
Vyemm Raider
New story content takes a few hours. Next update is (I assume) the raid and no doubt the daily hub.


Golden Squire
When you say new planet...is there actual story and a planet to explore, or is it just the new place where dailies/FP's are located on.
New planet. With a continuation of the storyline and a new set of dailies. That's... pretty much how things work in SWTOR.


Trakanon Raider
Not getting a validation E-Mail to set up an account. Really annoying... It also took them 3 days to send me a verification E-Mail for resetting my PW on my old account. Like, really, 3 days for an automated e-mail?I'm wondering if the verification E-Mail will even ever come, considering it is supposed to be automatic/instantaneous and I have tried 3 different E-Mails and fresh E-Mail accounts/user accounts. Anyone know what I can do? People on the forums report the same problem, as early as a week ago. But their solution is to change your E-Mail address and then change it back, which somehow triggers the verification E-mail. However, how the hell am I supposed to do that when I can't even log in on the website? It says "login failed" if I try. Help :c

Also, what is up with the patcher? Since I can't start a new account, I tried just logging in with my old one to play F2P for a bit, and even though the patcher says "ready to play", the play button is greyed out. It is still downloading, but it's over 60% done and has already taken an abysmally slow time to get there (already like 19 hours, and it destroys my internet, even though I have a great speed). Theoretically, shouldn't I at least be able to play on starting planets, as it tells me? Thanks in advance for any input/advice :/


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think I remember having to create a bogus email to receive the validation email. It wouldn't recognize the email that was attached to my account so I had to put in another email for the validation and then switch it back after the validation. Dumb but it worked.


Trakanon Raider
I think I remember having to create a bogus email to receive the validation email. It wouldn't recognize the email that was attached to my account so I had to put in another email for the validation and then switch it back after the validation. Dumb but it worked.
I think that only works with existing accounts though, as I need this validation E-Mail to finish creating my account at all. So I can't change my E-Mail :/


Golden Squire
How's PvP in SWTOR?
Loaded question.Ithink it's some of the best out there and I think meta-play for any class is where a person can truly shine. That said, Stun Wars is alive and well, FOTM tends to rule the roost and finding balance might as well be a chupacabra for all intents and purposes.


Vyemm Raider
The patcher is wonky yeah. Mine was supposedly completely done but I still couldn't log in to any of my chars so I made a noob, and in-game the downloader was just reporting 0% until I finished dicking around and logged back out and then things worked. And yes that goddamn thing DESTROYS your computer while it is running. Don't expect to get much multi-tasking done. Run it overnight.

Load times overall are pretty shitty - even exiting the game takes a while. I need to move this turkey to my SSD.

I got my free server move, now I just need my auctions to finish. As best as I can tell, biochem is now all a loss and fishing for epic mats with diplomacy is my best passive money maker. All of my old stockpiled rank 9 mats sold for a nice pile, and companion gifts always sell. But there's a lot of obfuscation because you have random return per mission cost to average out so its hard to see where the profit line is. There's probably a website to sort this shit out for me somewhere, because generating credits is actually useful for buying perks and I don't want to be wasting creds blindly. Missions aren't stingy with the creds either.

I looked at some transmog stuff and man, I'd forgotten how goddamn ugly most of those BH sets were along the way. If you want to look cool as imp, it's open your wallet or play a marauder.

Also, holy fucking dps queues. Healing is supposedly the larger bottleneck.


Golden Squire
SWTOR Economics | An Eternal Optimists Approach to the Economics of Star Wars: The Old Republichas a roughly once a week breakdown of what markets look like on each server when it comes to crafting mats.

If you are looking for outfits, best bet is to open up the Cartel Collections window (button at the bottom of you inventory), find the Armors listing and just browse through what's there. I *think* you can preview them but don't quote me. Some outfits are super rare, like the Satele Shan outfit (boots are the gate there and can go for up to 8m depending on how desperate your buyer is) but that's about as complete as list as you'll find. There's some custom shells that are "crafter only" but those are easy to get a preview of if you know what you're doing.

I have like 4 or 5 outfits unlocked in the market so I'm never at a loss for something to wear.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Prices jumped in March as people unsubbed from the expansion rush and old gear from the Christmas specials started dwindling in supply. Supply and demand are definitely abused to the maximum in this game (coming from the perspective of an abuser)


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the responses... any open-world PvP or still mini-game based if you will? Not knocking it too much... I do love me some Hutt ball


Trakanon Raider
Not much open world, though we have events on JC every two weeks that we organize
Sounds pretty fun. A friend and I just got back into SC2 and he mentioned it out of no where. I haven't even thought of SWTOR in forever. Curious how much they may attempt to capitalize with the new movies coming out. Be a good opportunity with the current lull of MMO's to really do some attention grabbing stuff.


Vyemm Raider
They are lucky they are set thousands of years away from canon. They swung one hell of a big axe when they started up the new sequels.


Golden Squire
No shit. I think they actually addressed this at Celebration, something to the effect of them being so far outside the realm of the movies that they don't have to worry about too much.


A nice asshole.
Looking for guild, may join the reddit guild since they are on the server but it is a reddit guild....

Send tells to Lana'a


Trakanon Raider
Has anyone used Moontayle's referral link and had success creating an account? I still can't get the damn validation email via that link and setting up an account that way.


Golden Squire
I've had a few people use the link but I doubt it's anything specific to the link itself. Sounds like EAWare's system just doesn't like you. Or it's shit. I'm guessing the latter.