The Animated GIF Thread


Potato del Grande
Assuming the story behind that is exactly what it appears to be (it might not be since this is the internet), I'd love to see somebody beat the fuck out of that guy thinking he was detaining an attempted terrorist. That's a stupid fucking prank. Hell, what if fatty has a heart attack while she's running away and dies?

GIF that came up when I searched for "stupid fuck."

Yes, terrorists are just waiting to run by and hand detonate their bombs on a sidewalk with nobody but two fat ass bitches to be seen. The gif i'm quoting from you is a fitting gif to respond with.


Assuming the story behind that is exactly what it appears to be (it might not be since this is the internet), I'd love to see somebody beat the fuck out of that guy thinking he was detaining an attempted terrorist. That's a stupid fucking prank. Hell, what if fatty has a heart attack while she's running away and dies?

GIF that came up when I searched for "stupid fuck."



Assuming the story behind that is exactly what it appears to be (it might not be since this is the internet), I'd love to see somebody beat the fuck out of that guy thinking he was detaining an attempted terrorist. That's a stupid fucking prank. Hell, what if fatty has a heart attack while she's running away and dies?

GIF that came up when I searched for "stupid fuck."
Well if it isnt butthurt mcgee

Seriously thats fucking funny as shit. First off, HOW THE FUCKING SHIT CAN SOMEONE OUT RUN A FUCKING BOMB BEING A FATFUCK?!!!
So if it was real, they are dead either way.....don't run, take it like a man. Secondly, why the fuck does everyone assume the worst in every god dam situation? The terrorist won, we are now all pussies ready to be fucked.

Such a child.

And fuck you, not posting a gif, because fuck your face.


<Gold Donor>
Well if it isnt butthurt mcgee

Seriously thats fucking funny as shit. First off, HOW THE FUCKING SHIT CAN SOMEONE OUT RUN A FUCKING BOMB BEING A FATFUCK?!!!
So if it was real, they are dead either way.....don't run, take it like a man. Secondly, why the fuck does everyone assume the worst in every god dam situation? The terrorist won, we are now all pussies ready to be fucked.

Such a child.

And fuck you, not posting a gif, because fuck your face.
Ah, the good old internet. I'm sure you would have "taken it like a man" too. Unless you're a fat fuck too you have just as much chance of getting a safe distance away as the guy who left the suitcase there, but us internet folk don't pussy out like that, no sir. I bet if you gave the people at the Boston Marathon a ten second headstart, most probably would have made it at least far enough not to get their fucking legs blown off, but you wouldn't take that, no sir, because you're a man.

And give me a break with your everyone assuming the worst crap. That's not "every god dam situation" that's one contrived to look like exactly what he wants you to think it looks like. He knew exactly what people would think, and so do you. You just have the luxury of looking at it on a gif on the internet "for the lulz."

So I suppose if I were to take a big chunk of foam and paint it to look like a rock and then throw it off of a freeway overpass into oncoming traffic, those drivers that swerve out of the way, possibly hitting other cars, injuring people, dying, etc. were just pussies right? I mean, it was just foam, it couldn't possibly have done any harm, they're the idiots for not "taking it like a man" right? That's no fucking different, both are legitimate scenarios where it is contrived to look like something dangerous. Just because it isn't doesn't make people pussies for reacting like they are. But I forgot, you're a real man.

And it isn't like I said he should be shot on sight or arrested, I just said I wished someone took him seriously and beat the fuck out of him thinking they were stopping a terrorist, that's all. Like those fucking idiots years ago that pretended to assault one of his buddies in the mall and took off running, only to get roundhouse kicked the fuck out by some random dude. We all laughed at that, how is this one any different other than that suitcase guy didn't get knocked the fuck out? You pretend to do something to provoke that sort of reaction from people, I hope you get knocked the fuck out. I guess that makes me butthurt. Rustled for sure!



Ah, the good old internet. I'm sure you would have "taken it like a man" too. Unless you're a fat fuck too you have just as much chance of getting a safe distance away as the guy who left the suitcase there, but us internet folk don't pussy out like that, no sir. I bet if you gave the people at the Boston Marathon a ten second headstart, most probably would have made it at least far enough not to get their fucking legs blown off, but you wouldn't take that, no sir, because you're a man.

And give me a break with your everyone assuming the worst crap. That's not "every god dam situation" that's one contrived to look like exactly what he wants you to think it looks like. He knew exactly what people would think, and so do you. You just have the luxury of looking at it on a gif on the internet "for the lulz."

So I suppose if I were to take a big chunk of foam and paint it to look like a rock and then throw it off of a freeway overpass into oncoming traffic, those drivers that swerve out of the way, possibly hitting other cars, injuring people, dying, etc. were just pussies right? I mean, it was just foam, it couldn't possibly have done any harm, they're the idiots for not "taking it like a man" right? That's no fucking different, both are legitimate scenarios where it is contrived to look like something dangerous. Just because it isn't doesn't make people pussies for reacting like they are. But I forgot, you're a real man.

And it isn't like I said he should be shot on sight or arrested, I just said I wished someone took him seriously and beat the fuck out of him thinking they were stopping a terrorist, that's all. Like those fucking idiots years ago that pretended to assault one of his buddies in the mall and took off running, only to get roundhouse kicked the fuck out by some random dude. We all laughed at that, how is this one any different other than that suitcase guy didn't get knocked the fuck out? You pretend to do something to provoke that sort of reaction from people, I hope you get knocked the fuck out. I guess that makes me butthurt. Rustled for sure!



Yeah, someones gonna make a bomb small enough to fit into a wallet, but they will just put it into a big ass suitcase. If the bomb was big enough to fill up the running will help you keep any limbs from the distance those fatfucks were.

In closing, stop being a butthurtfag.