Summoner's War - Sky Arena


<Prior Amod>
is lulu useful endgame? his heal all/dispel seemed nice in fire for the bombs

as a new f2p i've worked on

wind pixie
blue howl
fire inugami
fire hellhound
wind bear
blue garuda

all of these i've max skilled up, cuz you just get those 2 star summons over the days. (inugami i got from playing)

any other i should work on?

i know many say try to find light vagabond/bearman but wouldn't i have to find the SD for those guys? i mean do i really just go channel hopping and spam "LF light vagabond SD"?


Lord Nagafen Raider
i know many say try to find light vagabond/bearman but wouldn't i have to find the SD for those guys? i mean do i really just go channel hopping and spam "LF light vagabond SD"?
If you are patient you can. I eventually got my own light bearman and inugami, but for vagabond someone in a channel was offering invites so I took it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Installed this on my phone for the bored moments and joined up /rollforramp , this is quite addictive.
Oh, and people use line outside of Japan, well, my id there is sideler .


Golden Knight of the Realm
is lulu useful endgame? his heal all/dispel seemed nice in fire for the bombs

as a new f2p i've worked on

wind pixie
blue howl
fire inugami
fire hellhound
wind bear
blue garuda

all of these i've max skilled up, cuz you just get those 2 star summons over the days. (inugami i got from playing)

any other i should work on?

i know many say try to find light vagabond/bearman but wouldn't i have to find the SD for those guys? i mean do i really just go channel hopping and spam "LF light vagabond SD"?
Lulu can be useful, but generally the water garuda (Kona) is more useful, since he cleanses all debuffs instead of only one, and does it before he heals. That lets him cleanse the unrecoverable debuff first, then heal, while Lulu's heal is blocked, then he removes (one) debuff.

The other useful farmable that you're missing on your list is wind griffon (Bernard). Farm him in Tamor Desert.


<Prior Amod>
Oh ya i gots bernard, just dont have his skills maxxed since i have no griffons cuz they re 3stars


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is there a sweet spot for leveling up runes? I currently have my "good monsters" on all +6's, should I be going higher or is that good for middling monsters?


Molten Core Raider
+9 is the "This rune is so-so-" +12 is the "this is a great primary rune stat but only OKAY substats or a white rune that I powered up." +15 is the "this is the last rune i'll put on this monster"


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Varies by rune, by *, and by person. 6* at least 12, depending on the main stat, but usually 15. I mean, is there any point going past 12 for a slot 1 rune for Shannon? No, unless you're OCD like me! 5* at least 12, unless it's good then 15. 4* can go either 9 of 12, depends how nice it is. I have had the rare 4* at 15, like one I have on Arnold, because I just haven't found a replacement at all. 3* and below? ug at least 6, maybe 9 if it's cheap and you really like it but I probably wouldn't.

Like I disagree with Nid for instance, I know that most of the runes I have will be replaced by Legendary runes in the future, but in the meantime I go to 15 on most of my 6*. It's all up to you.


Mobile Game Hunter
Rerolled Rune / Monster management googlesheet is pretty much ready for use. Still adding in leader skills and tweaking things. Added link to main page, but you can look at ithere;


<Gold Donor>
Looks nice Aevry. Now I don't want to link mine because it looks like a competition then.

One thing I noticed is that you did the same thing I originally did with the rune sets. You did formulas like "If Energy Runes = 2 then 15" and similar (not your exact formula, but you get the picture). You forget that someone can have 3 energy runes, for example. A nested IF like this will solve that: =IF(AH3=6,45,(IF(AH3>=4,30,(IF(AH3>=2,15,0:emoji_nose:))

That's just something I noticed since I recently fixed that on mine. I haven't really looked into anything beyond that, but figured I'd point it out.


Mobile Game Hunter
Updated the list. Thanks for pointing that out. It enabled me to reduce some column bloat as well!


<Gold Donor>
Linking my spreadsheet as well in case anyone feels it will benefit them. Mine is more focused on choosing runes for ALL of your monsters at the same time, so that when a rune removal day comes around you already know where you want all of your runes to end up. It can obviously be used for figuring individual monster stats as well if you choose.

Sorry, it is currently excel only. Maybe someday I'll look into exporting it to google docs, but it isn't a priority until I feel it is completely done. Here is the dropbox download link:

I tried to attach it to this post as well, but apparently you can only have 97KB of a zip file, so I cheated and called it an sc2replay. Obviously, you need to rename it to zip first.
SW Monster Runes - Rename me to zip.sc2replay


Oh shit, didn't even realize we had a in game friends spreadsheet. My IGN is Naellaar, I'm in mistwalkers, and my rep is kumar (fire beast monk) he may be able to solo giants b8 I haven't tried solo yet, but if he cant hes damn close to being able to.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Evolve question, is it better to level up silver monsters and rainbowmons only or should you use shitty/unused 3 stars for this as well? At a point where I am starting to get a decent amount of mons sitting capped at 3*'s not sure if I should burn some nat 3's or just wait it out, would hate to use a sleeper good mons as food though.


I use nat 3's you dont plan on ever using as food all the time.

EDIT: check a fusion chart first and make sure they aren't for any fusions.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Cool thanks, I have been watching for those just don't want to burn some mons thats good, any kind of tier list out that I can check? I've been able to find full lists but none really saying whats good.


<Prior Amod>
wtf, almost 200 energy (maybe 300) i only got 1 power stone, how the hell are you even gonna get 1 a day?


Golden Knight of the Realm
wtf, almost 200 energy (maybe 300) i only got 1 power stone, how the hell are you even gonna get 1 a day?
Power stone event is all about luck. Some people just spam faimon normal level 1 and end up with 186, others will do the exact same thing and end at 90.