The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread


So I'm playing through 8 right now after replaying 6 and 7. Its actually a lot more fun than I remembered, but my problem is magic. Anyone know a good guide for this shit? I leveled my GF's abilities to convert items into various types of magic, but I'm too fucking paranoid to use it. I'm worried I'll actually convert some important upgrade item into 5 firaga or whatever, so I end up drawing magic four hours on end and converting it to higher level shit. Should I just wait til later in the game and draw high level magic directly?

The Ancient_sl

I don't know the answer to your question, so I'll just be a dick like usual and direct you to a website which may or may not have the answer in an easy to find manner.


Mr. Poopybutthole
To be fair, that really is the best place to find information and worthwhile guides on just about every game ever made. I mean he could have directly linked the ff8 item transmutation guide (Here)

But honestly, it's no different from saying let me google that for you. By linking the entire resource, you give many more tools to people where something else might catch their eye. And seriously, how do gamers with the internet -not- know about gamefaqs?


Mr. Poopybutthole
To be fair, that really is the best place to find information and worthwhile guides on just about every game ever made. I mean he could have directly linked the ff8 item transmutation guide (Here)

But honestly, it's no different from saying let me google that for you. By linking the entire resource, you give many more tools to people where something else might catch their eye. And seriously, how do gamers with the internet -not- know about gamefaqs?
Truth be told, I spent a minute or two trying to figure out exactly which ff8 guide to link, but it's been so fucking long since I played that (awful) game that I wasn't sure what guide he was looking for. If item transmutation is what I was looking for, I was definitely on the wrong track.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Why are you pretending we went straight from IV to VII?

Look IV's story was pretty simplistic, but the way it established characters was beyond par for it's time. VI took that and ran with it adding a more mature and original story. VI was the renaissance, VII added FMVs.
Not pretending in the slightest. The vast majority of people who don't think the newer games are as good usually cite 6/4(mine are 6 and 9. hehehehe) as the best in the entire series. I said 6 was amazing and don't disagree, but claiming that the titles pre-7 were all amazing pieces of storytelling (the primary gripe about how games beyond 7 sucked due to shitty stories and character design) comparatively is pretty intellectually dishonest. 6? Was the lone outlier in the pre-7 games by having a really good story and pretty good character design for the most part. 4 was the best of the other 5, but certainly not on par with any of the character design or storytelling of the modern games minus 12 and 13's fairly lackluster story with "omgwtf" bosses and reasons for fighting said bosses.

Like I said, technology made it so that the shoddy piecemeal super simplistic storytelling of the first 5 games simply wouldn't fly. They had to upgrade their writing and it really didn't keep pace with the graphics. It's getting better, but we really can see the "JAPAN!" type moments in the games a lot more as graphics improve. They existed originally as well, but having 12 blocks by 12 blocks for a sprite really limits how much wtf you can fit in.


So I'm playing through 8 right now after replaying 6 and 7. Its actually a lot more fun than I remembered, but my problem is magic. Anyone know a good guide for this shit? I leveled my GF's abilities to convert items into various types of magic, but I'm too fucking paranoid to use it. I'm worried I'll actually convert some important upgrade item into 5 firaga or whatever, so I end up drawing magic four hours on end and converting it to higher level shit. Should I just wait til later in the game and draw high level magic directly?
The only things you shouldn't really convert are upgrade components. Screws and the like. You can farm for whatever you "accidentally" convert. It only gets complicated when you want to "break" the game, playing through it casually it will not matter.

EX: When you get Siren at the beginning you can teach her a refining skill. You can refine your tents into Curaga during the timed event of the first real boss. You then HP Junction them to have about 2000 more HP than you should at that point in the game. Sit at a nice 1k hp and spam the menu button for unlimited limit breaks (this is a very good way to defeat the first mech boss after doing the required steps to actually destroy it).

Then later if you play the card game you can refine certain cards into extremely rare items (99 Heroes and so on), but again this is irrelevant for a casual playthrough. Just grab the spells you want from monsters and make sure to check each boss for some hard-to-get spells like Double and Triple, almost all other ones are pretty common. Make sure to leave Cursor Memory on so you can hold it down when you want to grab a bunch.

Also, magic should almost never be cast. Ideally, you never cast it. Attacks in that game with appropriate junctions and GF boosted summons are fine. No need to ever cast a valuable junctioned spell.


The only things you shouldn't really convert are upgrade components. Screws and the like. You can farm for whatever you "accidentally" convert. It only gets complicated when you want to "break" the game, playing through it casually it will not matter.

EX: When you get Siren at the beginning you can teach her a refining skill. You can refine your tents into Curaga during the timed event of the first real boss. You then HP Junction them to have about 2000 more HP than you should at that point in the game. Sit at a nice 1k hp and spam the menu button for unlimited limit breaks (this is a very good way to defeat the first mech boss after doing the required steps to actually destroy it).

Then later if you play the card game you can refine certain cards into extremely rare items (99 Heroes and so on), but again this is irrelevant for a casual playthrough. Just grab the spells you want from monsters and make sure to check each boss for some hard-to-get spells like Double and Triple, almost all other ones are pretty common. Make sure to leave Cursor Memory on so you can hold it down when you want to grab a bunch.

Also, magic should almost never be cast. Ideally, you never cast it. Attacks in that game with appropriate junctions and GF boosted summons are fine. No need to ever cast a valuable junctioned spell.
awesome, thanks. Gamefaq's guides are generally, "this turns into that" but doesn't really tell you what to avoid converting, so this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again


<WoW Guild Officer>
Ok, anyone have any info on the zodiac job series? I just sold my PS2 (lawl), but I'd really like to play it on an emulator.
kefka was the ultimate bad guy to me. at first he seemed like a joke. i think the first fight against him he dies in one hit lol. slowly you start seeing hes a sick bastard and evil mastermind. unlike sephiroth (fag) he was actually successful in destroying the world or at least putting it in ruins. he was a lunatic madman without a cause, he just wanted chaos. a true villain. <3 FF3 4 lyfe.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well you're entitled to your opinion, it just happens to be wrong.
Like I said above: the people who dislike the fact that the storyline hasn't matured with the rise of technology generally praise 4/6 and deride everything from 7 on. It isn't that the story is worse. Cloud/Squall/Zidane/Lightning/Vaan/Tidus have substantially more defined character traits as well as character progression than Cecil ever received. But when your medium is 16 bits (and the early end of that era as well) you only have so much room to do any character building. Modern games don't have the luxury of relying on 256 characters of dialogue to make a point when people actually expect conversations to feel real. The storytelling is the same; the medium is different.

Take FFT for instance. They caught lightning in a bottle when that story was written, as -nothing- previous stands up to it. It hasn't been touched again with that level of quality. When taken in context, the writing has never improved or gotten worse, it simply hasn't maintained its level along with technology. FMVs leave little room for shit like Palom and Porum turning to stone. That happens in a FMV with the shitty dialogue they are given? Zero fucks attached. That happens when the only thing you have is 30ish lines of poorly translated text for the entirety of their dialogue and are forced to imagine the rest? Many fucks given.

I suppose my underlying point is that modern games don't require you to use lots of imagination to make the story better than it is written. The onus is on the writer, not the player these days. FF6 and before? Was largely on the player. FF6 just happened to be better than the previous 5.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Get pcsx2 and the international .iso. Play the game. You most likely want to switch the gfx options to hardware so it doesn't crash every 5 seconds, but it has created zero problems with me.

Except the fact that unlike most FFs that have multiple jobs, you can't switch your shit around and you gain tons of upgrades that simply can't be used by many of the classes. I'm sure there is some super optimal guide that lets you get the most out of everything, but picking classes by going "Red mage is cool right?~" leads to missing out on being able to equip and see many of the weapons/shields et al. Creates replayability in a pretty lame way. The rest of the shit is pretty great though. In engine speedup that the game actually supports? Holy fuck yes awesome.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Like I said above: the people who dislike the fact that the storyline hasn't matured with the rise of technology generally praise 4/6 and deride everything from 7 on. It isn't that the story is worse. Cloud/Squall/Zidane/Lightning/Vaan/Tidus have substantially more defined character traits as well as character progression than Cecil ever received. But when your medium is 16 bits (and the early end of that era as well) you only have so much room to do any character building. Modern games don't have the luxury of relying on 256 characters of dialogue to make a point when people actually expect conversations to feel real. The storytelling is the same; the medium is different.

Take FFT for instance. They caught lightning in a bottle when that story was written, as -nothing- previous stands up to it. It hasn't been touched again with that level of quality. When taken in context, the writing has never improved or gotten worse, it simply hasn't maintained its level along with technology. FMVs leave little room for shit like Palom and Porum turning to stone. That happens in a FMV with the shitty dialogue they are given? Zero fucks attached. That happens when the only thing you have is 30ish lines of poorly translated text for the entirety of their dialogue and are forced to imagine the rest? Many fucks given.

I suppose my underlying point is that modern games don't require you to use lots of imagination to make the story better than it is written. The onus is on the writer, not the player these days. FF6 and before? Was largely on the player. FF6 just happened to be better than the previous 5.
Well you're entitled to your opinion, it just happens to be wrong.
Not sure how to word this exactly but I think the newer FF try to focus too much on a main character. With FF3 I really felt like all the characters were important. You didn't always have that one character (like Cloud except when he was high on Mako ofc.) Multiple times throughout the game you had several characters/parties doing different things in different places like after meeting the Returners and everyone splits up. Sabin ends up meeting Gau ect, while Locke and Celes do their thing. Hell Tera goes AWOL at one point and she is the "starting" character. Shit really got epic at the start of the world of ruin when your entire party's whereabouts are unknown and you are playing Celes. The 16 bit world of FF3 seemed alot bigger than the 5 CD FF8 world and a lot more immersive.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Get pcsx2 and the international .iso. Play the game. You most likely want to switch the gfx options to hardware so it doesn't crash every 5 seconds, but it has created zero problems with me.

Except the fact that unlike most FFs that have multiple jobs, you can't switch your shit around and you gain tons of upgrades that simply can't be used by many of the classes. I'm sure there is some super optimal guide that lets you get the most out of everything, but picking classes by going "Red mage is cool right?~" leads to missing out on being able to equip and see many of the weapons/shields et al. Creates replayability in a pretty lame way. The rest of the shit is pretty great though. In engine speedup that the game actually supports? Holy fuck yes awesome.
Does it work with with a gamepad? I have some shitty USB one (not a dualshock). Is it in English?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Does it work with with a gamepad? I have some shitty USB one (not a dualshock). Is it in English?
The top rated one is yeah. ie, Final Fantasy XII international zodiac job system ntsj. It's the one I'm currently plowing through with what I mentioned above. You might have to monkey with the graphics settings a bit but it should run NP when you get it to the sweet spot. I simply changed from the default to dx10 hardware (yay gtx 275 for ancient hardware!) and it runs np at whatever resolution I want. Keep in mind, however, that it is a PS2 game and it basically comes with jaggies preinstalled.


<WoW Guild Officer>
yeah I'm ok with that, can you pm me a link for where you found the rom?



Wow, her costume looks gorgeous in motion. She looks awesome in the scene with those glasses too.

Everything looks pretty fluid in combat too, I have hope.

The Ancient_sl

I suppose my underlying point is that modern games don't require you to use lots of imagination to make the story better than it is written. The onus is on the writer, not the player these days. FF6 and before? Was largely on the player. FF6 just happened to be better than the previous 5.
What storytelling moment in 9 was comparable to Rydia's Mist dragon popping up out of nowhere and saving your ass? I won't argue against your opinion, I'd just like to hear it.