
Trakanon Raider
I keep trying to play this but my sith jugg just feels clunky, I hate the rotation it feels more spammy than even WoW, is there any way to make that better? I really want to like this game =/


Trakanon Raider
Is guardian much different than jugg? I want to be a jedi for sure and not a huge fan of the rogue/mage jedi class.


I keep trying to play this but my sith jugg just feels clunky, I hate the rotation it feels more spammy than even WoW, is there any way to make that better? I really want to like this game =/
Try bounty hunter its quite a bit better unless you need to have lightsaber.


uup2it_sl said:
Try bounty hunter its quite a bit better unless you need to have lightsaber.
I'll co-sign on this. I started swtor with a sith jug as my main. It was fun but just lacked something. For the lulz I tried BH and never looked back. Endgame tanking was a lot more fun on my BH. The class is fun enough that you can live without the saber. Though I wish they would get creative with it. Maybe have a quest to collect a bounty on a jedi/sith. Upon completion you jack their blade. It could be classified as a ranged off-hand, just have the saber in one hand using defensive animations. I'm not suggesting giving lightsabers to all of course. Just a cool vanity item for BH.

So if I want to dip my toe back into this game's expansion, as a preferred status player, what's the smart way to go about it? What are the tradeoffs to my current status or just saying "fuck it" and subscribe for a bit?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I play light side and the classes I enjoy more are shadow, sage, commando, scoundrel in no particular order, with maybe a small preference towards shadow/scoundrel because stealth is so damn useful and lets me skip a fuckton of trash.
Commando rocks because of auto-cannons, what else needs to be said when you can mortar volley?

Sage is similar to an old school wow priest, I find that healing on a sage is fairly relaxing.
They are not the best story in the galaxy for sure, but to be 100% honest, I don't expect William Gibson level of narration, just a thread to follow and they suit me just fine.


So if I want to dip my toe back into this game's expansion, as a preferred status player, what's the smart way to go about it? What are the tradeoffs to my current status or just saying "fuck it" and subscribe for a bit?
Yeah, I've been weighing the same thing. The Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion is 10 bucks. A one months sub is 15 and you get the expansion free and the extra stuff.

I've been playing other things, but I'll probably break down and pay for a month just to check it out, plus to get my two 50s to 55.


How are scoundrels/ops healers in pve these days? Thinking about reinstalling to kill time for a week or so.


Not sure about pve, but they are crazy in pvp. They can just stand there and heal themselves through 5 guys wailing on them. It's kind of silly.


Golden Squire
Not sure about pve, but they are crazy in pvp. They can just stand there and heal themselves through 5 guys wailing on them. It's kind of silly.
Not quite this bad unless the 5 beating on the Op have no gear and hit like wet noodles, but it's pretty damn close. The well played Ops I've run into will not go down easy. The combination of instant cast HOTs and an instant heal that is a free cast when you've got at least one Tactical Advantage and less than 30% health is too much for just one person to deal with, and sometimes two.


I reinstalled to play space ships but then just rerolled on a new server and have been totally sucked back in.

There may be nothing to do at 60 or whatever but.there is hours of fun to be had playing through the story and such at least once each side.


My theory is that operatives are not really a "glamor" class so people generally opt to play Bounty hunters and lightsaber classes, most people that run operatives these days are experienced players who know what they are doing in warzones so they are just harder to kill, and by default operatives are harder to kill then sorc's so in the right hands they can be a pain to drop down, but like all classes, when properly focused they go down :p

The only class i feel falls short is merc/commando's anything they do another class does better, but they are still very fun to play and like all classes in the right hands are deadly. I have a 55 sorc/assassin/operative that i use for pvp, use my operative for raids, all are fun as hell to play, assassins in the right hands are dirty :p and left alone middle tree sages/sorcs will destroy a group. I do rateds on occasion but i still prefer the 8v8 maps, you generally have to arrange with other guilds to get groups together for rateds on my server its not something that occurs organically


Trakanon Raider
Operative/Scoundrel healers are strong but like most classes they have their weakness. If you make sure you don't let them cast Underworld Medicine it badly affects them. Most people don't use their lockout abilities and so when they complain about not being able to kill healers I just laugh.


Most competent healers always have a few stacks for upperhand/tactical advantage so if my kolto injection/infusion are on lock out due to interrupts I have 2-3 instant heals i can crack off that heal for 3-5k a pop :p A good op/scoundrel healer guarded takes a bit of co-ordination to drop, we usually have a madness sorc or a lethality sniper in the group (madness sorcs are the best though) attack the tank as their mitigation vs internal dmg is a bit weaker than their other mitigation bonus's, and the other dps pound the healer it usually results in both of them dying at the same time, all healers pretty much go down the same without a guard when focused, you can drop them in a GDC if you group is coordinated, you see it all the time in ranked


Downloading this shit. Its been a while.
What server are you on? Free to play is fine for the stories and leveling. I've got two 50s, and probably will resub this week.

I'm enjoying this far more than my free week of WOW. I just can't get into WOW anymore. This is my go to game now when I get the MMO itch.