The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Right because that read like something false with the mixed emotions and such. Not to mention CBOAT who's been batting 1.000 for two generations now reinforced it for the most part. (He had said something along the lines of it was 'mostly right' - not completely wrong as your guy's theorem would be)

They also have said it required being online to use so likely works just like Steams - which has a connection heartbeat or else it ends the game, and no one else can access the account (not game - account) at one time.

But let me guess you believe that you'd be able to buy one game for $60 and share it ten ways with zero hitches... Right?

Not something close toMicrosoft 'committed' to original Xbox One plans, reveals new 'Home Gold' sharing features | The Vergelike they've stated isn't far off from the original plans and is nowhere near what you've been trying to imply.

But please have fun with your continued apologist bullshit that has no basis in reality. (And I'm pretty sure the Xbox support quoted the sharing was 'limited' but they spam so much its lost to me searching something from Juneish)

Not to mention the only place it will matter is in an alternate reality where Romney won, the skies are green, and you're not looked at as a retard for presenting dreams you hope would come true as if they were reality.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Stated I can't find it - thought they referenced it but with multiple twitter accounts and how many twitters they do its impossible for me to find. I know for a fact they first announced the ability for anyone (not just 'family') being confirmed by them on Twitter for 100% sure but I can't find that either.

Quite possibly I was wrong and mixed up sources - I was pumped about XBOne's family sharing at the time and got disillusioned at that point.


Molten Core Raider
Decent comparison showing the texture difference going from PS3 to PS4 on NBA2K


Life's a Dream
Wow, that looks really good. I mean, omitting the skin gloss and texture, the fabric of his jersey looks real. It just looks a little too thin still. There's no depth to the cloth.

In other news, Amazon sent me an email today. I guess they're trying to catch up to Game Stop and other stores.

We have good news! We're able to get this part of your order to you faster than we originally promised:

  • "PlayStation 4 Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller"
    Previous estimated arrival date: November 15, 2013
    New estimated arrival date: October 30, 2013


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This might be a new low even for you. You actually think Microsoft was out to fuck consumers; that was their intent? I don't understand when someone wants to screw me because I like the Kinect? You're like the Fox News of the Next Gen thread. You should demand that Microsoft release their long form Articles of Incorporation. They're probably not even a real company.

[citation needed]
You want a citation on microsoft's NSA leak as well? Oh that's right, you got one from Snowden.

Microsoft is so far out of touch with its consumer base it's red tape process makes our government look like an open door one hour policy. They are going to buster bomb themselves, and for one, I can't wait to see the implosion. It's long overdue.


Trakanon Raider
2. Also, "raping of consumer rights" is a little overboard don't you think? Consumers have a right to physical game discs? Give me a break.
Well, regarding this issue, MS has a history of not caring about consumer rights.

The 360 was launched with massive hardware issues (that they had to know about considering the initial consoles had an incredibly high failure rate), a year before the PS3 just to get it out of the door before. They created a billion dollar warranty program for that a year or two later because it broke so often. Still took years before the failure rate went down close to the failure rate of the PS3.

They did this knowing the consumer would most likely have to pay for several consoles during the lifespan of the console. For instance, I still have my original fat PS3 that never broke, had to replace my 360 3 times even though it seesfarless use, probably 1/20th or less.

Where they go against consumer rights though is where countries have better consumer rights than the US (where you are sold extra warranties and such). In Norway any electronic purchase is on a 2-5 year reclamation right depending on the size/cost of the product. A console is put in with the 5 year warranty. This means that if the console breaks on its own, at any point within the 5 years, you can get a replacement. This is done by the store you bought it from.

However, when my 360 broke the first time (within the first year), I went to the store to get it fixed/replaced. They wouldn't let me. I asked for a manager, and they said Microsoft wouldn't allow them to accept faulty machines, and that I had to go through Microsoft. This is a violation of the consumer right laws in Norway. The store (one of the largest electronic stores in Norway, similar to Best Buy) was told that if they allowed turn ins at the store, they would not be allowed to sell the 360 there. It was obviously done so that Microsoft would have total control of the numbers reported of faulty consoles, so no stores could release a "we have had X numbers of Y console break down". The 2nd and 3rd time it broke were amusing calls to Microsoft considering the number dialed was international. Both times I had to thoroughly explain that even though my console was old, it was still under warranty (because when they replace it, the 5 year right starts again).

The always on feature of the Xbox One was also under supervision of the consumer agency due to the potential that the always on feature could break some laws, due to you not owning the actual products purchased and being unable to use them if always on, as well as possible violations of personal information laws. Consumer agency for instance sued Apple (joint lawsuit with several other European nations I think) where they threatened to pull the availability of Itunes due to not being able to play songs purchased there on any device. They mentioned that would have to wait until launch to know the spesifics, but as the original Xbox One plans were, they seemed to violate laws and they were concerned.

Microsoft, similar to Apple, want total control. This can be seen in their "visions" and also in the crazy overpriced addons to their products that they force you to use. A HDD for the 360 costs roughly 3x+ as much as it would if you could just buy a standard one and plug it in. Always found it odd that the PS3 got so much shit for being overpriced (due to blu-ray costs) while the 360 matched if not exceeded that number if you wanted to upgrade the 360 to match its features as the original 360 had no wifi and a tiny HDD or none at all.

I will get the Xbox One the day an exclusive RPG comes for it (bought the 360 because I knew of Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey). However, pure Xbox exclusives are rarer than Playstation ones due to the majority of the 360 "exclusives" seem to end up on the PC as well, and don't see this changing for this generation either (as seen by Titanfall). As of right now, I have no new consoles on pre-order, and doubt I will buy any new console in the near future, but I will easily admit that past history has made me very skeptical to any console from Microsoft. Certainly not going to ever buy any launch edition consoles from them as I fully expect hardware issues.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
We've had the LCD discussion before and proven the theory quite inaccurate in every recent generation - that article is a work of fiction to how most developers operate, apologist.

Edit: LOL - Rep Comment from Veil "Wow you are clueless".... Yep buddy, there's a reason why with this generation consoles being pretty close in spec compared to the incoming generation that there's so many distinguishable differences between versions that there's actually websites dedicated to compiling such - but clearly thinking there's going to be differences allowed in the next generation is "clueless"... Gotcha... apologist.


Crying about a neg? Classy, and makes me respect your position more. I too believe there are going to be differences in the next generation and that doesn't change the fact you are clueless when you say this article is a work of fiction. Its pretty clear your are clueless, blind to reality, or did not read the article. I understand your anger, I too would be angry if my superhuman ability were being able to distinguish FPS instead of something cool like telepathy.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Not crying about it, just stating you apparently like to ignore evidence to the contrary - what the article says tries to present it in the scope of "all developers will..." when reality is "a few developers will..." - even lazy developers like EA that often conform to such ideals lets things like Mass Effect 3's pisspoor PS3 performance come out (while the visual fidelity was nearly identical - the FPS was drastically different).

The article presents a rosy "everything will end up roughly the same" picture, which is not indicative of how reality will play out EARLY in the generation - perhaps down the road once people learn the ins and outs and/or longer development times rather than trying to hit the first year of the console to get that initial "Not so good, but I need games for the system" buying rush (i.e. he mentions that with Ryse) they'll catch up to each other, but the differences are pretty goddamn extreme early generation and become muted with time.

The premise of the article is overall accurate in a longview - but he went over the top in presenting arguments like resolution loss is easy to make up ground with as if it's not a real loss to lower resolution and less about the fact that there will be a noticeable rift now that MIGHT dissolve over time - although the latter is to be seen since the rift hasn't been this large since XBox original which wasn't even quite as large. And Xbox original games were noticeably better its entire lifespan.

To quote his fucking summary at the end of the article: "However, I doubt that I will be playing a next-gen game and saying to myself, "Hmm, you can see the difference that the front-side bus speed makes on this game," or, "If only they had slightly faster memory speeds then this would have been a great game." Let's just wait for the consoles to be released, enjoy the first wave of next-gen games and see where it leads us. You might be surprised where we end up."

Yep, he's not presenting an all roses thing where he's trying to claim there won't be distinguishable differences or anything... you know, obvious fiction... (unless this guy has like 40/20 vision and refuses to wear correction - maybe he's a weirdo that accepts shitty vision where he won't honestly be able to tell the difference)


The article says interesting things about CPU vs GPU and how devs have to adapt their design depending on the balance of the two (even though I have trouble seeing how CPU power could limit game design considering you can make extremely deep and complex game that extremely light on CPU), but for this upcoming gen, is there a single metric, a single compartment of the architecture of the whole machine where the Xbox One is ahead of the PS4?


Trump's Staff
Crying about a neg? Classy, and makes me respect your position more. I too believe there are going to be differences in the next generation and that doesn't change the fact you are clueless when you say this article is a work of fiction. Its pretty clear your are clueless, blind to reality, or did not read the article. I understand your anger, I too would be angry if my superhuman ability were being able to distinguish FPS instead of something cool like telepathy.
If you can't visually distinguish 60fps from 30fps... Or 1080p from 720p... Wtf are you doing on a gaming enthusiast forum community?


Trump's Staff
The article says interesting things about CPU vs GPU and how devs have to adapt their design depending on the balance of the two (even though I have trouble seeing how CPU power could limit game design considering you can make extremely deep and complex game that extremely light on CPU), but for this upcoming gen, is there a single metric, a single compartment of the architecture of the whole machine where the Xbox One is ahead of the PS4?
Cloud computing infrastructure? Shrug