Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
For PvE as long as you stay out of the Cantina area of the Fleet, Ebon Hawk has a pretty sizeable population and is usually the server with the highest listed load during prime time. For PvP I believe Bastion is the place to be.
Are you still playing moontayle? If so what server are you on?

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I patched this up as well, been a bit bored the last couple of days and felt like Star Wars. I did some missions on Voss where I left off and noticed all the reward money goes "into escrow", which I assume is one of the F2P abuses they have in place? Never played since they went F2P so does anyone have a suggestion for fixing this that doesnt involve the dollars? Or just ignore it and keep playing?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Another question, did they truly fix the ability misfire bug last month? That made being melee annoying as fuck. I'm wow'd out right now so considering updating and rocking this a bit until d3 and warlords


I did some missions on Voss where I left off and noticed all the reward money goes "into escrow", which I assume is one of the F2P abuses they have in place? N Or just ignore it and keep playing?
Just ignore and keep playing. FTP caps you at 350k creds anything earned over that goes into account.


Golden Squire
And unless you're a high end raider or just like vanity items, 350k can go far. I fluctuate between 1.5m and 3m and as I approach the latter I usually end up buying a bunch of Cartel stuff off the GTN. I know some people like with like 300m but all they do is play the GTN. Money is sort of arbitrary once you're at 55.


Vyemm Raider
I couldn't fucking believe it when I dicked around in this a few months back and that goddamn misfire bug was still there. Every fourth or fifth ability wouldn't fire, and it has been that way since beta, what the actual fuck? And they needed players making videos to prove to them that the bug even existed? That is Square-Enix levels of incompetence.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
And unless you're a high end raider or just like vanity items, 350k can go far. I fluctuate between 1.5m and 3m and as I approach the latter I usually end up buying a bunch of Cartel stuff off the GTN. I know some people like with like 300m but all they do is play the GTN. Money is sort of arbitrary once you're at 55.
As far as I could tell I couldnt raid if I wanted to, and I'll not throw them money for what is a likely a 1-week lull in other game interests. Still miffed that I didnt get the cartel coins for my old sub.


Tranny Chaser
I saw the news on this and was stunned to see that Rakghouls were still a main source of content... What on earth makes them think that fans of Star Wars give a rats ass about rakghouls?


You know, I thought the rakghoul thing was stupid, and Taris a terrible experience, but this event is actually kind of fun. The random zombie people running up and attacking you has a very horror movie feel to it, at least the first few times.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You know, I thought the rakghoul thing was stupid, and Taris a terrible experience, but this event is actually kind of fun. The random zombie people running up and attacking you has a very horror movie feel to it, at least the first few times.
I didn't mind Taris the planet as far as a spot to level and explore, but the rakghoul thing being ever so present did get annoying. Only played the Republic side of Taris once and didn't find it that memorable. Continuing to have rakghoul events just seems silly at this point but I haven't played in awhile.


What classes are strong in PvP? I was looking to sub up for a month and roll through some people, but I heard there's a lot of imbalance now.


What classes are strong in PvP? I was looking to sub up for a month and roll through some people, but I heard there's a lot of imbalance now.
Balance in pvp is actually not that bad at all atm. Assassin's/Shadows are still one of the best pvp classes as a whole. You have the full arsenal of tools at your disposal. I've been a Focus (Smash) Guardian since the beta and while the aoe damage is insane, you drop like a sack of shit pretty fast. The good thing is the tank spec is still #1 and you can switch at will
Gunslingers are also amazing in pvp as are Pyrotechs. As for healing, Scoundrels/Operatives are hands down the best class bar none.