced lines. And the old people hugged instead of a gross smoochie-smoothie. Count your blessings.
There were PLENTY of forced lines, specially from Han. Like, are you trying to tell me that after being with Chewbacca for 40+ years that he's never used his bowcaster before? Shit like that annoyed the hell out of me.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Kylo should have wrecked them both with ease, so fucking stupid(Girl Jedi power out of nowhere). Just picture Luke wrecking Vader at the end of ANH because fuck it, he has the force

Oh and death star 3.0 being unknown and a secret but people already know how to destroy it instantly


Trakanon Raider
A New Hope V2.0
to add to the other issues already pointed out

How the hell can you hyper jump into a Planets atmosphere? Ever heard of Gravity, I'm sure there is a reference to gravity in the early movies about hyperspace!
I know in the EU there is the Interdictor-class Star Destroyer that pulls any and everything out of hyperspace.
I know they said EU didn't happen but FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!

On tree planet Chewy stays with the Falcon then when the Troopers turn up, Bamm he's hanging out with Han... how???

And when Poe is doing his flying dance on tree planet, that looked BAD.

And ?. When Han white and Han Black get inside the PLANET SIZED BASE they just happen to find Captain Phasma just hanging around right there, well that was lucky!
It?s a real shame Captain Phasma didn?t get more screen time, such a waste.

Oh and that guy dies at the end and everyone is sad for 2 seconds and just moves on, really?? That?s it???

I did enjoy the movie though but i don?t know if I?ll rush back to see it.
I don?t have the love for this to remember names of the planets yet or characters, this might change while i think about it more.


Murder Apologist
Yeah, that's a major gripe from some folks. We're only a day out and already there's more grumbling than a week after TPM. Everyone knew JJ was supposed to "clear the table" for a soft-reboot of the IP though, dunno what they were expecting.


Molten Core Raider
Bear in mind guys, Even though we are criticising some of the flaws of the movie, overall it is still extremely good. Easily the best Star Wars film of the past 3 decades.

As far as I can remember, this is one of the best film I've watched of 2015. For me, it's between this or Mad Max for the No. 1 spot.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Oh god that is just going to make people get their expectations up, better than The Martian? Just no... This movie is going to get hated on just like TDKR after people think about everything.


Molten Core Raider
Izo stop being a douche. Half your nostrafaggotry needs spoilers. No one has asked you what's not in it but you keep telling us.