The Al`kabor Project (EQMac) - PoP 1/5


Molten Core Raider
As I said, we disabled some items to prevent raid drops from becoming worthless. People are wearing their planar armor and they'll be wearing their kunark sets and they'll be wearing their ToV armor. Melee are currently using yaks and bloodfires and not the Kithicor weapons. The Kunark crafted sets were left enabled however.

The point at which you draw the line is entirely subjective. Say we disabled item focii; Ok, do we then also enable pet proximity aggro as well? Disable automatic pet dual wield? How about level capping taunt? How about using a classic era resist curve?

I want to point out however, that there is a long list of things that affect play balance. I can say that our hate system is the most accurate of any emulator for example. All our raid bosses have parsed attack delays, resist values, proc rates, and max hits as well. I find missing spell effects on raid bosses that are not in the PEQ database or listed on Allakhazam all the time. Our server with focus effects enabled will still be more challenging than other servers with focus effects disabled. (project 1999 aside, although early levels on TAKP are more difficult for the time being due to avoidance and mitigation that will change eventually)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Has anyone had any luck getting mouse look to work properly here? I've limited FPS on EQW to both 60 and 59 and still having the issue where horizontal movement is way too slow.


Kunark was released today so if you are still on the fence, come join us!


Trump's Staff
Shaman epic was completed like 30 minutes after launch. Haven't seen any others yet.

Edit - pally just finished about 7 hours into launch.


Trakanon Raider
How's the population? I miss EQMac but it was really the community that made it what it was in my opinion.


Golden Knight of the Realm
It's a friendly low-pop server that allows up to 3 boxing. I got scooped up by one of the raiding guilds just by hanging out and leveling. There's a fair amount of gear given away to lowbies, buffing, etc.


Trump's Staff
120 characters online right now and yesterday at this time was 75 or so. Seems Kunark has given the population a booster shot.

Community is what you'd expect from EQMac, including a 90% cool people and a couple of guilds that don't play along.


ResetEra Staff Member
After some time, I have made a replacement for EQW.
I'm posting this here so people can use it.

1) Use EQMule Patch 2.2
2) Place this in the folder with eqgame.exe:
3) Create a shortcut to eqgame.exe with the parameters "patchme" like you would for titanium.
4) DO NOT USE EQW. It will fuck your shit up with this installed.
5) Set WindowedMode=TRUE in eqclient.ini and make sure your resolution matches your desktop resolution.
6) Start the game. Enjoy the ease of alt tabbing between clients.


ResetEra Staff Member
New fix up. Link at the bottom of this post.

-Fixes some instances but not all of the duplicate mouse bug.
-Fixes the strings on server select.
-Fixes some issues with alt+ctrl modifiers.
-eqmain.dll will never start in fullscreen now.

1) Use EQMule Patch 2.2 -Patch - OFFICIAL EQMac-Windows-eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.1
2) Place this in the folder with eqgame.exe:
3) Create a shortcut to eqgame.exe with the parameters "patchme" like you would for titanium.
4) DO NOT USE EQW. It will fuck up with this installed.
5) Make sure your resolution matches your desktop resolution.
6) Start the game. Enjoy the ease of alt tabbing between clients.


ResetEra Staff Member
New version of the EQMac Windows Hack fix is up. (V4)

-Fixed the duplicate cursor bug entirely. Haven't been able to replicate it since this version under Windows 10.

1) Use EQMule Patch 2.2 - Patch - OFFICIAL EQMac-Windows-eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.1
2) Place this in the folder with eqgame.exe:
3) Create a shortcut to eqgame.exe with the parameters "patchme" like you would for titanium.
4) DO NOT USE EQW. It will fuck up with this installed.
5) Make sure your resolution matches your desktop resolution.
6) Start the game. Enjoy the ease of alt tabbing between clients.


ResetEra Staff Member
New version of the EQMac Windows Hack fix is up. (V5)

-Fixed an issue with the eqmain.dll that would cause a crash when running with "WindowedMode=True" enabled in eqclient.ini. The settings no longer matter.

1) Use EQMule Patch 2.2 - Patch - OFFICIAL EQMac-Windows-eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.1
2) Place this in the folder with eqgame.exe:
3) Create a shortcut to eqgame.exe with the parameters "patchme" like you would for titanium.
4) DO NOT USE EQW. It will fuck up with this installed.
5) Make sure your resolution matches your desktop resolution.
6) Start the game. Enjoy the ease of alt tabbing between clients.


Trakanon Raider
I've heard all I can stand lol. I have to travel so much with my job lately and my Macbook is all I have so i'm downloading this game. lol

I have EQ TLS set up on my Mac but honestly anytime I want to venture through one of their redone zones it makes want to hurt people. It's just not the same to me. More lost than gained in my opinion.

Again, Thanks Secrets for all you do bro. Nets to you!


ResetEra Staff Member
Back to Rerolled with these because they TAKProject didn't want the files on their site.

V10 is available now.


Notes from V6 to V9:
-Window title no longer changes on zoning.
-Resolution no longer has to match your desktop resolution. (still recommended you do this until I find a way of integrating X/Y positions of client window, but this will fix your hotkey programs)
-Fixed an issue where your mouse cursor or keyboard could remain in limbo on deactivating a window.
-Fixed an issue where alt+ctrl modifiers were clearing twice.
-Minimizing the window with Windows Key + M will no longer cause the client to become unrecoverable.
By the way, there is going to be a "eqw2.ini" that comes in the next update. You'll automagically have this file generated in your client folder when you place the update and run EQ for the first time. It's mainly for multiboxers:
-Added a feature that allows you to rename individual windows. Up to 4 clients are supported. (This is to support an upcoming TAKP feature~)
-Added a feature to allow for offsetting positions of each window by client title.

You may use HotKeyNet (included in the new version) and the Script.txt (which you can adjust) to switch between clients.

V10 notes:
-Added support for 'psuedo-fullscreen' mode which removes the window border of the program.
FullScreenWindowed=1 will enable this option in eqw2.ini


ResetEra Staff Member
If you've been turned off from playing because of a lower population, now would be the time to join: 100-120 online clients on average during the day.
