Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Murder Apologist
Shouldn't his sickle-cell-chlorians turn the saber's beam grapedrank-purple? I thought that was canon.


Tranny Chaser

Thread needs more lightsabers.


Murder Apologist
The Jedi were basically space-Feds who enforced the galactic hyper-capitalist groupthink. That cop was about to hand out an extralegal summary execution of an unarmed prisoner that was already subdued. Anakin was just the conscientious rookie that knew his colleagues and his space-cop union would put him through hell for stepping up and doing the right thing in that situation.



Molten Core Raider
I think my only gripe with the film is it plays itself too much of a trilogy. I feel kinda empty with little to no explanation. I can't speak for the originals, seeing as I didn't have to wait in between but I felt like they stood up better on their own. I also didn't do any sort of marathon for any sort of refresher, so I might have a memory conjunction. I felt like it had more of what Avengers 2 did, advertising until next time, but definitely not nearly as bad. All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed it and was on the edge of my seat. Even shed a single tear for the departure.

The best point in reference is the Finn/Phasma, it seemed like their main purpose was to set up the rivalry and hatred between the two; similar to that of Solo and Fett but without the obvious Smuggler vs Bounty Hunter.

On the note of Luke's apprentices being axed down, if my memory served me correct, it was followed by scenes of Kylo and his knights. I was severely disappointed that I didn't get to see any of them, but I feel they played a major role in turning on Luke apprentices. Unless that was just highlighted imagery of Kylo being all bad ass, I still can't wait to see them. They all seem to have very specific characteristics. Though on the same, it feels awkward trying to figure out where Snoke fits in. So it could have been something along the lines of Snoke is the one who rebelled against Luke, axed down apprentices, took Kylo, all while Luke's prized private lessons were Rey because daughter or chosen one/force is strong with. Pushed Rey away while he tried to better himself as a Master to have a Luke meets Yoda kinda plot.

I thought Kylo was great. He was vulnerable and weak who aspires to be a strong bad ass. Like the people I was with said, hes just a baby villain. I feel like his story really could go a number of ways like being initially evil, but turns out to do some good. I didn't mind his helmet removal because it removed the ominous evil you'd expect from a masked villain. I was slightly bothered by the weight of his helmet though. It played two times to where, when it dropped it was of massively significant weight. I feel like it will never be explained.

Maybe i'm retarded and don't remember the fight properly, but I don't think Finn had any edge on Kylo. He was mostly on the defensive, and his offense was just a flurry of attacks that got blocked at any point in time.

Someone mentioned the insignificance of the pirates, but I think based off of how both the resistance and first order are/is now, its less about major armies now and more of a network of spies. So I don't really know how all of it will pan out, esp after Starkiller has been destroyed. I hope they ditch the super planet weapon and focus on more special forces like attacks. Which would end up helping highlight the significance of Phasma, Poe, and Finn with more pirates as the fodder. Small time dog fighting would be a lot cooler, as the movie showed off. Then again, that's my favorite part of the Star Wars universe with the pirates, smugglers, and bounty hunters. I was super excited to see Ruhian and Uwais. I would be disappointed to see their talents just go wasted. Also, with the ending face of the leader from the Guavian Death Gang, I don't think thats the last of them either.

Still have hopes for either Boba to come back, or his armor. Supposedly in the hands of a Lawman currently according to Aftermath.


Trakanon Raider
Just got back, was pretty good overall. Mostly agree with the points about JJ trying to much to play it "safe" with this film, as well as the fast-ish pacing. Had no issues with the characters, effects where pretty good; really do appreciate the real sets. Wish Han got more of a send off then he did, leia hardly shed a tear and it was just all swept up and forgotten about to hurry off to the Luke scene. 8/10.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just saw this, and there were some problems:

1- Han Solo
2- Lightsabers and laser pistols that do very little damage
3- Rey getting using force powers without training, including the jedi mind trick
4- Imperials once again rolling with the Death Star approach to universal domination. Don't they have any other tricks in their playbook?
5- Too many coincidences, like the droid running into the right people, them walking up on the Falcon by accident, stumbling on Luke's lightsaber or R2 activating at just the right time

This one mirrored Star Wars IV too much. The first half was 9/10, it's just the second half that went off the rails. 7/10 for me, overall.


Murder Apologist
There's gonna be plenty of room for speculation looong before the second movie. Disney's got thirty years' worth of new canon to explain all the Knights of Ren and what happened to Luke and everything in between. Expect more netflix TV shows, movies for every possible minutiae you can imagine.

Disney spent FOUR BILLION to own this franchise and they're already 38 years into the lawsuit-extended copyright window before Star Wars becomes public domain like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty did. That's actually why you see Disney buying up major IP's like Marvel and folding pixar inhouse---they couldn't extend thecopyright protection window any further than they already haveso they decided to just keep securing new ones.



Trakanon Raider
Really enjoyed the movie with a minor complaints posters have already brought up. Watching the original Star Wars as a kid in theaters back in 1977 and now watching this really brought back memories. Especially when they first showed the millennium falcon calling it a piece of junk. I'd give it a 8.5/10.


Tranny Chaser
I just saw this, and there were some problems:

1- Han Solo
2- Lightsabers and laser pistols that do very little damage
3- Rey getting using force powers without training, including the jedi mind trick
4- Imperials once again rolling with the Death Star approach to universal domination. Don't they have any other tricks in their playbook?
5- Too many coincidences, like the droid running into the right people, them walking up on the Falcon by accident, stumbling on Luke's lightsaber or R2 activating at just the right time

This one mirrored Star Wars IV too much. The first half was 9/10, it's just the second half that went off the rails. 7/10 for me, overall.

Rey had training. Coincidences? It's the force guiding them, dum-dum. Do you even Star Wars?


Murder Apologist
She's shown being abandoned on Jaku at like 5-6 years old. Even if she was a Jedi youngling she couldn't have gotten that much training.

I don't have a big problem with the portrayal that she was a much stronger natural than Kylo Ren was though, even without the training. That's what the interrogation was getting across. Kylo was visibly struggling and sweating trying to draw the facts out of her and she just kinda looks at him weird and drew out his insecurities and even pulled "Darth Vader"'s name from his mind.


Tranny Chaser
If only we had a count of said force that could tell the dum-dums this. Or mebbe the actions speak for themselves. Jesus, the prequals rotted your minds.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Just got back from seeing this, having watched the original trilogy this week in preparation. I loved it. It's easily my second favorite movie, if not first. The acting is definitely a notch above anything we've seen in Star Wars so far, and the best scenes were subtly done and well written. The worst scenes weren't any dumber than the worst parts of Eps 4-6. We've all been living with ESB for 30 years and having something be around for that long enhances our perception of its quality. You guys raging over nit-picking details have to let go of your OCD.


I'm totally mind fucked on Boogies finger on the right hand side of that pic. He either has it curled down, and it's overlapping his wife finger in the background or he has one weird ass finger.


Log Wizard
She's shown being abandoned on Jaku at like 5-6 years old. Even if she was a Jedi youngling she couldn't have gotten that much training.
Luke, 15 or 16, shows up at Yoda. Yoda tells him he's much too old to begin training. Forget the originals, you do.