The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


That's one week earlier than the sign from what I recall - it was the week of the 13th or something like that - early buzz was implying first week where I could hope for an early shipment to be here on my birthday (the 2nd) but the sign dashed my hopes since it was a full week and a half later or something like that.

And considering PS4 is quoted as having no supply issues while XBone does - that article is really sketchy.
My bet is still on 11/19 for the PS4, which is Watch Dog's release date. Honestly though it barely matters who goes first,bothconsoles are going to sell out their launch stuck. However, from everything we've heard about yield issues and supply allocations, the PS4 is probably going to greatly outsell the Xbone due to manufacturing capabilities and problems.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My bet is still on 11/19 for the PS4, which is Watch Dog's release date. Honestly though it barely matters who goes first,bothconsoles are going to sell out their launch stuck. However, from everything we've heard about yield issues and supply allocations, the PS4 is probably going to greatly outsell the Xbone due to manufacturing capabilities and problems.
I thought about this and I think it would be the most likely but consider that Sony may purposely delay the PS4 release date due to pre-order sales that exceeded expectations. I think the initially told Amazon to take as many pre-orders as you want as they will meet demand but if they saw that meeting all of that demand on release day meant pushing the entire release back then suddenly pre-order (release day delivery) sales have to stop so they can release in a competitive time frame.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I thought about this and I think it would be the most likely but consider that Sony may purposely delay the PS4 release date due to pre-order sales that exceeded expectations. I think the initially told Amazon to take as many pre-orders as you want as they will meet demand but if they saw that meeting all of that demand on release day meant pushing the entire release back then suddenly pre-order (release day delivery) sales have to stop so they can release in a competitive time frame.
This doesn't make any sense to me though... there is no way they're going to be able to meet demand for the console, so why delay the launch to increase the numbers sold on day one? I think it's more important to have the unit actually out there with customers then it is to try and meet some impossible day one demand goal.


Life's a Dream
I thought about this and I think it would be the most likely but consider that Sony may purposely delay the PS4 release date due to pre-order sales that exceeded expectations. I think the initially told Amazon to take as many pre-orders as you want as they will meet demand but if they saw that meeting all of that demand on release day meant pushing the entire release back then suddenly pre-order (release day delivery) sales have to stop so they can release in a competitive time frame.
Yeah, that is some backwards logic.
A massive company like Sony who is trying above all else to beat Xbox at every step of the race is not going to INTENTIONALLY delay the release of their new system because they received too many pre-orders. That's just crazy talk.


My main gaming platform has always been the PC. With that said, I do have a PS4 on pre-order and I'm looking forward to see what she can do.



This game is looking less impressive with every showing/trailer. I really hope the PC version looks better than this.

Edit - I just rewatched the vid. This has to be the PS3/360 version, right? It doesn't look anywhere good enough to be 'next gen'.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, that is some backwards logic.
A massive company like Sony who is trying above all else to beat Xbox at every step of the race is not going to INTENTIONALLY delay the release of their new system because they received too many pre-orders. That's just crazy talk.
I was thinking along the lines of contractual obligations. It's still pretty flimsy though.


Vyemm Raider
In other "Next Gen" news: The WiiU is selling exceedingly well!

160k WiiUs sold between April 2013 and June 2013.

90k from Japan
60k from North America
10k from Other

The Wii sold 210k world wide.

Lol Nintendo.
I think the WiiU isn't great(don't have one, can't give a stronger opinion). That said, what do you think about the WiiU selling well in the future as a second home console? The thought is that most families will likely get a XBone or PS4, and then pick up the WiiU down the road "for the kids", "XBone and PS4 have a lot of the same titles", or "We got it for Mario and Zelda."? I'm thinking it will be more bad sales until late 2014, when there are enough good Nintendo games for people to say it's worth picking up as an alternative.


<Silver Donator>
I think ultimately the casual/family types won't buy a new console very often, and most of them already bought the Wii. The Wii U simply didn't offer anything big over the Wii especially for the non gamer types, why would they spend money again when they can still wiggle their Wii stick to play tennis or do the Wii Fit bullshit or what not. Even as a gamer the Wii U is a failure so far. I think Nintendo should have waited more or simply released a gamer console first this cycle, and then next cycle go for another casual console with new features with whatever tech there will be then. Instead you have that pretty shitty casual console that won't run good games but doesn't sell to casuals either.

Might still grab one in a couple of years for the new zelda etc but yeah, it was a terrible idea.


Trakanon Raider
That said, what do you think about the WiiU selling well in the future as a second home console?
At this point, even a Gamecube-level subsistence seems out of reach. Remember, the distinguishing feature of the system (the bottom half of a DSi as controller) keeps the console expensive (according to Nintendo, anyway), eliminating the option of a $99 budget box.

As for software, you've probably seen the full list of 3rd party exclusives, outside of Japanese-centric RPGs that may never see an English translation. For first party software, sure, a small number* will buy the system for the games**, but a whole bunch of people simply skipped the Gamecube. I expect the same here.

Although the internet will argue about it for years, let's be honest: the system is dead. The far more interesting question is what does Nintendo do next; in my opinion, the Nintendo 4DS, their next handheld that also streams to your TV via an HDMI dongle, with Nintendo retreating from the console space for at least the short term, seems like a safer and safer bet.

*I agree with that ridiculed Pachter comment: There should have been millions (at least 2+ Mil) of "Gotta get 'em all" tech nuts and Nintendo fanboys who bought the system out of the gate just based on promise. That they didn't (and still haven't) materialized, despite our basically seeing the entire roster of games for the system (outside of Zelda and Metroid 2+ years from now) should be setting off all the warning bells at Nintendo HQ.

**And let's look at those games: You have Smash with a 3DS version, a 3D Mario... that is heavily based of the 3DS version, and another Kart. Where are the new ideas*** that would get someone to buy a system for them? Nintendo's been gambling on novelty for a decade now - so they put out a system whose only novelty is that it turns your TV into the top half of a DS. So the system's survival depends on somehow coming out with new gameplay concepts for the DS no one managed to find in the last 8 years? Good luck with that.

***As I've already said, the biggest problem with the Wii U is that it came out too close to the 3DS. Nintendo teams were working on 3DS games until the Wii U was practically out the door, and have been rushing out stale retreads of their tentpoles ever since (and for a while still, judging from '3DLand with awkward multiplayer' and 'Smash without story mode and other stuff that takes time'). Personally, anyone who is espousing that Nintendo will rush out their next console followup in ~4 years are morons: Nintendo having the next console and next handheld coming out on top of each other would only magnify the issue that killed the Wii U. Unless the Wii U magically sells millions in the next 16 months, the only reasonable option is retreat.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Looks like Microsoft is already getting desperate about the Xbone ... rumor is Microsoft will lower the price of the Xbone to $399 at Gamescom in Aug.


Even if this ends up being true I still plan to stick with my PS4 pre-order ... MS has already burnt too many bridges & done too many flip-flops IMHO.
If they do drop the price I'll actually finally consider both. If-when some decent XBOne exclusives show their face for me at least.


FPS noob
I think the WiiU isn't great(don't have one, can't give a stronger opinion). That said, what do you think about the WiiU selling well in the future as a second home console? The thought is that most families will likely get a XBone or PS4, and then pick up the WiiU down the road "for the kids", "XBone and PS4 have a lot of the same titles", or "We got it for Mario and Zelda."? I'm thinking it will be more bad sales until late 2014, when there are enough good Nintendo games for people to say it's worth picking up as an alternative.
I think Nintendo is gradually dropping out of all gaming conversations, as the nostalgic gamers will just play their old versions of the classics and new gamers don't even have WiiU games on their radars. They are being undercut everywhere on the handheld space, from phones and tablets to browser games, although they are in a much much much much stronger position on the DS.

At some point one of the incredibly conservative Nintendo execs will finally realize they are sitting on a goldmine of intellectual property, and announce that Nintendo is now a software company, all their games will be released on PS4, Xbone, PC, android, & iOS and they are getting out of the device market. their first cross-platform game will be Mario or Pokemon. And they will make bazillions of dollars.

and it will not be like this:


One of Nintendo's biggest problem is that Miyamoto is 60 and that Pokemon is the only major Nintendo franchise he is not involved in (Smash Brothers being a meta-brand). They made a poor work of propping up new IPs from heirs to fill his shoes.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
One of Nintendo's biggest problem is that Miyamoto is 60 and that Pokemon is the only major Nintendo franchise he is not involved in (Smash Brothers being a meta-brand). They made a poor work of propping up new IPs from heirs to fill his shoes.
Not a huge nintendo fan but why is this a problem? Is Miyamoto the driving genius behind reusing the same idea for 20 years?


Not a huge nintendo fan but why is this a problem? Is Miyamoto the driving genius behind reusing the same idea for 20 years?
Miyamoto's probably not the problem. I think most of the blame can go to Iwata since he's the one running everything (into the ground).

No Mario Kart or Smash Bros until 2014. No new Zelda until god only knows when (it might not even be in development yet and was still in the design doc phase back in February) and a HD rerelease of Wind Waker in its place. Metroid is no where to be seen. Most Third Party support totally ditching the system outside of Ubisoft's cross-generation games and Nintendo totally dropping the ball on advertising their third party exclusives from Platinum Games (the main guy from there ispissedat Nintendo's treatment of W101). The couple Mario games they have are totally uninspired and they have no Blockbuster like Galaxy and they're hedging their bets on Pikmin and Donkey Kong being big system movers.

Completely incompetent management and leadership.

Also they *refuse* to make a full fledged Pokemon WiiU game which is one of the few things that could actually save the system.


I don't mean Miyamoto is to blame for the situation, but he is the problem in the sense he has been the Nintendo brand for the past 30 years. A status that has even been reinforced with time when you consider the lack of good third party exclusives on their more recent home systems. Nintendo's inability to generate new faces and new IPs will basically throw them on the verge of total irrelevance once Miyamoto retires, which is sooner rather than later. A pretty unhealthy situation, even if you have to wonder how much actual input he had on the many games he oversaw.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I don't mean Miyamoto is to blame for the situation, but he is the problem in the sense he has been the Nintendo brand for the past 30 years. A status that has even been reinforced with time when you consider the lack of good third party exclusives on their more recent home systems. Nintendo's inability to generate new faces and new IPs will basically throw them on the verge of total irrelevance once Miyamoto retires, which is sooner rather than later. A pretty unhealthy situation, even if you have to wonder how much actual input he had on the many games he oversaw.
Shouldn't it beuntilMiyamoto retires, and the saving grace being him out of the picture?