Swamp Donkey, Mom of the year.

Are you...

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Mr. Poopybutthole
You have 24 Hours. If after that time this thread does not produce Tyen’s GF, new tit pics, Trex’s asshole pic, the abusive grandpa, or the 68 year old war vet that Trex whored herself out to, I humbly request the mods Hall of Shame this thread, and ban both of your accounts. The rest of this forum will cheer in your banning, as will several other members that have left the forum.

To be brief, we did not suffer through dozens of pages of your drivel, responding to your idiotic comments with our forum-mates, so we could get no worthwhile pics and just the troll attempts of Trex's cuck. EVEN if you did produce the goods, FUCK YOU GUYS. Seriously, FUCK YOU.

I cannot believe this... right now we’re so apathetic to your shit. I am sitting here, and a lot of this forum is just sitting around while you two repeatedly try to one up each other on how much of a reprehensible parent you are. Don't you people have ANY FUCKING DECENCY? TYEN WHY DON'T YOU STOP USING YOUR TIPS FOR YOUR WEED AND TREX WHY DON'T YOU STOP DRINKING LIKE A CHEAP WHORE AND START GETTING YOUR LIVES IN ORDER FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN?

The tragic irony of you creating this thread is once again we are reminded of what cancers you two are. We may be in our 80th version of this forum, but we will create 18 new ones if we have to so we can finally get rid of you.
24 Hours.... after that I beseech the mods to banish this thread as your way of farming tuconets and airing dirty laundry to the all time Hall of Shame section by which all other shit threads will be judged against in the future. We are done playing ball with you useless fuckers... it's your turn to get banned

I unhumbly request you to shut the fuck up.

She posts through gavin.

Prolly PMing furiously back and forth.

Seems unlikely unless she plays Vermintide 2 under the name Wakandankilla420blazeit
  • 2Worf
  • 1Salty
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<Bronze Donator>
Has anything useful happened since like page 10?

Can't decide if I'm willing to dedicate hours to catching up on this


Potato del Grande
I'm personally waiting for the highlighter photos of the new chick, then this thread can be done with. (Although we could start a new tyen tyen thread to talk about each new babysitter he orders from that app)
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> Than U
Has anything useful happened since like page 10?

Can't decide if I'm willing to dedicate hours to catching up on this
It depends on how many posts per page you are set at. I am currently set to 42 and this post is page 38. It all pretty much goes to a shit posting trolling thread by 14.


> Than U
I'm personally waiting for the highlighter photos of the new chick, then this thread can be done with. (Although we could start a new tyen tyen thread to talk about each new babysitter he orders from that app)
I'm down for a tyen32 thread.
  • 2Worf
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Has anything useful happened since like page 10?

Can't decide if I'm willing to dedicate hours to catching up on this

It’s good until like page 33 or so. Content shriveled up faster than the senior citizen johns coinpurse that trex was allegedly banging after that.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
worst battery change ever. 06 sebring

  • 2Triggered
  • 1Faggotry
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Blackwing Lair Raider
So i'm pretty new to posting around here but this thread has made me feel so good about myself you have no idea lol. Thanks FoH!
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  • 1Worf
  • 1Solidarity
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Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
Updated! Pls provide approx dates & order pls

2011(?) - Tyen and Trex meet and fall in trollololol love
2012 - Destroy original FoH
???? - Kid 1
???? - Kid 2
???? - Trex kisses the bottle
???? - Trex walks in on Tyen giving forehead kisses. Rips his undies looking for hot batter.
???? - Trex passes out drunk. Kid almost burns down house
???? - Trex bangs old man
???? - Trex gives children to drug dealer
???? - Trex let's new BF move in
???? - Tyen moves out
???? - Trex in AA
May 2018 - Tyen wants maximum tuconets and posts dirt on gaming forum

How did dumb and dumber destroy FoH?

I don't care but historical context.
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Molten Core Raider
Did you decide not to wash the dishes before or after you never changed the brakes or battery on your car?
  • 3Worf
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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Did you decide not to wash the dishes before or after you never changed the brakes or battery on your car?

when there is a woman at home, she is suppose tondo the dishes.

ya hurd
  • 6Worf
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Vyemm Raider
How did dumb and dumber destroy FoH?

I don't care but historical context.

This site started as noows.com. With the launch of Luclin in 2002, the FoH guild moved to fohguild.org and that's when the fohguild forums opened. I wasn't around for noows, but I think it was closer to a pure blog with a comments section than an actual vbulletin board.

The first forum admin was an FoH guild member and sometime around 2007-08 he became roommates with Tyen. The forums were pretty old at this point and the original admin stopped giving a shit about it. He basically left it to rot and gave Tyen admin / mod powers. Tyen gave his retarded girlfriend Trex admin / mod powers. They behaved like the abusive assholes they are.

At some point Tyen tried to scam advertisers by running hundreds or thousands of forum bots to try to up the pagecount numbers. No one gave a shit until the forum software became so out of date, combined with an advertisement that was giving everyone viruses, that the site became listed by google as a scam site or something. That made the forums unusable at most people's work.

This last point is what they were talking about.

Anyway, the community decided to move to a new forum, I think it was moarnets or something, and it lasted a few weeks until someone doxed the person who was running the new forums as a tranny. So the tranny deleted the forums out of spite / fear of being outed.

This, I now believe, was a move by the CIA / NSA to take control of the forums and guide discussion into line with NWO globalist propaganda.

Then we moved to rerolled. Things were pretty stable for a few years, the site was heavily moderated to control free speech and keep us blind to the Jesuit plotting. Eventually, someone at the NSA / CIA realized this is a fucking gaming forum with a declining user base and not reddit. That's when the mole admin, I think Draegen (sp?) sold the forums to an mmo site or something. Basically, the scammed some guy who didn't do his homework and didn't understand what he was buying.

We tried to play nice with him, but it quickly became clear that he was unhappy with the purchase. Something happened where his blue pill newbie MMO forum users found out about us and it created a culture clash.

a_skeleton_03 stepped in and made a new forum. The newbe blue pill MMO forum users made a thread about it and the salty trolls from here invaded their forum and red pilled them. Gave them a double dose of that deep deep dicking.

Shots were fired, and red pills were dropped, and the buyer was made to look like a complete asshole.

Anyway, a_skeleton_03 (Moses) brought the community (Jews) to the promised land. The buyer tried to sell us the old post database for like 10K and no one here gave enough of a shit about those posts to pay that much. I think a_skeleton_03 haggled it down to pennies or something. Eventually the old FoHguild posts were recovered as well, so everything is under the same roof for the first time since noows.

With the lack of interest / top down control from the CIA we were invaded by shill posters as part of the 2016 election. The admins here played ball, but a_skeleton_03 tried to retain the spirit of the original FoHguild forums with a strong free speech bias. This led to him being doxed earlier this year and his job being threatened. He stepped down as admin and the forums became a charity or something recently.

That's when Tyen made this trainwreck garbage dumpster of a thread and the first charitable donation of our new charity is buying Tyen and Trex paternity tests for their abused / molested kids.

The CIA / NSA have taken a renewed interest in these forums. Be warned.

The funniest part about this whole thing was that one guy being outted as a tranny. Which, and this is maybe the best piece of old forum drama we have, wasn't our first time to the tranny rodeo.

You should ask about Millie, Kate's playground, Ravenn, and the screenshots revolt of '05 if you want the good shit.
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