

Molten Core Raider
I'm sure their whole HL3 reveal strategy was focused on making sure the day divided by the month equaled three.
Don't forget that 2013 is the first year since the original Half-Life that has all 3 numbers, 1, 2, & 3! IT'S DESTINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Trakanon Raider
The announced game will be L4D 3, what better game to play both on the couch and on the PC ? Special commander mode for the big screen player.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
L4D 3 makes the most sense because in the "leaked" picture it showed version commits for Source 2 and L4D3 using Source 2.


Steam Machines announced, can someone post a good screenshot?

I got this quote from reddit.

Finally, a multiple choice answer

Entertainment is not a one-size-fits-all world. We want you to be able to choose the hardware that makes sense for you, so we are working with multiple partners to bring a variety of Steam gaming machines to market during 2014, all of them running SteamOS.

But first, Valve's prototype

While these products are still in development, we need your help. As always, we believe the best way to ensure that the right products are getting made is to let people try them out and then make changes as we go. We have designed a high-performance prototype that's optimized for gaming, for the living room, and for Steam. Of course, it's also completely upgradable and open.

This year we're shipping just 300 of these boxes to Steam users, free of charge, for testing. You can make yourself eligible to get one. How? Read on!

Here's how to participate

Want to make yourself eligible to participate in the beta? Add yourself to the list of candidates by completing the Eligibility Quest on Steam. Sound hard? It's not.


Before October 25, log in to Steam and then visit your quest page to track your current status towards beta test eligibility
Join the Steam Universe community group

Agree to the Steam Hardware Beta Terms and Conditions

Make 10 Steam friends (if you haven't already)

Create a public Steam Community profile (if you haven't already)

Play a game using a gamepad in Big Picture mode

You can complete the steps in any order. Once you've completed all of the steps, you'll be awarded a special badge, and you'll officially be among the pool of people from whom we'll choose beta participants / hardware recipients.

On October 25th, the list will be locked. So complete the quest before then!

Your help is critical to our design process. Your feedback will shape both the new OS version of Steam and the new category of gaming machines that will run it.


When can I buy one?!

Beginning in 2014, there will be multiple SteamOS machines to choose from, made by different manufacturers.

I'm pretty happy with my PC Gaming setup, do I have to buy a new piece of hardware now?

No. Everything that we've been doing on Steam for the last 10 years will continue to move forward.

If you guys are delivering an OS to hardware manufacturers, why is Valve also making its own box?

We're conducting a beta of the overall Steam living-room experience, so we needed to build prototype hardware on which to run tests. At Valve we always rely on real-world testing as part of our design process. The specific machine we're testing is designed for users who want the most control possible over their hardware. Other boxes will optimize for size, price, quietness, or other factors.

How will you choose the 300 beta participants?

A small number of users (30 or less) will be chosen based on their past community contributions and beta participation. The remainder will be chosen at random from the eligible pool.

Should I create lots of Steam accounts to increase my chances of getting selected?

No, that won't work.

What are the specs of the Valve prototype?

We'll tell you more about it soon. Remember, there will ultimately be several boxes to choose from, with an array of specifications, price, and performance.

Where's a picture of it? How big is it?

We promise we'll tell you more about it soon.

When will the prototypes ship?

This year.

Will beta testers be allowed to share info about their experience and post pictures and opinions online?

Yes, that really is the whole point. The input from testers should come in many forms: bug reports, forum posts, concept art, 3D prints, haikus, and also very publicly stated opinions.

Will I be able to build my own box to run SteamOS?


Can I hack this box? Run another OS? Change the hardware? Install my own software? Use it to build a robot?


Can I download the OS to try it out?

You will be able to download it (including the source code, if you're into that) but not yet.

If I'm not in the beta, how can I help and contribute feedback?

The Steam Universe Group is where feedback is being collected. Most areas of the group will remain open for participation by all Steam users. Some may be limited to beta participants only, but there will be plenty of ways to contribute feedback for everyone.

What games will be available during the beta?

The nearly 3,000 games on Steam. Hundreds already running natively on the SteamOS, with more to come. The rest will work seamlessly via in-home streaming.

What is SteamOS? What's included?

Here's a link to what we said earlier about SteamOS. We'll have more details to tell you, soon.

Am I going to be using a mouse and a keyboard in the living-room?

If you want. But Steam and SteamOS work well with gamepads, too. Stay tuned, though - we have some more to say very soon on the topic of input.


One interesting thing in that announcement covers a point brought up earlier in the thread, they are going to release the source code to the OS! I guess that answers giving anything back to the community quite handily...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It isn't very uncommon to release the source for your flavor of unix. It isn't like they wrote the entire thing themselves.


<Bronze Donator>
I really hope this catches on so I can make jokes like "are you sure your steam machine is getting enough watts?"


Molten Core Raider
Well I'm definitely interested in the SteamOS. But I'm not excited until the big publishers are saying something about it, Source games aren't the only thing out there and if you don't give a damn about Left4Dead, it's a pretty barren situation.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
The Steam Machines announcement feels like they weren't ready to even really announce this, but wanted to get some PR cycles in before the next gen consoles hit. Kinda underwhelming.

Beef Supreme_sl

Personally, the hardware side of this does nothing for me; the OS is the real deal. However, I can see someone new to the PC gaming scene giving a long, hard thought towards a SteamBox.

For me, the holy grail for Gaben and Co. is developing a "living" gaming OS that gets the most out of the hardware towards playing games. And (this is a big and) the ability to play ALL of my Steam games on it. I know the second part is a big part of why Valve is moving away from Windows in the first place, but if this just becomes another AppStore/iPhone-pod situation, I will be severely sad face with Gaben.

When the news of a "Steam Box" was first announced, I was extremely skeptical as towhy, but now I think I understand: Gaben wants to create his own AppStore through SteamOS and SteamBox. If he can follow through with a games-first OS, that works, and fosters development from the industry I think he has a winner here, even if playing DX games is just done through streaming. However, if it's just a cash grab, then mega sad face.

Either way, I am excited for a sea change and glad it's Valve doing it.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Personally, the hardware side of this does nothing for me; the OS is the real deal. However, I can see someone new to the PC gaming scene giving a long, hard thought towards a SteamBox.

For me, the holy grail for Gaben and Co. is developing a "living" gaming OS that gets the most out of the hardware towards playing games. And (this is a big and) the ability to play ALL of my Steam games on it. I know the second part is a big part of why Valve is moving away from Windows in the first place, but if this just becomes another AppStore/iPhone-pod situation, I will be severely sad face with Gaben.

When the news of a "Steam Box" was first announced, I was extremely skeptical as towhy, but now I think I understand: Gaben wants to create his own AppStore through SteamOS and SteamBox. If he can follow through with a games-first OS, that works, and fosters development from the industry I think he has a winner here, even if playing DX games is just done through streaming. However, if it's just a cash grab, then mega sad face.

Either way, I am excited for a sea change and glad it's Valve doing it.
Gabe has stated a bunch of times that he really dislikes the apple app store and how closed off it is, and has a lot of problems with the direction Windows is going and how it's gravitating towards the Apple app store experience. I honestly don't see him inhibiting any other stores from working with it, or preventing any game from supporting it but not releasing through Steam. If they're willing to cooperate with other companies and share the cost, I don't think it's too far fetched to see an Origin store that works on SteamOS rather than OriginOS.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
EA and all the other major publishers will have to decide who is a crueler master, MS or Valve. Or just what happens when MS runs out of money to bribe devs to their shitty platforms. I remember when MS couldn't put enough money on the table to make people actually want to use GFWL after the first year or so of players hating it.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, remember it's a privately owned corporation so he can do whatever the fuck he wants with no shareholders to hold him accountable. He could sell steam for billions if he wanted money.


Well, it could give me a use for one of my old boxes or even an excuse to build a new box while retiring this one into SteamOS use. The latter would be completely silly of course but hey, I do silly things at times if they give me an excuse for new toys.

I'm intrigued but still not sure if I'll jump on board. After all, it really doesn't do anything that I'm not doing already through a cabled connection other than promote Linux and while I've always been a supporter, I don't care *that* much really. Still, no matter if I actually use it in any capacity, it is a great move for gaming in general. Competition be a good thing.