Thats Racist ! (Rich old man in LA buys and sells black folks)

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Littering is a very regional-specific mentality in the US. The west coast is very mindful of such things. When I visit the midwest or east coast and ask about recycling or compost I get the most blank stares like, "You fucking serious?" Yes, I am fucking serious. You don't separate your trash? Really?
SE maybe - NE absolutely does a ton.


Musty Nester
We'll eventually mine landfills. Lets the bacterias, molds, and fungi do what they do to the biodegradables. Plastics, metals, and the rest can be reclaimed once they've done the sorting of the simpler CHO's.

Industrial composting. It's not the best plan, but it is cheap. Literally all you have to do is throw your trash in a hole, cover it up, bleed the methane, and wait.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So true, the only people allowed to complain are those at the very very very bottom. Any complaints anyone else may have aren't valid otherwise /nod
Nah you've missed the point, which isn't your fault, I didn't describe it verbosely enough for you to not easily make a strawman. Each race in US culture has unique cultural advantages and disadvantages. White people enjoy being the least discriminated against by the establishment but are also held to a different standard when it comes to saying stupid racist shit. When I see white people complaining about being held accountable to some dumb racist shit they say and point out that other races can say dumb racist shit with impunity I feel compelled to tell them to stop whining like bitches.

Complain about having the baggage that comes along with being the most empowered race in our culture if you want, but never forget how great it is to be white in our society.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
When I was in India I was working in a just finished Industrial Park that was in the outskirts of Pune. The park was beautiful, it was bordering a bunch of beautiful wilderness etc. I'm sitting there eating lunch with my white collar colleages enjoying the scenery and when we finish they just throw their paper plates/napkins/styrofoam cups etc off the balcony into the forest. There was a trash can like 5 feet away and I was totally blown away by the rampant littering there, especially among educated people.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Nah you've missed the point, which isn't your fault, I didn't describe it verbosely enough for you to not easily make a strawman. Each race in US culture has unique cultural advantages and disadvantages. White people enjoy being the least discriminated against by the establishment but are also held to a different standard when it comes to saying stupid racist shit. When I see white people complaining about being held accountable to some dumb racist shit they say and point out that other races can say dumb racist shit with impunity I feel compelled to tell them to stop whining like bitches.

Complain about having the baggage that comes along with being the most empowered race in our culture if you want, but never forget how great it is to be white in our society.

Weve already discussed how dumb that video is tuco get it together.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
the future doesn't look bright though it's even in that clip, we've come to look at white society as a kind of sickness that must be destroyed.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Who the fuck is 'we'?

edit: I don't mind destroying the white race one biracial copulation at a time!


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I feel like people litter a lot less than they did when I was growing up. I used to have family members who didn't think twice about chucking a can out the window on the highway but I don't know anyone who does that now. There is still some trash on the road, but not nearly as much as there was when I was picking it up for the adopt a highway program as a kid.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
which groups of people think they need to overhaul or combat the whole society? various social extremists like Marxists, feminists, even industrialists and capitalists that border fascists(without the socialism of the nsdap), any group that inherently is either self hating of their host society or parasitic and apathetic in the same breath. it's not even "purity" tuco, blending isn't really a problem because at least you are part of a new identity, it's more like a suicide of the society itself, we arenn't even replacing ourselves as it's become inhumane and hostile to itself.

as evidenced that white countries don't replace themselves, there's something wrong, hostile and parasitic with the society we've constructed out of industrialization


The lack of manpower will do two things, one put the west at a severe global disadvantage and two force mass rapid immigration, immigration isn't bad in of itself but too much too quickly can threaten societal cohesion, there's some anecdotal evidence of this in England were recent immigrantMuslims were plotting to take over schools in Englandand were systematically discriminating against white students, female students and rejected western culture all within english borders.

people who say that insults visited on white people shouldn't be treated equally because white people are in power are short sighted, that isn't going to last that much longer, we need to really hold everyone accountable for being hostile and anti-whatever group and we shouldn't say that people who are anti-white are harmless compared to whites who are anti-whatever because they are part of a minority group, the phrase minority will become meaningless maybe even towards the end of our lifetimes.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
SE maybe - NE absolutely does a ton.
I live in the SE. I separate my trash. Two piles, one that will burn and the other goes out for the trash guys to pick up. On littering I don't know, we still have honest to god chain gangs here and they do a pretty good job of picking it up. Nothing beats 20 black guys picking up trash while 1 white guy in a truck and another on a horse watch. They come by and get the roadside and my ditch here about once a month. I like to entertain myself and sit on the porch smoking a cigar when they come by.


Musty Nester
It's true. We do burn trash.

If a chair breaks do you haul it down to the county landfill? Hell no. That shit goes ON FIRE. Cardboard boxes? ON FIRE. Old junk mail, bank statements, newspapers, and assorted paper trash? ON FIRE.

It just comes with having a yard. If you've got tree branches and a pile of uprooted honeysuckle that you're gonna have to burn anyway... might as well.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
which groups of people think they need to overhaul or combat the whole society? various social extremists like Marxists, feminists, even industrialists and capitalists that border fascists(without the socialism of the nsdap), any group that inherently is either self hating of their host society or parasitic and apathetic in the same breath. it's not even "purity" tuco, blending isn't really a problem because at least you are part of a new identity, it's more like a suicide of the society itself, we arenn't even replacing ourselves as it's become inhumane and hostile to itself.

people who say that insults visited on white people shouldn't be treated equally because white people are in power are short sighted, that isn't going to last that much longer, we need to really hold everyone accountable for being hostile and anti-whatever group and we shouldn't say that people who are anti-white are harmless compared to whites who are anti-whatever because they are part of a minority group, the phrase minority will become meaningless maybe even towards the end of our lifetimes.
Ok, so when some groups preach equality and likely some dumbasses in those groups say stupid things you're jumping to the conclusion that their arguments somehow transformed us into believing that white society is a kind of sickness that needs to be destroyed. That's fine I'm okay with you thinking that and have no desire to debate this idea with you.
It's true. We do burn trash.

If a chair breaks do you haul it down to the county landfill? Hell no. That shit goes ON FIRE. Cardboard boxes? ON FIRE. Old junk mail, bank statements, newspapers, and assorted paper trash? ON FIRE.

It just comes with having a yard. If you've got tree branches and a pile of uprooted honeysuckle that you're gonna have to burn anyway... might as well.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
White people enjoy being the least discriminated against by the establishment but are also held to a different standard when it comes to the first amendment.