The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


<Gold Donor>
Not sure how the Xbox is even defensible at this point. Funny going back and reading this thread during the reveal.... GUYZ WHATZ SO BAD ABOUT THE XBOX LOL FUCKING SONY FAGGOT FANBOIS!!!1111

It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all if Sony pulls some similar bullshit in the coming months, but the way Microsoft has handled this is insane to me. As I said earlier this week, someone (high up) from XBOX WILL be fired before E3 or soon after. They've done nothing but dig their own graves for months. Sony might be doing some similar "consumer butt-fucking", but at least they're doing it behind closed doors - and have the intelligence not to wave it in our fucking faces this far from release. There is literally no exclusive, no demo, and no amount of recovery spin they could put on this machine to make me (and anyone with a fucking brain) want to purchase it. I literally haven't seen or read any positive press about this thing at all, except by a few shills in this thread.


Well until E3 ends I think a lot of this isn't solid information. I don't doubt that a lot of it might be true or might not. I think MS will tiptoe back and forth across the line.


<Gold Donor>
Well until E3 ends I think a lot of this isn't solid information. I don't doubt that a lot of it might be true or might not. I think MS will tiptoe back and forth across the line.
They don't have a choice anymore (re: tip-toeing the line) - Microsoft is such a massive company, I'm sure they have any army of consultants/marketing reps/pr monkeys working overtime putting out fires. My question is, if all of these "reveals" turn out to be true - and Microsoft knows so far in advance that generally everyone hates the "features".... is it too late to change anything? My feeling is yes, but maybe that isn't true.


Well until E3 ends I think a lot of this isn't solid information. I don't doubt that a lot of it might be true or might not. I think MS will tiptoe back and forth across the line.
I think there's a lot of internal shit going on at Microsoft. They've likely been scrambling after the internet crucifying Always Online and don't actually know for sure what they're going to do so you have one exec saying one thing, a manager saying something else, and some PR guys not knowing their heads from their ass. I think we're going to be bullshitted by them right up until release and then some.


Silver Squire
I think the fact that many long time Xbox users are even considering changing is telling. I for one most likely will go with the ps4 the ball certainly its in Sony's court now.

Microsoft's decision making has been pretty spotty of late, consistently spotty. They likely would of caught less crap going disk less and getting the same result instead of this basterdized circus they've created for themselves.


Potato del Grande
You'd have thought that scrambling would have taken place after the PS4 reveal. I thought that was what the delay was all about honestly. I was shocked by the MS show.

Feels like they're really out of touch with the internet.


Trump's Staff
I don't get it. What's the point of this stuff if I have to use my phone to control it. Why wouldn't I just use my phone instead?
I don't think you have to. He was just trying to demonstrate what you can do with a smartphone / Smart Glass app. Those things are probably all possible with a controller as well, which he obviously avoided using for the sake of demonstration.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't think you have to. He was just trying to demonstrate what you can do with a smartphone / Smart Glass app. Those things are probably all possible with a controller as well, which he obviously avoided using for the sake of demonstration.
Makes sense, "Hey make other companies more money" was rather the theme of it - so influencing people who thought the smartphone deal looked cool and new to spend $$ on the next Nokia W8 phone certainly would fit the theme of the show.

Good catch.


Trump's Staff
Almost anything with a touch screen has SmartGlass available to it, so I don't think anyone will get device sales out of this. Just more of a demo on how you can avoid using a controller by using devices you likely already have. Browsing the internet using a phone for a keyboard > controller typing.

Zombie Thorne_sl

Disclaimer - I AM NOT DEFENDING ANYTHING!!!! I dont like this crap at all, but i do understand why it is happening.

MS is a software company. From all the way back to MS-DOS, if you read the license on the box it clearly states that you are not allowed to sell, copy, trade, duplicate, massproduce wtfer this product. This goes for all software. These companies ALWAYS wanted each user to buy their own copy. Since the 70's there have been forms of copy protection, from the little code wheel and books, to "read word 7 on paragraph 2 of the instruction manual. (I still remember the codes for the original PC Mechwarrior game!!!) They certainly didnt want a retail company to come along and get 50% of their annual income from selling used versions of their product. (yes ppl trade in games to buy new ones, but i normally trade in used ones to buy more used ones). Now MS has has the technology to enforce the license on the box.

We are moving to an all digital market quickly. The transition is going to suck for a lot of people. Entire business models that were the norm are completely going away.

So yeah... Not happy about it, but the technology has finally caught up to us. Hopefully we see at least some benefit to it, i have no idea what it is though.


Trakanon Raider
According toPolygon, the plan,today anyway, is that someone sells the game (to an authorized reseller only) for X, the reseller then sells it for (X+Y), with MS (and then the publisher?) getting a fixed dollar value of that Y.

Of course, as said, MS wants full retail for Y for new games, so the window to where someone like Gamestop can buy a game for X from a person, give MS their Y, and make Z in profit over a new copy is unclear.

(Supposedly, each disc has a unique code on it that gets tied to a Xbox username. I've read two different systems from that point on:
1) When the second purchaser goes to Gamestop, they would have to enter the disc into some machine and then associate that disc with their user name. Let's hope the peon behind the counter picks XX420_dank_nugz_XX and not XX420_dank_nugs_XX, and what grandparent doesn't know their Little Timmy's Xbox username off the top of their head.
2) The second purchaser gets associated with the disc the next time the system checks in. That would indicate there has to be a check-in before you can play the game, or else you could have users "abuse" single player games by checking in, playing the game for 23.999 hours, giving it to the next person, repeat.)

I can't wait to find out what the plan is on Monday.
I'm certainly not against a multitasking gaming console that is also a fantastic media center and runs a bunch of cool apps. The problem, for me at least, has always been how pro or anti consumer something is. I personally don't want my every action, word and input spied upon, all my personal info and metrics sold, and a ton of ads shoved in my face all the time* while constantly being nickel and dimed to death even though you're paying extra for core functionality (XBox Live). Not to mention limited lifespan games, media, DLC and other content that you either have to rebuy every console generation or just live at the whim of MS and its publishers. Lets not forget how awesome cloud computing is going to be *cough* Simcity *cough* I just have zero interest in all of that.

Give me however a developer and user friendly game console thats open and flexible enough for multiple business models, big publishers and indies to all thrive on and we're all good. It doesn't have to have the most powerful hardware or specs either. Just don't punch me in the balls every time I turn the damn thing on.

*No I don't use facebook either.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Do you understand what the word "dispute" means? Because neither article disputes it.


Trakanon Raider


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Do you understand what the word "dispute" means? Because neither article disputes it.
[UPDATE] Retail sources claim Microsoft and publishers will take a percentage of every used game; Microsoft says reports are "inaccurate and incomplete." What do you think dispute means?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
MS' current scheme is that you sell it to Gamestop, etc., and they pay the used fee, rather than the original theoretical of you give the disc to your buddy and he pays it.

Either way, there's a fee, it's just whether it is baked into the resell price.
Pretty much. The cost will get passed to the consumer. MS might be just playing semantics for damage control. Hopefully it's just a check since you can play the game without the disc and they need to know who has what. I doubt it though.