Superhero Novels


<Gold Donor>
Let's discuss novels about superheroes and/or supervillains here.

Personally I prefer to keep graphic novels out of the discussion because they are more comic book than novel, but I'm just starting the thread, not ruling it. The X-Men graphic novel, God Loves, Man Kills, was fantastic and I'm glad I read it, but it isn't the same thing as a novel to me and I'd rather see that brought up in the comic book discussion. I also don't really consider a book like American Gods to fall into this category, even though many do. So let's try to keep this to novels that are fairly clearly "super-powered beings" that aren't gods in the traditional sense. Obviously there is always some line-blurring in a superhero universe (Thor, Hercules, etc.), but hopefully everyone understands what I'm trying to get at. Of course if the thread takes us elsewhere for awhile, someone can always post about superheroes again to bring us back on track.

Novels specifically about existing comics would be acceptable, because I know that there are plenty of people that would love to read a Batman novel, for example. I don't have much interest at present, but to be honest if Brandon Sanderson said he wanted to write a book about Aquaman, I'd read the fuck out of it.

Many ideas can be found on these two lists that Grimmlokk linked in another thread.

Just at a quick glance you can see that there are a ton of books on those lists that don't just jump out and say, "Read me!" And many more that aren't really superhero-ish. This is where our reviews and recommendations can help weed out the junk.

I am trying to think of the first true superhero novel that I ever read but I'm drawing a blank because I can only think of two that I've even read. I'm sure I've read others, but I'm not seeing them on the lists anywhere, so maybe not. I'll just list off some recent ones I've read or want to read. I don't want to spoiler stuff so I'll just give my overall feelings and some stuff I did/did not enjoy about it.

Soon I Will Be InvincibleI liked this book a lot because it just threw you into a comic book world without any apologies. The main character is a supervillain, and he reminisces about the days when he almost conquered the world multiple times using tactics like alien invasions, powerful artifacts, etc. There is no explanation of how he went to another universe, became their ruler, and led them to Earth to enslave everyone, it just happened in the past and we accept it. Like picking up a comic book on issue #200, you just have to accept that all that shit happened. The main character is also fairly interesting and the writing is good. It could have been a bit deeper, but I liked it. Using Goodreads rating system I gave it 4/5 stars, but it really deserves a 3.5, I just wanted to get more recommendations like it. (P.S. They really need to change to a 10-star system, way too many in-between books for me.)

Wearing the CapeI was skeptical at first because it is about a teenage girl that has an overpass dropped on her while driving, which triggers her "breakthrough." That's what they call it when someone suddenly gains their powers. Her best friend had killed herself a few years earlier trying to trigger her own breakthrough by jumping off a building or something (I forget exactly). Immediately when I read teenage girl I thought Twilight. Except that a lot faster than I expected I was actually sort of liking the book and there was very little teen angst or relationship issues to deter me. Until about 3/4 of the book I was feeling pretty good about it, because even though it was about a teenage girl it was doing a pretty good job of things like showing how a new member has to adapt to being integrated into an existing team, particularly a team that has had their powers for a lot longer than she has. And then the relationship drama hit
It quite literally sucked the air right out of me with how sudden and how terrible it was, and I had a hard time finishing. Now, to be completely fair, the relationship stuff pretty much resolved itself before the book ended and I was actually feeling a bit better about the whole thing, but the way it was resolved seemed pretty heavy-handed all the same. I am still considering reading the subsequent books in the series because it was pretty good other than the relationship stuff, but I'm scared that it will come back, and possibly be handled just as badly or even worse. I'd love to hear feedback from anyone that read further. I'd have given the book a solid 3.5 if not for the Twilight detour, so that drops it to a 3.

These have been on my radar but I have not read them. Grimmlokk mentioned and reviewed a couple of them previously.

HeroGay superhero, everything turned out much better than expected according to Grimmlokk.
Confessions of a D-List SupervillainI could swear I read this one, but now I'm unsure if I've just read the synopsis so many times that I feel like I have. I definitely intend to at some point.
In Hero Years...I'm DeadOlder superhero thrust back into a world of younger heroes, trying to fit in. Supposedly more of a noir feel to it. Stackpole is awesome so I will definitely read it at some point.

There are also theWildcardsbooks that get mentioned every time, but I've never read a single one of them.

Ex-Heroeslooked interesting, since it is essentially superheroes vs. zombies, but many of the reviews make me want to stay away from it. Apparently there are 3 books in the series.
West Pacific Supers: Rising Tideis the first of three books where super teams are sort of like sports teams, every major city has one, paparazzi follow them around, etc.

As you can see from looking at the lists linked above, there are tons of books fitting the description, but just about every one of them beside the few listed here make me cringe at the thought of even reading them. The vast majority seem to be Young Adult or Teen Girl focused. Or just dumb. None of that interests me at all. Soon I Will Be Invincible was fairly mature, and despite the main character actually being a teen girl the Astra book wasn't half bad, but I haven't succeeded in finding a truly great superhero book. I mean, I'm not expecting Game of Thrones intricacy here, but how about Dresden Files great? You'd think with all the superhero movies becoming blockbusters there wold be an audience for something like that, right?

Anyway, your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just gonna jump through and multiquote like the devil while I comment here for starters.

Loved this book. Well, I loved the half of this book dedicated to Dr. Impossible and what he was thinking with his mad scientist leanings....sorry, "Malign Hypercognition Disorder". He is NOT a good guy, but you will end up pulling for him a lot. The other half of the book is about a hero character. She's new to being a hero, she was in a horrible car crash and given top of the line cyber enhancements to keep her alive and turn her in to a human weapon. Her perspective is entertaining as well as she joins a superteam and learns the ropes. It's just that all her time is taking away from the Doctor's time. Also, I just realized that I'm pretty sure MasterMind the movie was stolen from this book somewhat.

Agree on pretty much everything. He does a good job building the world and the heroes and all but the relationship is a bit overly telegraphed and sudden, which counts like a contradiction but is not. It's one of those "Oh yeah, those two will end up together" things, but when they do it's just pretty random. It doesn't consume too much book though. As far as I remember it does not come back in the second book(Villains Inc.), which focuses more on fighting crime now that Astra is an established hero and a core part of the team. Reads a lot more like a straightforward comic book in print form. It's more enjoyable and more focused than the first book, since she's mostly out of the training phase and it's got some protagonists right from the jump. I was unaware there was a 3rd book coming still, and there are a couple short stories set in the same world.

Yeah I posted about this onehere. The gay stuff is kept to a minimum(I think there's 1 actual kiss), but if any gay stuff makes you cringe just stay away. It's not a bad book, but it's not good enough you're gonna want to power through it if that really gets to you.

Really enjoyed this one. It's more of a novella than a full novel, less than 200 pages if I recall. Basically a low rent Iron Man style character, except as a criminal. He ends up having to become a hero and it doesn't particularly sit well with him. Especially because so many of the heroes are just dicks. It's fun and quick, will should only take a day or two max to read.

Link to what I said about it here

There are also theWildcardsbooks that get mentioned every time, but I've never read a single one of them.
Think I have the first 22 of these ready to put on my nook. Just haven't dove in yet.

Read this one last year, not long after reading another zombie series. I was primed for superheroes and zombies both and this delivered. It's not amazing, but it's a good read if the idea of superheroes dealing with trying to recover in LA after a zombie apocalypse appeals to you. And it should, lot of good super action here. The follow up,Ex-Patriotsexpands the story some. They've got their foothold and are working to expand and bring people in. Turns out the US government was working on making it's own heroes and a base with some of them survived as well. Survivors meet, clash, etc etc. More and more zombies. Haven't seen the 3rd book at all yet(Ex-Communication), but I am looking forward to reading it.

And just to add something else,Black and White, and it's follow upShades of Gray(NOT 50!). Focuses on 2 female characters, one a hero and one a "villain", who came up through the hero academy together. Jet is the hero and controls some kind of darkness she can make tangible. It's a dangerous power that has a history of driving users insane and she's always got to focus on not letting the darkness overwhelm her and make her do horrible things. She's fully bought in to the hero ideals and is a total goodie-two-shoes. Iridium is the villain, she always focused more on results and her own view of what justice was and couldn't work within the system. Now she uses her radioactive light powers to keep a neighborhood safe from the worst crime while she works to bring down the rotten establishment(the establishment is ALWAYS rotten in these books).

Book one mostly focuses on the now, figuring out what the hell is going on and who is actually good and bad. Book two is about half in the aftermath of the first book and half flashbacks to the two girls in school or their parents before them(last generation of heroes) and how everything ended up how it was. First book has a bit of the obnoxiously written romance stuff but not much, and I'm gonna post a spoiler here so you don't just throw down the book
the retarded shit where Jet keeps describing the guy as making her belly feel tingles and shit turns out to be because he's using his electricity powers to manipulate her. It's GD retarded and obnoxious, but know there's at least an excuse for her acting like a retarded 13 year old looking at a picture of Justin Bieber.

Worth a read if you are looking for something in the genre, but I'd go with Confessions of a D-List Supervillain, in Hero Years, and the 2 Ex books by Peter Clines first.

As for reading anything Sanderson would write in the genre, he's publishingSteelheartas one of his 70 books he'll put out this year. It sounds cool and I can't wait to see what he does with the genre.


<Gold Donor>
Awesome, thanks for all the suggestions. Now I can't wait for Steelheart! I think I got a little bit of chub just reading about it.

Hard Magic has been on my list to read already, but is it actually a superhero book? It always sort of looked like a Garrett Files type to me. I realize it has magic in it, but I was sort of thinking more fantasy vibe, not superhero.


Trakanon Raider
Awesome, thanks for all the suggestions. Now I can't wait for Steelheart! I think I got a little bit of chub just reading about it.

Hard Magic has been on my list to read already, but is it actually a superhero book? It always sort of looked like a Garrett Files type to me. I realize it has magic in it, but I was sort of thinking more fantasy vibe, not superhero.
It is - the description is how the characters think about the situation - they don't think of themselves as superheroes, but they are. It's a wide range of people that gained a unique power, complete with a supervillain recruiting followers to take over the world and hero secret society set up to try and stop him. It's set in, if memory serves, the 1920s, and superpowers are widely known to exist, so there is quite a different attitude in place among the general population.


<Gold Donor>
Finished Hard Magic the other day, and really enjoyed it. I am not usually a big fan of "historical" fiction (this is set in the 1920s and 30s), but it didn't really interfere with the story at all, and the alternate history part of it was actually fairly entertaining. I'll read the next one I'm sure, but I decided to give his other series, Monster Hunter, International a shot, and I'm really, really liking that one. It isn't superheroes at all, but I thought I'd mention it for anyone that has read Hard Magic. (By the way, it is pretty obvious that the author is a COMPLETE gun nut. He lovingly describes just about every gun used in both series.)

Steelheart is due to come out the end of September, and depending upon my free time that might be my next "superhero" book, aside from Spellbound (Hard Magic sequel). Regardless of what I read before then, I can pretty much guarantee I'll be reading Steelheart the day it comes out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I'd been meaning to read the first Shadow Ops book (Control Point) for a while. The author is a regular poster on the reddit /r/fantasy subreddit and I've heard lots of good things about the book.

Can read the synopsis at the link but mine is better.

It's set in present day America, except there's people that can use magic. The government rounds these folks up as soon as they manifest their power, by force if they don't self-report. The folks with the right powers are recruited and trained by a military arm trained specifically to deal with them, Supernatural Operations Corps(SOC). The right powers are basically folks that can manipulate the 4 elements(aero/terra/pyro/hydromancers) and physiomancers, who can manipulate flesh and are used essentially as super-medics. Some of the blacklisted powers are people who can raise and control the dead, whisperers who can control other living things, elementalists who can summon constructs of the elements that have their own will, teleporters who can open gates to another world and back, and renders who are basically evil physiomancers. When the SOC finds these people they take them down.

Our hero is a non-power strike force leader in the SOC. Obviously he discovers he has magic powers. One thing leads to another and he ends up at the SOC base getting trained. This is a very cool premise, modern fantasy from a military perspective. It's a cool pair of worlds, there's some great characters, and the military structure is pretty cool.

Now for the problem: The main character, Oscar, is a wishy washy spastic bipolar indecisive rash fuckwit. He jumps to conclusions constantly. Every day in camp he flip flops from some emo "OMG I can't do this!" pussy to "OMG I did good today this is great!". He's like a teenage girl. He alienates his squadmates regularly. He's...he's just an insufferable shitwit. Almost every bad thing that happens in the book is directly attributable to him making some stupid rash decision that he thinks is right. Spoiler alert, it's fucking not.

Soooo...I dunno. If the setting and story interest you maybe give it a try. There's a sequel coming out soon. I'll end up reading it. And I'll end up hating it if the writer hasn't significantly changed the main character. Or changed to another character in the same world, that would be best...


<Gold Donor>
Lame. It sounds awesome except for the main character. I don't think I could stomach it, so unless you tell me the sequel is awesome, I'll probably pass.

Finished In Hero Years...I'm Dead last week or so, and fucking loved it, as I figured I would given your review of it. Stackpole could probably write the phone book and it would be at least moderately interesting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Got around to readingEx-Communication, the 3rd in the Ex-Heroes series.

Good book, but the scale was not very ambitious. It's back in LA, and JUST LA. Other than flashbacks it only covers like a week, and barely ever leaves the walls of their safe area. In the first two books they covered the main character's "origins". There's 2 more here and the backstory is good for both. Corpse Girl especially has a cool section, where it's written as her diary and done really well. But after having all these characters explained, and the 2nd book expanding the scope a bit with the military base, he really didn't take it any further.

1st book is all about survival and making a safe place to live. 2nd book is expanding that foothold, planning for the future, and learning how it all happened and came to where we are. 3rd book is....more survival I guess. Some minor character building.

Not bad, but didn't remotely live up to my high expectations for it. Instead of building on the groundwork he's laid and expanding the story he just sort of threw in a story in the setting. If it was fewer pages it would have been considered Ex-Heroes 2.5 instead of 3.


<Gold Donor>
Thanks for the review Grimmlokk. I think that these will be my next series I read, because the concept sounds pretty interesting to me the way you've described it. I understand you've sort of tempered my expectations for it, but that might be a good thing.

Adam Wolf_sl

I received two private messages in response to my post in this thread. I replied to one via email and the other via pm. I hope you guys got my replies. Thanks for expressing interest.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
4th book in Peter Clines'Exseries comes out in a few days,Ex-Purgatory, comes out in a few days. Hopefully it's better than the 3rd one. 1st two were pretty awesome. Superheroes and zombies, fuck yeah.


<Gold Donor>
Thanks for the heads up. I'll definitely read it soon after release. Pretty good series overall, which is surprising really.


Karazhan Raider
I second hard magic/spellbound/warbound. Very entertaining plot and characters for the most part.