TFO returns to Classic raiding for the summer


Lord Nagafen Raider
With our normal raid progression slowing down for summer time, we decided to use our break this year to revisit Classic. We'll be raiding vanilla through whatever expansion we manage to reach by the end of summer. All classes are welcome.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Very interested in this. Posted on forums. Looking to get in touch with someone in game for some questions.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Got in touch with the officers and all the answers are looking great. Not only a great group of people but their raid and gearing system is really nice. They allow the players to play without a million restrictions and when it's raid time, it's all in era, legit raiding.

I'd highly recommend trying this out if you've got that everquest itch.


just rolled a druid named paincone. do I have to do an app on the website? way too lazy for that

just saw its double xp this weekend too. can probably do 25-50 in like a half hour with merc

edit got to 46 in the time it took me to make pasta. if i remember il come back and hit 50 for the first raid


Vyemm Raider
I may jump in on this. Had fun with TFO on KP.

Edit: Played with TFO on KP, don't particularly want to App on TFO website. Have a bard I will prob delevel for this - Flobeez. Hit me up tonight for an invite please <3


No offense to you guys that don't want to fill out an application. I'm sure you're good players. That being said, if you aren't excited enough to spend the 10 minutes to fill out an application to raid Classic, you're probably not going to stick around after the first wipe when it eventually happens.

To that I say good luck to you, we're probably not the guild for you.


Vyemm Raider
No offense to you guys that don't want to fill out an application. I'm sure you're good players. That being said, if you aren't excited enough to spend the 10 minutes to fill out an application to raid Classic, you're probably not going to stick around after the first wipe when it eventually happens.

To that I say good luck to you, we're probably not the guild for you.
Ha, was a couple of beers deep when I posted that. You are absolutely correct of course. I will be more than happy to app if I decide to play.

That being said bard successfully de-leveled to 50!


no offense to TFO but im definitely not excited enough to answer a bunch of questions about my ability to play everquest. i just wanted to jump in and attend some raids and see if i had fun with the crew youve got. more especially when i know the game inside and out and the whole progression thing on a live server is mind mindbogglingly pointless when mercs and new spells and defiant gear etc etc (even if you dont use those at actual raid time) aside from the "having a fun night with some other old gamers" factor. if you really do take it that seriously than i agree, its not the guild for me, good luck.

edit - i forgot i was actualy in tfo at one point, i was a cleric for the first full anguish clear, and had a blast. but at this point in my life i just cant get 'serious' about a project like this


Who the fuck still requires people to fill out apps on a website? It takes longer to sign up for the forum than it does to send a couple in-game messages back and forth to make sure the person is who they say they are. What the fuck is the point of an app on a forum?

Filling out an app for a raiding guild is basically like trying to get that hot girl to date you. You put on an act that you're nice and not all about sex when in the end all you really want is to get into those sugar walls.

Same thing with raiding guild apps. I want to see content and get my fucking loot. What tv shows I watch or what race I play doesn't fucking matter. If I show up on time and do my job that should be enough.


Trakanon Raider
You two sound out of touch. If a person isn't willing to put in 5 minutes to make an app, and leave behind a paper trail (because all sorts of dirty scum are on Test), chances are that person won't stick around and be worth raiding with. The process isn't extensive.

I'm not saying you're griefers, and I'm sure you're well-intentioned. But the game is filled with those types, and forcing people to formally app (as quick as the process is) reduces oodles of wasted time of guild leadership.


people come and go all the time. if your oodles of wasted eq-test-server game time are that precious to demand an online application be filled out, i would put forth the idea that it is you who is out of touch sir

edit- loved the vagina analogy


Yeah, I still don't understand why you need a paper trail to join an Everquest guild. You're not filing taxes or anything. I'd expect an in-game conversation would be better anyways. This isnt 1999 anymore.


No offense to you guys that don't want to fill out an application. I'm sure you're good players. That being said, if you aren't excited enough to spend the 10 minutes to fill out an application to raid Classic, you're probably not going to stick around after the first wipe when it eventually happens.

To that I say good luck to you, we're probably not the guild for you.
Nits, are you playing an Enchanter again for classic runs?


After looking over my various accounts I think I'll join this. As much as I hate to I will fill out an app and try to get tagged while I PL a class to 50 and transfer a gear set over.