The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Life's a Dream
Amazon sent me an email this morning about an updated release date for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

Estimated arrival date: March 31, 2016.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Name one with proof
Just grabbing the first google results for each:

Steam:Dont ever try to dispute a transaction with Valve/Steam through PayPal. Your account will be banned. - Page 13

Origin:EA refuses to refund user for SimCity, threatens account ban - Gamechup | Video Game News, Reviews, Features, Guides

If you are disputing the charges you are claiming the vendor's charges are fraudulent. In Sony's eyes he's been taken care of because they're issuing a $150 credit for his $600 in losses - shitty all around. Disputing the charges is taking it to another level though and many if not most online stores or services will just ban the account. This is pretty standard stuff.


Paypal? lulz Anyone who uses paypal to begin with is an asshat. Credit Cards provide superior support, better rewards, have a better relation with the companies business departments, and offer complete protection.

Sorry that's not standard stuff for Visa, American express, etc. Trust me they do not want to lose a credit cards business

A) Credit Cards do not work like paypal. They don't charge back immediately, they do an investigation with the company themselves.

Sorry you are incorrect. Of the many memberships I have in the world. Airline, Amazon, Itunes, Gym, Grocery, Gas, even fucking starbucks. My account will not get banned when a credit card company proves negligence.

So you saying it is common practice is LOL

As a postnote, I've had both of my accounts broken into. My Xbox live account was compromised during the time they got hacked, my PS4 account same thing.
In both cases my Credit card worked with them, and resolved the issue. There was no banning at all


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Sorry you are incorrect. Of the many memberships I have in the world. Airline, Gym, Grocery, Gas, even fucking starbucks. My account will not get banned when a credit card company proves negligence.

So you saying it is common practice is LOL
Now it's your turn. Provide evidence.


No need go to any Storefront's terms of service and they have a listing for Chargebacks

From Amazon

A chargeback occurs when a cardholder contacts their bank to dispute the charge for an order placed on Chargebacks are also known as "charge disputes" and they can be filed for a variety of reasons, including unauthorized use of the credit card.

As outlined in our agreement with you:

You are responsible for chargebacks filed for service-related reasons, such as non-receipt of the item, against your account.
Amazon Payments is responsible for any payment-related fraud chargebacks, such as stolen credit cards or other payment fraud attempts.
There all the same...

You know how much Identity theft goes on in the world? If companies banned every membership that was comprimised they would be killing there profit margin. The whole reason for memberships is for you to continue doing business with them...


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
The difference is Sony believes the issue is resolved on their end and the charges at this point are 'valid' because they've compensated their customer. I've worked in those kinds of departments, you help the customer and defer to the bank to recoup funds, but if you dispute charges on something legitimate your account will be banned. Sony should be doing the same... working with the customer until there's a satisfactory resolution (restoration of account, revocation of fraudulent purchases, etc) but instead have compensated the customer and for all intents and purposes consider the charges valid. Therefore disputing them would result in a ban, a pretty standard practice.


You keep saying that's standard practice because of Sony, but it clearly is not.

Everything has a membership now, and they all have a charge back section you can read.

Sony should be doing the same... working with the customer until there's a satisfactory resolution
No, that is what your Credit Card company does now for you. You think Visa is dealing with level 1 customer service?

Wish I could dig up the thread when the PS4/Xbox live hacking were going on around 2 years ago. My account was compromised, Visa worked with them, and there was no banning. Under your guidelines My sony account should be no longer available.

I didn't work with Sony at all, Visa did.


A Mod Real Quick
And yet, if you google "PSN Chargeback" you will see everyone that had their CC company issue a chargeback to Sony was banned.

I don't care what your other memberships say there are google searches dating back to 2010 and probably before that listing this.


Even if that is true, and I escaped the all mighty Sony banning.

That is not common practice for most memberships in the world like Steveo is claiming.

Like I said it doesn't even make sense from a companies perspective to even do that. The whole reason for memberships is to have you locked into buying from them...


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
The customer was compensated, legitimizing the charges - that's the 'because Sony' part of this. That's the point you keep missing and I'm not sure how I can make it clearer. Sony saw the issue as resolved with their $150 in PSN credit compensation, despite the charges being for much more. They should have fixed his account as best they could to prior to the incident and deferred to the banks to reconcile the charges.

Disputing a transaction that a vendor sees as legitimate will typically result in you being banned. Can't put it more plainly than that.


A Mod Real Quick
I think what more than likely happened was you got lumped into an area where the account hacks were due to sony's negligence (unless I'm remembering wrong), whereas this hack was because the user used a shitty password. Yours was a known exception to the rule and they worked it out, whereas I believe in their TOS (I can't look it up, but others have quoted it) it specifically says if you chargeback they will ban your account.


Disputing a transaction that a vendor sees as legitimate will typically result in you being banned
And it will not. You are not even the one doing the disputing it's your credit card company. Both vendor and credit card companies have a vested interest in keeping your business.

You are saying what Sony is doing in the world is common practice for every company is wrong.


I think what more than likely happened was you got lumped into an area where the account hacks were due to sony's negligence (unless I'm remembering wrong), whereas this hack was because the user used a shitty password. Yours was a known exception to the rule and they worked it out, whereas I believe in their TOS (I can't look it up, but others have quoted it) it specifically says if you chargeback they will ban your account.
You are getting off on a Tagent. Obviously, by your own statements you have proven to yourself that Sony has some strange policies.
Since I can't see what my credit card company did when talking to Sony we can only guess what happened during that time.

We are arguing that because Sony does something doesn't meen that is the standard in the world right now


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I've charged back plenty of times and never got banned. I've done it to Blizzard with no problems. The key is if you are right or wrong, companies don't go around banning people because they charge back.

Haven't we fucking learned by now that every time one of these stories pops up there is ALWAYS more to the story? I don't trust these stories on reddit or any other place because it always ends up that the person leaves out important information. Also why the fuck do people use paypal? Do they also cash their checks at gas stations?


Also why the fuck do people use paypal?
No fucking clue, probly bad credit etc. Even if I'm forced to use paypal for my MMA sub I still charge it back to my credit card.

Credit cards give insane bonuses, and superior support. Using paypal is as bad as using cash.


For those thinking of getting an xbone, looks like MS will be including a free controller assuming the deal wins the "'march madness" event

Microsoft Store
Nice ya well I'm more then enjoying both consoles atm and very happy I picked up the xbone.

Also funny thing is Microsoft won't take my playstation visa card lol. (Which is fine I would rather use digital points off of Amazon anyways.)


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Why won't they take your PS Visa?! It's a Visa first and foremost.


Why won't they take your PS Visa?! It's a Visa first and foremost.
dunno man its weird I used it everywhere for those big reward points. It's amazing if you game it up. 3X with Taco Bell too bro. Had my credit setting at 790 for a year and got this card now its 820.