The Beer Thread


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Bar down the street from me got a keg of Pliny the Younger and I was able to grab a couple tickets. I think due to the hype around it, many people are slightly disappointed with it. So my expectations were pretty tempered, and I ended up really loving it. Very similar to Elder, but in my opinion just a bit better. I was pretty stoked I was able to grab em. I tried to get Alex to join me, but he bailed and went to Oakland instead. Dick!



Bronze Squire
Bar down the street from me got a keg of Pliny the Younger and I was able to grab a couple tickets. I think due to the hype around it, many people are slightly disappointed with it. So my expectations were pretty tempered, and I ended up really loving it. Very similar to Elder, but in my opinion just a bit better. I was pretty stoked I was able to grab em. I tried to get Alex to join me, but he bailed and went to Oakland instead. Dick!
I'm jelly.

When I first had PTE I was a little worried about my expectations being too high, but really thought it was a beer that lives up to its hype. It's not change-your-life good, but I do think it is a must drink for any hophead. Of course it also helped that I viewed my trip to Russian River as more of a beer pilgrimage than anything else.

I have a PTY homebrew clone recipe that I love. The author of the recipe claims it is a spot on clone, and I trust him only because he has been pretty critical of his other clone-recipe attempts in the past when he's missed the mark, but have no way of knowing for sure. All I know is that it is one of the best beers I make and I'm never taking a keg of it camping with me again, bad things happen when mass quantities of that beer are consumed in a single night.

I hope Alex made it back out of Oakland okay. I know it is a ways off but I'll be in the Bay Area sometime in late Sept/early Oct, maybe we need to plan a beer get-together.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I'm jelly.

When I first had PTE I was a little worried about my expectations being too high, but really thought it was a beer that lives up to its hype. It's not change-your-life good, but I do think it is a must drink for any hophead. Of course it also helped that I viewed my trip to Russian River as more of a beer pilgrimage than anything else.

I have a PTY homebrew clone recipe that I love. The author of the recipe claims it is a spot on clone, and I trust him only because he has been pretty critical of his other clone-recipe attempts in the past when he's missed the mark, but have no way of knowing for sure. All I know is that it is one of the best beers I make and I'm never taking a keg of it camping with me again, bad things happen when mass quantities of that beer are consumed in a single night.

I hope Alex made it back out of Oakland okay. I know it is a ways off but I'll be in the Bay Area sometime in late Sept/early Oct, maybe we need to plan a beer get-together.
Ship me one of them home made kegs, and I will let you know how it matches up

I would for sure be up for meeting up. Always love a chance to meet a fellow 49er fan who appreciates good beer!


Still a Music Elitist
Hey, I went to a concert last night and didn't want to start the early afternoon with 10.2% beers. Was that at Hop Grenade, Ameraves?


Bronze Squire
I like H-Sculpin with the right food pairing, but what I really love it for its cooking. Using that beer in the chipotle chili recipe on page 1 of the cooking thread is amazing.

Just drinking straight up I can only handle one bottle a night. Habenero is a great pepper to pair with hoppy beers due to its floral and citrus notes, but I get how the heat can overwhelm that beer in particular.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I could barely finish one. It's way too much.
I agree, I cannot finish the Habanero...way to much and I have acid reflux. However, during a tasting at their facility they do have a few other beers with a slight pepper taste that is way way better then the Habanero. Has anyone tried the Pineapple Sculpin? My buddy swears by it and I have not been able to get my hands on it; tap blew 15 mins before I walked into World of Beers recently.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Was in Seattle for the weekend and tried a few beers there. The flight at Fremont was great but god damn their slogan just screams "pretentious". Because Beer Matters.
Ugh. Fuck me.

Found a couple microbreweries (nano?) in Everett to the north when visiting some family too. Most were good but I noticed that every "blonde ale" I tried was shitty. Maybe it's a regional thing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm not a big fan of the pepper beers. I haven't one that was anything more than a novelty that I could drink like half of then I'm just over it.


Bronze Squire
I find a majority of the pepper beers, or beers with adjuncts in general, tend to be way out of balance in favor of the adjunct. Most pepper-beers I've tried taste like carbonated pepper juice. Regardless of the adjunct (peppers, chocolate, coffee, fruit, etc.) I personally always enjoy them much more when the flavors are in balance with the hops and the malt.

I always thought Ballast Point did a good job of this with their lineup of different Sculpins. The habanero one admittedly does have a pretty overwhelming amount of heat on the backend but on the front end I think the pepper flavors play very well with the hops.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
I find a majority of the pepper beers, or beers with adjuncts in general, tend to be way out of balance in favor of the adjunct. Most pepper-beers I've tried taste like carbonated pepper juice. Regardless of the adjunct (peppers, chocolate, coffee, fruit, etc.) I personally always enjoy them much more when the flavors are in balance with the hops and the malt.

I always thought Ballast Point did a good job of this with their lineup of different Sculpins. The habanero one admittedly does have a pretty overwhelming amount of heat on the backend but on the front end I think the pepper flavors play very well with the hops.
Ballast Point, and Southern Tier are two of the only brewers I know of that can make "gimicky" beer flavors that work as beer. Far too many taste like beer with a flavored syrup added.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I went to Beer Revolution in Oakland last night and tried two very, very good beers. One was the Track 7 Venus Venom - a chocolate cherry imperial stout. The other was the Bruery Or Xata. Both were very enjoyable and I will be on the lookout for both going forward. Track 7 is a brewery out of Sacramento that's pretty small time so only us Bay Area peeps will probably have access to it.
I just went to the Bruery last Saturday and had an Or Xata as part of a flight. Definitely enjoyed it, pretty spot on with the flavors.


Trakanon Raider
Found some of the habanero sculpting last night but it was only being sold by a 6 pack, probably check out a bottle shop later and snag a bottle to try.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Found some Lazy Magnolia Lazy Saison, pale belgian wheat. Not bad. Pretty mild taste with some good flavors. Would probably drink it at the pool or lake.