Tanoomba's Toxic Tank of Traducement

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listen and believe style policing, here's the thing you said doesn't exist.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. I understand the point you're trying to make: That ideologies can become harmful when they become dogma; that foolish extremists, even if they believe they are doing good, can compromise the rights and values of society as a whole. I don't disagree with any of that.

But here's what you don't understand: When Sarkeesian coined "Listen and believe", she wasn't advocating putting men in prison without due process, she was suggesting that people not immediately dismiss the shitty experiences of some women in tech and gaming as bullshit. When Feminists Canada said "We don't have to 'prove' that #JianGhomeshi assaulted women, because we #BelieveWomen", they weren't calling for Ghomeshi to be jailed, they were offering unconditional emotional support to victims of sexual abuse.

For YOU, there is no distinction. For YOU, the experiences that sexual assault victims go through are inconsequential, so if someone offers support to these victims you are incapable of understanding their perspective. You don't know and don't care how brutal an experience coming forward about being assaulted can be. For YOU, it can only be about what happens to the accused, therefore believing the victim MUST imply foregoing due process for the accused. That is both foolish and short-sighted.

Again, I was against those campus kangaroo rape courts and I'm glad Trump reversed them. But AGAIN, expressing support for assault victims DOES NOT EQUAL demanding the abolition of due process. For fuck's sake, even the author of the article you linked understands this better than you:
Ashe Schow said:
It's one thing for activists and support groups to believe everyone that comes to them with a story of rape. It's their job to offer support, and it's not necessary for them to be incredulous. Could this lead to them getting taken advantage of occasionally? Sure, but for them, it's better to help everyone who seeks assistance than to turn into investigators.
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I'm still waiting on at least ONE example of when I've "apologized for vileness", fanaskin fanaskin . If it's "always what is happening" as you so eloquently put, then finding an example should be a piece of cake.

Or do you just prefer to make baseless personal attacks and never actually have to back them up with anything? Must be nice.
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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I'm still waiting on at least ONE example of when I've "apologized for vileness", fanaskin fanaskin . If it's "always what is happening" as you so eloquently put, then finding an example should be a piece of cake.

Or do you just prefer to make baseless personal attacks and never actually have to back them up with anything? Must be nice.

Must be nice to ignore the what everyone tells you constantly and come back everyday anew like a Alzheimer patient. I think you've been told many times exactly how stupid your thinking is.


It is a sad world for Anita, to live in a constant state of paranoia like that.
Really? More paranoid than you thinking an internet pop critic is going to be responsible for throwing innocent men in jail? I'm not sure you understand what "paranoia" means.

Also, don't worry about her "sad world". She's doing just fine, thanks in no small part to people like you.

Must be nice to ignore the what everyone tells you constantly and come back everyday anew like a Alzheimer patient. I think you've been told many times exactly how stupid your thinking is.
So nothing, then? Not a single example? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

Well, not that shocked.
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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Really? More paranoid than you thinking an internet pop critic is going to be responsible for throwing innocent men in jail? I'm not sure you understand what "paranoia" means.

As a single individual? she actually has done outsized harm far beyond any average person, as a representative of an ideology the ideology itself is harm, that's what it wants to accomplish deconstruction and demolition, that's what they TELL YOU they want to do ffs.


As a single individual? she actually has done outsized harm far beyond any average person, as a representative of an ideology the ideology itself is harm, that's what it wants to accomplish deconstruction and demolition, that's what they TELL YOU they want to do ffs.
How are you measuring that harm, and how are you linking it to her? You'll excuse me for not taking you at your word, but I had been assured that Sarkeesian was going to ruin video games by complaining about boobies and that turned out to be some mighty powerful hand-wringing busybodyism. Ironically, games as a whole have gotten better, with a greater variety of characters and scenarios, better writing, developers trying new and interesting things with the oeuvre, and still more boobies than you can shake a stick at!

By the way, why does every post you make bring up an entirely new point unrelated to everything that came before? You went from "Listen and believe IS a legal framework", which I showed was wrong. You abandoned that and for some reason called Sarkeesian paranoid (About what? Who knows!) right after showcasing your own paranoia. And now you've shifted to "But she's really harmful! No, for real!" which besides being wrong has nothing to do with anything. FFS, I bet you couldn't even name the ideology she is supposedly a representative of.

Is this how you think debate works? Just keep going off on tangent after tangent, never once addressing the points that contradict yours, adding a generous helping of baseless personal attacks? Jeez.
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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
How are you measuring that harm, and how are you linking it to her?

go look at all the tech companies she visits and the sjw cabals she helps out, whose a fucking twitter policeperson now, her partner in crime, zoe and anita know each other from way back, antis helped hook the cabal up in places like google and twitter.


go look at all the tech companies she visits and the sjw cabals she helps out, whose a fucking twitter policeperson now, her partner in crime, zoe and anita know each other from way back, antis helped hook the cabal up in places like google and twitter.
So, she knows somebody who knows somebody who helped manage an optional biased block list on Twitter? The monster!

Looks like someone's suffering from a case of ADS.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
So, she knows somebody who knows somebody who helped manage an optional biased block list on Twitter? The monster!

Looks like someone's suffering from a case of ADS.

No you fucking retard she helped zoe become a thought police on twitter, zoe works for twitter now shutting people up and oppressing opinion all in the name of "social justice" which isn't justice at all, it's targeted injustice.
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No you fucking retard she helped zoe become a thought police on twitter, zoe works for twitter now shutting people up and oppressing opinion all in the name of "social justice" which isn't justice at all, it's targeted injustice.
So we should be judged by who we know, not what we do? How does knowing someone who does something you disapprove of equate to "she actually has done outsized harm far beyond any average person, as a representative of an ideology the ideology itself is harm, that's what it wants to accomplish deconstruction and demolition (sic)"?

Take a deep breath, organize your thoughts, and make a point. Knowing Zoe Quinn doesn't make Sarkeesian harmful. You haven't even explained how blocking Tweets is harmful, FFS. Again, can you even describe this supposed ideology that Sark's a "representative of"? If you ask nicely, I'm sure Lendarios would be happy to help you proofread your posts so they come closer to approximating the English language.
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