The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Vyemm Raider
I don't understand why they sit on shit like this. The only possible conclusion that can be derived from this is that they are not sure themselves. Currently they are just letting themselves be dragged through the mud but any and everyone just do to all the vague information and speculation going on. I cant see how this could be anything but bad PR considering they have a new system on the horizon.


There is only two reasons that come to my mind on why Microsoft is allowing so much bad PR to spread and not stepping up to combat it.

The first is that bad PR can be good PR later. Everyone loves to watch a train wreck happen and if you are expecting the E3 event to be a hilarious showing of a mega corporation crashing into the ground, you can be sure a hell of a lot of people will be tuning in to see what happens. Then pull out all your big super secret stuff that is so impressive even the most die hard Xbox hater will say "That's actually kind of good". Walking out of an event with far more than you expected has lasting appeal.

The second reason is that Microsoft's PR department is being run by a bunch of retards. How are these guy not fired yet is beyond me.

Either way we're watching an epic event unfolding in front of us. I'm going to miss it when it's all over with.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Or the truth is as bad as everyone is speculating, or even worse.

Or most of it just marketing BS with no factual or useful basis (looking at you "cloud rendering").


Molten Core Raider
I wouldn't even mind the death of the AAA game. I'm more interested in the games that only took a few million to make, rather than 50 + million with 100 + team members.

There eventually has to be to many cooks in the kitchen.


Not clearing up all of these half truths from Microsoft is really strange. Surely there has to be a reason. Maybe they are testing to see how the public reacts to certain snippets of info they leak each time..?


I agree I see it as a great idea business wise. Watch this episode of X show on Xbox one for your chance to unlock achievement 'insert prize here'. Everyone is losing their shit over the launch of Xbox one but the more I think about it the more I think they are positioning themselves extremely well.

I think what some people here are forgetting is we aren't the people they are trying to convince at the moment. They are trying to convince the average person that the Xbox One is your go to entertainment system. Out of 30 people I work with (not very tech savvy) only one or two of them knew that you could hook your laptop/pc up to your TV. My GF and all her friends have no idea and even after I taught them they still reverted back to what they were used to after a week or two.

Now I can appreciate peoples love for Sony that's great but at the end of the day from the facts we know there's nothing the PS4 is doing that Xbox one can't but at the moment it does look at though Xbox one has features the Sony doesn't, albeit not gaming features. That's why I can't understand the hate. If after E3 Xbox hasn't really shown us it's gaming strength then yeah maybe we can have cause for concern but I think it's pretty clear the reveal was for the general public and not gamers.


Trakanon Raider
I can't tell how many "articles" about Xbone are just linkbaits and which offer some real information...


Life's a Dream
Maybe MS is doing a huge bait and switch.

They release info about 40 [bad] things related to their Xbox, but when the system finally comes out, it only has 20. "That's much better than we expected!"
Then people will buy. "Sure it doesn't play used games, but it doesn't rape your wife the way the previous version would. A+ Microsoft."


I think what some people here are forgetting is we aren't the people they are trying to convince at the moment. They are trying to convince the average person that the Xbox One is your go to entertainment system. Out of 30 people I work with (not very tech savvy) only one or two of them knew that you could hook your laptop/pc up to your TV. My GF and all her friends have no idea and even after I taught them they still reverted back to what they were used to after a week or two.
But we are who they should be convincing. There were 102 million PS1 sales and 127 million PS2 sales. The X360 and PS3 have not come even close to that at 77 million each. Hell, even the Wii hasn't hit that at 99 million and they mostly sold to a whole new market and brought in a ton of people. People who bought video game systems when they were just video game systems is still an absolutely huge fucking number. They seem like they're trying to hit a different market out of pure desperation due to not being able to capture the old one and I think they're going to be in for a rude awakening on their sales if they don't try to convince people who still just want to play video games to buy their system.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Maybe MS is doing a huge bait and switch.

They release info about 40 [bad] things related to their Xbox, but when the system finally comes out, it only has 20. "That's much better than we expected!"
Then people will buy. "Sure it doesn't play used games, but it doesn't rape your wife the way the previous version would. A+ Microsoft."
This reminds me of a interview with the president of Coca-Cola years after the Coke II debacle. He was asked if they did it on purpose as a PR stunt. He said "We aren't that smart, and we aren't that stupid". Think we are giving them way too much credit for being clever with some ingenious marketing ploy. I also don't think they would have negative things released either if they were not true.


I want you guys to all do something for yourselves: Stop considering yourself the minority.

*You* are the people who made the video games industry into the behemoth that it is. It was built on the foundation of people who love video games, not Joe Schmuck ADHD iPhone kid. The highest point of the games industry were systems that just played video games. They didn't sell on being able to do 50 billion different things. They sold on having amazing video game libraries.

Branching out and trying to bring in new people is great, but ignoring the absolutely huge amount of people that made video games what they are in the first place is amistake. Theydoneed to convince gamers to buy their systems, they should never assume that people just will, because neither Sony nor Microsoft has even come close to the hardware numbers of the previous two generations while this has been the longest generation of them all.

People who buy video games made this industry what it is. It was built by every single one of *you* and no one else. Stop acting like you aren't important.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
About the average public's view. The average public thinks the Xbone is a complete replacement for your DVR box. This PR nightmare is going to go to another level when people finally realize the Xbone is just another pass through so you still need the cable box and you still need the controller for it. Xbone is not making watching TV better or more convienent, unless you are too worthless to hit the input button.


About the average public's view. The average public thinks the Xbone is a complete replacement for your DVR box. This PR nightmare is going to go to another level when people finally realize the Xbone is just another pass through so you still need the cable box and you still need the controller for it. Xbone is not making watching TV better or more convienent, unless you are too worthless to hit the input button.
Yeah, my dad read about the Xbone in the paper and brought it up. I had to painstakingly explain to him that that was not even remotely true and that you still have to have your cable/sat box connected and setup. I have no doubt that people are going to buy this and assume that they don't have to hook anything up to it and are going to be in for a surprise.


Vyemm Raider
So the "magic powers of the cloud!" announcement makes it sound as though the "dedicated servers for all games!" that wired reported (and no one else) was just bullshit speculation. The Xbros who only play COD are going to have a majorly deflated boner if that's how it pans out.

Zombie Thorne_sl

I want you guys to all do something for yourselves: Stop considering yourself the minority.

*You* are the people who made the video games industry into the behemoth that it is. It was built on the foundation of people who love video games, not Joe Schmuck ADHD iPhone kid. The highest point of the games industry were systems that just played video games. They didn't sell on being able to do 50 billion different things. They sold on having amazing video game libraries.

Branching out and trying to bring in new people is great, but ignoring the absolutely huge amount of people that made video games what they are in the first place is amistake. Theydoneed to convince gamers to buy their systems, they should never assume that people just will, because neither Sony nor Microsoft has even come close to the hardware numbers of the previous two generations while this has been the longest generation of them all.

People who buy video games made this industry what it is. It was built by every single one of *you* and no one else. Stop acting like you aren't important.
I understand what you are saying Sean, but but like it or not the realities of the market have changed. In the ps1/2 days it didn't cost 100M to make a game. 50 people on a development team was huge. And there wasn't nearly as many choices for someone's entertainment dollar.

I don't know how often you interact with kids these days, but they aren't like we were. Out of the 20ish kids in the neighborhood, 90% of them have iPads/iPhones and they could care less about Mario or Zelda. It just a different market now.