The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Whatever happens the next generation of 'consoles' won't be consoles in the traditional sense we've become accustomed too. We also need to factor in that in 10 years time people will be evenmoreinformed when it comes to PC's/Consoles/tablets/phones. Making it easier for companies to increase the complexity of their product while still being accessible. Example the steam box.


Trump's Staff
What kind of retard wants to play a PC game in their living room? Half the joy of it is escaping to my man cave, putting on my head set, and ignoring the whole world so I can blow off steam. (no pun intended)


Jack shit as exclusive IP? Wtf? How about Dota2, a game that regularly has 450,000 concurrent players. Or Portal 2, a game that sold millions of copies across multiple devices. Or Left4Dead. Or Team Fortress. Or Counter-Strike, which had over 1.6 million unique players playing it last month.
That's marvelous and all, but that's still only one game a year in the past decade with 8 being FPS (holy variety Batman), one being an RTS (unplayable on gamepad) and one being a top down shooter that could actually be played well with a gamepad... but was a freeware.

In the same time frame Sony Computer Entertainment America published more than 300 games of all genres for the PS2 and PS3. (100+ for Nintendo America on GameCube, Wii and Wii U).


What kind of retard wants to play a PC game in their living room? Half the joy of it is escaping to my man cave, putting on my head set, and ignoring the whole world so I can blow off steam. (no pun intended)
The kind of retard that wears the pants in his own home. That has made it crystal clear when he is gaming not to bother him. The kind of retard that has a pair of nuts.


How is battery life these days? I can barely get a days use out of my older android phone (When I upgrade I lose a legacy plan) *without* games. Playing angry birds or whatever absolutely murders my battery life. Have the newer droids/iphone made gaming viable on phones? I really haven't considered it because I basically need my phone to be functional for gps/text/calls, so gaming is really only feasible when tethered next to a charger (which defeats the point, why would I want to look at a tiny screen when I'm at home and have access to TV/monitors).


Molten Core Raider
Once we all have Google Fiber(or equivalent), pure streaming game services will be viable

Unfortunately, that's a LONG ways away unless a few other companies throw their hat into the fiber race in addition to Google. It's going to take Google probably 5 more years minimum just to build out their service here in Kansas City. They've been installing fiber for almost a year now, and they don't even have 10% of the city covered yet, probably closer to 5% or below.


Molten Core Raider
What kind of retard wants to play a PC game in their living room? Half the joy of it is escaping to my man cave, putting on my head set, and ignoring the whole world so I can blow off steam. (no pun intended)
I would bet that most PC gamers also have a large TV in the same room as their PC. My family room(finished basement) has both my massive PC gaming area with multi-monitor setup, as well as a living room area with my bigass plasma, surround sound setup,game consoles, and couch/chairs. Most of my friends have similar setups. If you are a PC gamer, your PC is probably in your primary living area(whether that's technically considered a living room, family room, or whatever)


I would bet that most PC gamers also have a large TV in the same room as their PC. My family room(finished basement) has both my massive PC gaming area with multi-monitor setup, as well as a living room area with my bigass plasma, surround sound setup,game consoles, and couch/chairs. Most of my friends have similar setups. If you are a PC gamer, your PC is probably in your primary living area(whether that's technically considered a living room, family room, or whatever)
Exactly. My PC is hooked up to a big screen with 7.1 surround sound etc. It also has a high quality 30 inch monitor hooked up to it if I want to game seriously. If I had children I'd understand the need for a room just for me. I don't have children and I don't get dominated by my GF therefore I can do what I like where I like in my own home. As I'm sure all you other "retards" just like me do aswell...


Also I think articles like this are pretty pathetic. They pretty much asked some guy on a hunch who he thought was going to sell more Xbone or PS4. With no figures what so ever they come up with this story.. I wonder what Microsoft offer these guys to say these things with no factual evidence. Money? More Xbox ones at launch? LMAO at one retailer saying Xbones would sell 3:1 of the PS4s.

UK retailer expecting Xbox One to outsell PS4 - GameSpot

This was also found on the main page of Gamespot. Well we know who's paying Gamespot at the moment lol.

Xbox One named a top product of 2013 - GameSpot


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Technically it's a repost of a Popular Mechanics thing - and they didn't say it was great for gaming - just that it was a breakthrough device, which the whole day 1 intro to makes clear with the "TV - TV - TV - TV - Control your TV - TV - TV - TV" bullshit does make it pretty revolutionary when it comes down to brass tacks.

Now it's something that most of us would consider pretty goddamn pointless but truthfully speaking it's a breakthrough - and I bet if you checked Popular Mechanics breakthrough list over the years likely half or more of it is stuff that never really caught up - plenty of "breakthroughs" don't.

Hell, looking at their lists - they had the Surface as a winner last year...Brilliant Innovators and Products - Breakthrough Awards - Popular Mechanics


Technically it's a repost of a Popular Mechanics thing - and they didn't say it was great for gaming - just that it was a breakthrough device, which the whole day 1 intro to makes clear with the "TV - TV - TV - TV - Control your TV - TV - TV - TV" bullshit does make it pretty revolutionary when it comes down to brass tacks.

Now it's something that most of us would consider pretty goddamn pointless but truthfully speaking it's a breakthrough - and I bet if you checked Popular Mechanics breakthrough list over the years likely half or more of it is stuff that never really caught up - plenty of "breakthroughs" don't.

Hell, looking at their lists - they had the Surface as a winner last year...Brilliant Innovators and Products - Breakthrough Awards - Popular Mechanics
That's not the point I'm trying to convey. Gamespot have gone out of their way to shine a positive light on Xbone with bogus stories that really have no 'news'. It's a form of subtle manipulation that nearly every media outlet practices. News outlets aresupposedto be objective but most of the time they aren't.

For example in Australia recently the most popular news paper is owned by a certain guy (Rupert Murdoch) who had an interest in seeing the now government win the election. So the "objective" newspaper would constantly and subtle convey the opposing party in a negative light with the use of negative headlines. When you actualy read past the headline you would find the story had no factual evidence or any real meat at all.

If you go and look at a few different gaming sites and read through their headlines on the PS 4 or Xbone you can usually see which company the site is aligning itself with.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The kind of retard that wears the pants in his own home. That has made it crystal clear when he is gaming not to bother him. The kind of retard that has a pair of nuts.
I love you.


Bronze Squire
My only problem with playing on my TV is my current room setup. I just don't have the ability to have another monitor close or in the same field of view so I can run a dual screen setup and I use my 2nd monitor all the damn time while playing games. If I could I probably would but I just can't be without my 2nd monitor.


My only problem with playing on my TV is my current room setup. I just don't have the ability to have another monitor close or in the same field of view so I can run a dual screen setup and I use my 2nd monitor all the damn time while playing games. If I could I probably would but I just can't be without my 2nd monitor.
I use my laptop sometimes instead of a second screen connected to the same PC.


Trump's Staff
I would bet that most PC gamers also have a large TV in the same room as their PC. My family room(finished basement) has both my massive PC gaming area with multi-monitor setup, as well as a living room area with my bigass plasma, surround sound setup,game consoles, and couch/chairs. Most of my friends have similar setups. If you are a PC gamer, your PC is probably in your primary living area(whether that's technically considered a living room, family room, or whatever)
I game in my office. Alone. All alone.

Gaming in the living room is the most annoying crap in the world for me. Either the kid is needing/wanting something, or the wife is on the phone talking to one of her retarded friends, or the garbage on the TV is breaking my immersion. No thanks.

But, maybe you guys have different living situations than I do, or at least a higher tolerance for distraction.


How is battery life these days? I can barely get a days use out of my older android phone (When I upgrade I lose a legacy plan) *without* games. Playing angry birds or whatever absolutely murders my battery life. Have the newer droids/iphone made gaming viable on phones? I really haven't considered it because I basically need my phone to be functional for gps/text/calls, so gaming is really only feasible when tethered next to a charger (which defeats the point, why would I want to look at a tiny screen when I'm at home and have access to TV/monitors).
Battery life is still pretty shit, or at least far more shit than wewantit to be. You definitely have to be tethered to a charger if you want to play any game that chows down on CPU & GPU power.


Also I think articles like this are pretty pathetic. They pretty much asked some guy on a hunch who he thought was going to sell more Xbone or PS4. With no figures what so ever they come up with this story.. I wonder what Microsoft offer these guys to say these things with no factual evidence. Money? More Xbox ones at launch? LMAO at one retailer saying Xbones would sell 3:1 of the PS4s.

UK retailer expecting Xbox One to outsell PS4 - GameSpot

This was also found on the main page of Gamespot. Well we know who's paying Gamespot at the moment lol.

Xbox One named a top product of 2013 - GameSpot
Gamestop is definitely blatantly posting shit like this for site views (see their GTAV Tranny Review and the 4.0/10 Bioshock Infinite review). 1) It's bullshit and 2) It'll get people to click their shit so people and yell at them in the comments and call them faggots, generating more hits.

And here's a site going the complete opposite direction: