Summoner's War - Sky Arena


<Gold Donor>
I blew almost all of my mana on mystical scrolls and an unprecedented run of good runes in the shop too. Now I have zero chance of converting all those mid fire essences to high anytime soon

At least I'm only 2 away from having the water ones I need today.


My Water Bear already solos Faimon 1 100% at 4* and he hasn't been seeing much use lately. He was a huge help early game but I'm not seeing a huge future for him. I could be wrong.

I was thinking maybe the Fire Grim Reaper? 2 AE attacks on him for secret dungeons? Plus I have a ton of extra fire mats from farming for Sylph to awaken him already. idk.
Of the ones you haven't already started leveling, I'd consider the Water Amazon. Consensus holds that he's the best elemental Amazon (although I and I think a few others on the board prefer Fire).

Edit: Aside from Lich, obv


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Sure but he's not an elemental Amazon =P

After a long dryspell I just got my 4th higher tier mon - a Fire Nine-Tailed Fox. Which I already have as one of my previous 3 pulls (and rarely use). Why you no love me RNG?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Lich was today's daily discussion on reddit and they pretty much confirmed what I already suspected, Liches suck right now. Gonna put him on ice and hope for a buff.

After much consideration I decided to work on Wind Pixie next. I realized I have 0 buffers/debuffers. Since I don't have Megan, from what I read, Shannon is just as good if not better in some cases (PvE).

Event this weekend. All element Cairos dungeons available at once.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah I'm slowly working up a wind pixie, she's really versatile.

I honestly have no fucking idea what I'm doing anymore. The only vague focus is on my imp team, but even that I'm really half assing. Haven't worked on any runes for Inferno or Fairy and still need a 3rd water imp. I figure I'll try and actually focus on it starting tomorrow, after I farm up 1-2 more drunken masters tonight. Not done near enough to max skill 1, but whatever that shit got insanely tedious after the first 7-8 of them.

The double exp hours really spoiled Faimon farming for me.


<Gold Donor>
My entire goal right now is to consolidate a team of four awakened (eventual) 6*s and their runes. Unfortunately they won't be able to do something like beat B10 (probably not even B7+), and they won't get me into the top of the arena vs. all those speed teams, but it will be a fairly solid all-around team I think, and that's mainly what I want to do. Eventually I might level up some more, but I have a bunch of max-level 5*s that aren't really doing much other than getting me to this point, so who knows.

My "dream team" of creatures that I actually own is Fire Rak, Fire Vamp, Light Bearman, and Water Sylph. Bearman is max skill because those are easy. Rak is just missing one, but this Monday I'll buy the last Devilmon to do that. The other two are completely lacking skillups so that will take awhile. I figure with those creatures, and maxed out runes, I should be able to beat 90% or so of my arena foes until I get way up there, which I don't really plan on doing, and be prepared for any reasonable (ie. not level 100 of the Tower) new content. And hopefully it lets me get somewhat further in the Tower, but seriously, fuck that noise, how does anyone ever beat that all the way up?

I have no real desire to build a specialized team for Arena wins or B10 farming...but maybe it is necessary. We'll see.

I do need a solid Wind creature for special occasions, but not sure what I have for that. I have the Wind Warbear almost max 5* but that isn't what I'm looking for. I have a Wind Mystic Archer but she seems to have lost some ground vs. better creatures. I also have my very first 4*, a Wind Sylph, so that's a possibility. Not sure what I'll use, but for now I'll make do without one I guess.

At least I get to spend the whole weekend trying to get the 9 more fire high essences I need vs. converting 90 mids for 450k. Joy!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Just did Hall of Magic B5 six times, 5 times i got scrolls, the other i got a rainbowmon; not a single essence.

I want to stab someone.

Edit: shit shit shit...

Ok, My first natural 4* was the Fire Sylph. It's not the best Sylph, but it's a good speed leader and decent monster. I got it to 5* and for the past week+ I've been saving all my energy to farm the fire dungeon to try and get mats to awaken it.

I'm farming Fire today and notice my friends uber 6* Water Ninja is available so I decide to take a run at B7. It's close, but I die in the end.

I decide to revive for 10 jewels, no biggie, I'll get 5 jewels back when I beat it for the first time.

I win. Oh look, I get a free mystic scroll for beating it!

Summon the scroll.

I get 4* Water Sylph.



<Gold Donor>
Congrats, that's a great pull, even if I see the irony in it. At least the essences you've farmed to this point will probably get used somewhere along the line, and even if not you need them if you decide to fuse it for the Valkyrja, because you have to awaken everything for the fusion. And to be honest, since you're still looking for a good team it seems, you could do a lot worse than those two sylphs together. Get some despair runes on them and you'd have a lot of chances to stun.

I now have so goddamn many angelmons that I should just start burning them as I get them to make room (I'm always flirting with the 100 limit), but I feel like I'm wasting their potential if I don't max level and awaken them for the 50% xp bonus. Should I just say fuck it and use them, or will I eventually regret it when I'm grinding to 6* three more creatures?

Also, about four full energy bars since midnight in the fire dungeon, and I think I have received more angelmon than even mid essences (which I don't need). Not a single high essence
And yet another mystical scroll and good rune in the shop, so I literally have under 50k mana. I don't even refresh the store when I'm that low because I don't want to see something awesome and know I have zero chance of buying it without converting crystals.

At least everyone on my friends list is getting social points, including the lower guys, because I drag everyone along doing these super easy farming runs to liven them up. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

P.S. Is it weird if, every time I see a fire serpent, I say, "It's the fire vurm!" in a Scandinavian accent, a la 13th Warrior?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Water sylph is op. I don't think there are any good non 4/5* ae attackers or ae CC. All the good 2s and 3s are support other than inugami/warbear.

Did line chat ever happen? I have it, thengel001


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Just deleted 5 inactive friends. Send me (OneOfMany) an invite if you wish, level not important if you're from here. Otherwise grabbing more high levels from chat!


Mobile Game Hunter
Only Grimm and I so far. Let's take photos of us enjoying its use to generate more interest.


<Gold Donor>
Mind putting that chat info in the first post? I'll go back and find it, but might be easier for anyone else if it is there.

Also, seriously contemplating giving up on high fire essences and just running Faimon xp runs until I make the 450k mana I need to convert them
Still have zero for the day, and I might as well level fodder up instead of essentially just pissing all this energy away. I still have to farm a bunch of magic high essences, so I'm really dubious of wasting all this energy for no returns.

They should sell essence packs instead of some of this other crap. I would probably buy a fire one at this point, no joke.


<Gold Donor>
B5 mostly, but I've done my fair share of B6 also. B7 I can't reliably beat even doing it myself (I posted results earlier in the thread). I got my 8 water the other day without much problem, and a decent number of fire on Tuesday, but today I'm batting zero.

Also, no fucking clue how to add you guys on the Line app. I'm assuming I have the right one (green icon), and I thought I was fairly tech savvy, but this one is defeating me.


Shit Gamer
I'm stuck doing B5 as well, and I too am wondering if its better just to farm mana/xp and fuse high essences instead...


Mobile Game Hunter
What's your ID void? I'll add you to the group.
B5 mostly, but I've done my fair share of B6 also. B7 I can't reliably beat even doing it myself (I posted results earlier in the thread). I got my 8 water the other day without much problem, and a decent number of fire on Tuesday, but today I'm batting zero.

Also, no fucking clue how to add you guys on the Line app. I'm assuming I have the right one (green icon), and I thought I was fairly tech savvy, but this one is defeating me.