Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Mr. Poopybutthole
The Force awoke within him when Finn and Rose freed the animals and left all the children to rot. His budding hatred for them is already turning him to the dark side. Darth Slavious.

I like the cut of your jib. Mayhaps the two of us should track down and murder JJ Abrams and take turns wearing a suit made out of his skin while we collaboratively write Ep 9.
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Gamma Rays

Large sized member
a_skeleton_03, you've chosen to go through TLJ slowly and paying enough attention to details to do a comprehensive summary.

Is this some kind of self inflicted torture??

I've got zero desire to re-watch this film, and to do that and dwell on the details = yikes.
  • 3Worf
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I like the cut of your jib. Mayhaps the two of us should track down and murder JJ Abrams and take turns wearing a suit made out of his skin while we collaboratively write Ep 9.

I doubt either of you is good enough with lens glare, you'll be found out in no time.
  • 1Worf
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Got something right about marriage
That's General Hux's secret power. Lens Glare. He just stares directly at the camera with a scowl on his face.
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a_skeleton_03, you've chosen to go through TLJ slowly and paying enough attention to details to do a comprehensive summary.

Is this some kind of self inflicted torture??

I've got zero desire to re-watch this film, and to do that and dwell on the details = yikes.
I have many hours at work and I want to make sure that I for sure hate it.
  • 4Worf
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
AKA Force Choke The Chcicken

I wonder if it would work to force choke myself while I jerked it. If I passed out the force choke would release, so it might be too safe for me to get a good nut.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Here is the first 45 minutes scene by scene. Once it's done entirely I will probably make an entirely new thread with it all.

Opening crawl - What is the timeframe from the last movie to this movie? If we pick up with Rey giving the lightsaber when TFA ended what happened with the resistance previous that we needed a synopsis for?

They are evacuating because they know that the First Order knows of their position? They have spies that good to know they are about to jump out of lightspeed? Where is the explanation of why they know?

They issues the order to the dreadnought before it even moves in?

A single light fighter comes into range of the dreadnought and is completely kitted with a booster because they knew the dreadnought would be there?

Terrible dialogue with your momma jokes and "hold" shenanigans, terrible.

He waits until partway through the conversation to start priming his booster ...

BB-8's head is rolled back from the speed but that doesn't happen during lightspeed does it? Oh wait that's comical and so we can know that they are going super fast.

He took a hit to an engine but didn't slow down at all and his weapons system is what was ruined.

That transport broke through atmosphere like it was practically lightspeed.

Leia tells him to get his squad out of there now, at this point he is completely solo so she could tell the rest to not join him and leave him out there. He then says "these things" are fleet killers, are there more?

BB-8 uses his rounded head to short out a flat board ...

He does a flat manuever right and then one again to take out two tie fighters and when he does so you can no longer see the booster he had specially installed, did they forget about that in the CGI or did he jettison it and I missed it?

He then clears the ship and THEN the bombers start approaching. We see exactly 9 bombers, I paused and counted. We see about that many support fighters and probably 9-12 tie fighters. HUGE space battle.

We need to be told to do our job of protecting the bombers as fighters as if they don't know.
The bombs with manual sighting down the tube and a trigger on a cable ....

Bombers are shot up slowly to be dramatic but not one of them has extra kaboom despite being full of bombs that can take down a fleet killer. I would assume that close they could have a huge blast radius, maybe even kamikaze.

The last bomber Rose sister for some reason takes off her oxygen mask despite being in an unpressurized spaceship. We need to be able to see her face of course. She is inches away from vacuum when she falls but that isn't a problem.

Leia senses all of this for some reason? The force clued her in on the troubles going on? I don't know why we have a 2 second flash to her.

The explosion is massive but no ISD's are anywhere near in range for some reason.

7 fighters survive.

Long range Snoke force moving of the general.

Finn wakes up in what doesn't look like a med bay but a storage closet where they rolled him into.

The leaking bag thing which is totally ridiculous.

Some random commando is running down the halls with weapon at the ready like he is going to shoot at star destroyers while they are in space.

Rey hands over lightsaber and we get that awesome over the shoulder toss back. Does she pick it up then? No, she immediately walks away so that we can later have her come back to see her first Porgu of course.

The completely quiet island is now full of Porgu noises now that we got the drama over.

For some reason we have a couple seconds of her laying out her room.

Chewie has to be translated to Luke because after all these years he has never learned to talk to his best friends best friend.
Imperial royal guards are shown with their grab bag of weapons because why not.

For some reason there is the telescope thing in his throne room because despite being able to view anything with the force he needs that in his room? For the normies that visit often? Why not a normal video screen?

Still don't know why Kylo's helmet has a woush sound to it instead of just being something that is placed on.

Snoke throws Kylo back and force lightning's him but the royal guard react just so they can be shown doing some special martial arts moves in order to return back to being statues.

Rey tells Luke that the First Order will control all the major systems within weeks, don't they already? What more is there to be done? How can we empathize with how small the resistance is and that nobody will help them without the first order already being in control?

Here is the little afternoon outing across the island to agressively drink green milk while making uncomfortable eye contact.

He has to leap to the other side to use the spear? It was perfectly usable from right there where he was. He spears this huge fish despite all the fish we had seen earlier on in his little village being small on a stringer.

There's a storm on their way back, nope that isn't really a storm because back in the village it is sunny. Don't know why there is a storm for a few seconds.

The light shines through the tree hole on the books? Right at that exact time every day? I guess this might be nitpicky.

I think she has named dropped Leia a half dozen times now. Right on cue we flash over to her.

A total of 4 ships jump out of lightspeed.

They needed to wait until out of lightspeed to demote Poe.

Somehow Finn immediately knows what a cloaked binary beacon is from seeing it. I guess these get used every day?
There is a proximity alert before ships come out of hyperspace?

I am going to go over how the books and movies have explained lightspeed up until this point. There are "lanes" that are scouted to be clear of any objects that could impact and tear a ship to shreds. From a certain point in space you angle and jump. You can come out early or you can come out on time. It of course is never explored on what happens when ships are jumping in front of you. Anyways based on their trajectory from the previous planet they don't need to be "tracked". With that being said they instantly knew what happened despite it never having happened before and being a complete theoretical.

They have at least 7 ISD's and one super Snoke destroyer but we see less than a half dozen tie fighters. They should be blotting out the sun.
We get a sweet throwback to the prequels with Kylo flying through a docking bay.

They need to outrange the star destroyers and if so the fighters will fall back? No that's exactly what they are there for, that and for dogfighting.

The Kylo targetting reticle is huge compared to the ship.

Some reason the tie that does shoot does so for a surface shot instead of a direct hit right at it. So that the hull explodes outward with the vaccuum.

Then the General tells Kylo what to do.

Now they talk about 3 cruisers, I saw 4 jump out of lightspeed and none destroyed.

Leia poppins the ice cube comes back into the ship with open eyes. They pop a door open for her, vaccuum doesn't affect anyone.
Despite having a kitchen on the Falcon they are BBQing Porgu outside by a fire. Completely dressed bird but they left the feet on it. He can't eat one he has already killed and cooked because they are looking at him sadly, they didn't do that before he killed one?!?!

Oh now we see R2D2 because why not.

R2 is showing the hologram of Leia but turns his head while doing so yet it continues.

Rey is sleeping outside for some reason?

We have to let everyone know in a briefing room who is dead like they don't already know?

Out comes purple hair that somehow is a Vice Admiral but not in any kind of uniform despite every single other person being in uniform? Every single person but her in that room is in uniform.

Poe now lectures her on what fuel is. Now we go over what rank he is because why not.

Oh snap she dropped the flyboy.

Finn puts his backpack down in front of the pod. Remember this.

We get it she is awkward and can't talk to bigwigs.

Now the backpack has teleported inside of the pod to the chair.

She has him on a mag cart that should require no effort to move but she is having to drag it.

Oh we get it, he's stunned so he can't move well. Now everyone understands "active tracking". They have an "A class process" and all of a sudden both of them know everything about this. Oh and stormtroopers mop the floors? Isn't that what the specific little square mouse droid is for? Oh wait Poe doesn't understand active tracking and what it means, just the stormtrooper and mechanic ....

I wonder what a critical analysis like this would portray of the originals. Probably nothing like this, since they're a million times more coherent. Minus RotJ.


Avatar of War Slayer
the Elite guard dance posing every 10s, and then going back to standing around was pretty hilarious.. 100% not intentionally.
  • 1Worf
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Yeah except I would expect a surprised response the first time it happened, his lack of that implies that it's a practiced and casual effort.

Seeing it I imagined he didn't even notice it when it happened. He probably had still had visions of Luke Skywalker staring down the FO on Crait dancing through his head when he reached for it. It was the sort of simple action one does without paying hardly any attention that something like that could go unnoticed because your head is someplace else at the time. Especially a kid in situation like that who is probably used to daydreaming to help the time he spends doing something he considers boring go by.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
a_skeleton_03, you've chosen to go through TLJ slowly and paying enough attention to details to do a comprehensive summary.

Is this some kind of self inflicted torture??

I've got zero desire to re-watch this film, and to do that and dwell on the details = yikes.
Is he Catholic? Because catholics tend to endure pain and suffering to be forgiven.

So....@a_skeleton_03 what was your sin?


The Big Mod

I'd note that IMDB is the only review aggregator site where the user rating comes anywhere close to RotS. On Rotten Tomatoes the user rating for VIII is well below any of the prequels, same with Metacritic.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Well...the Chinese won't help them this time either

Star Wars doesn't really do that well in China in general. The first two of the new movies both got around 7% of their box office take from there. Internationally it really only performs well in those places that were big enough markets to gets releases back when the OT came out.
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The Big Mod
Star Wars doesn't really do that well in China in general. The first two of the new movies both got around 7% of their box office take from there. Internationally it really only performs well in those places that were big enough markets to gets releases back when the OT came out.
TFA did $125mm in China. TLJ got beat by a low budget romcom in it's second week and looks to do about $60mm if it's lucky. there's no way to spin that kind of performance in what is soon to be the world's largest movie market as anything other than an abject disaster.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
TFA did $125mm in China. TLJ got beat by a low budget romcom in it's second week and looks to do about $60mm if it's lucky. there's no way to spin that kind of performance in what is soon to be the world's largest movie market as anything other than an abject disaster.

TLJ was never going to get TFA's numbers. Here, China, or anywhere else. If it ends up being the worst performer of the three there it won't be shocking. Disney seems to have accepted that the franchise simply won't turn big numbers there and hasn't put nearly as much effort into promoting the last two movies there that they put into TFA. And with the studio cut of the Chinese box office being so low (and the Chinese reported figures being considered less than water tight as well) who can blame them.

But it is part of a long range concern from a box office standpoint. Star Wars is heavily reliant on it's cultural footprint status for driving attendance and it just doesn't have much of one in any of the emerging markets (not just China), the ones that will see the most box office growth going forward. Films that get more of the typical 35/65 domestic to foreign split will start to consistently put up numbers comparable to the average Star Wars titles in the coming years if they can't find a way break through in those markets. And then it will start to look like just another big tent pole franchise on the surface (which I think is inevitable regardless).


<Prior Amod>
TFA did $125mm in China. TLJ got beat by a low budget romcom in it's second week and looks to do about $60mm if it's lucky. there's no way to spin that kind of performance in what is soon to be the world's largest movie market as anything other than an abject disaster.
Tlj is doing bad because of dindu

And chubby asian

Look ok, she's ugly, not mutoid ugly, but she should not be in the leading chink role in a star wars movie, actually she's the first chink... And they choose her.

A fat ugly TAWIEANESE!!!!! Chick

Oh and Finn is an ugly dindu too, he ain't no denzel
  • 2Worf
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