The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

I'm not defending a damn thing. Just simply stating my opinion. To think that any of these companies should change thier products or policies to suite your individual needs comes off as entitled.

These are 100% luxury entertainment devices. If you don't like the damn product that is offered, don't buy it. Getting so emotionally involved is just silly.
Well to be fair, I think a this point it's safe to say theyaren'tbuying it and they're just stating their reasons why.


<Prior Amod>
I'm not defending a damn thing. Just simply stating my opinion. To think that any of these companies should change thier products or policies to suite your individual needs comes off as entitled.

These are 100% luxury entertainment devices. If you don't like the damn product that is offered, don't buy it. Getting so emotionally involved is just silly.
What are you talking about? You're way more worked up then I am. I already said I wasn't upset and since it didn't fit my needs as a consumer I'd be purchasing something else. What else do you want me to say?


Unelected Mod
To think that any of these companies should change thier products or policies to suite your individual needs comes off as entitled.
Thorne my brother, you are the one getting rustled by this. All most of us are saying is "This stuff is crap, I won't be buying it". Yes, we want companies to make things that we want, so of course we aren't going to like it when they put shit in that we don't like. That isn't entitled, that is just doing what people do.

If Colt made a new 1911 that was awesome, everything tricked out, exactly like you wanted, but it came with a biometric coding so you couldn't ever resell it you would probably be pissed off at Colt. Don't say you wouldn't be.


I'm not defending a damn thing. Just simply stating my opinion. To think that any of these companies should change thier products or policies to suite your individual needs comes off as entitled.

These are 100% luxury entertainment devices. If you don't like the damn product that is offered, don't buy it. Getting so emotionally involved is just silly.
How about theydon'tchange their current policies instead? The changes they're going to be making are 100% anti-consumer and you're defending the fuck out of them, don't kid yourself.

Entitled being a "bad word" is hilarious. You're god damned right we're entitled to shit that we pay for. To say otherwise is asinine bullshit.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Titanfall: It's from EA. It'll have always-online DRM.

No thank you.

Also, I need to keep up with this damn thread. It's too fast for me.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Been sitting back and reading about these 2 consoles for months . . . and this will be the final nail in the coffin for my console gaming days.


Not fucken happy at all with the news on the always online bullshit. I could handle one time connections but every 24 hours is absolute bullshit. Makes me definitely think twice now about getting an Xbox one..


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
To be fair you're entitled to receive what the product is marketed as. You're not entitled to an Xbone that is good nor are you entitled to a DRM-free xbone if you bought it. Now if Xbone said it had no required internet checks and you bought it then yes, you're entitled to an xbone without required internet checks.

On the flip side to Thorne, saying that an anti-consumer feature makes a product less desirable to a consumer is not being entitled. Sean is hating on the new xbox but he isn't acting entitled to it and there's no reason to abuse the word.


Trakanon Raider
Getting so emotionally involved is just silly.
You can't possibly be claiming that all of us are overly emotional about it, and that said emotion is the only issue.

I'll put it in the least emotional terms possible: All I gain out of these policies is the ability to download a disc-based game I've bought even if I've lost the disc, and the possibility to permanently transfer those games to, say, my nephew, even if I've somehow lost the disc in the interim.

What I've lost the ability to play the games if I'm not online, to rent games, to loan out/borrow games (unless you are swapping accounts around too), to sell/buy games on ebay/garage sales, etc., and potential future issues (what happens to all of the above when MS turns the X1 authenticating servers off in 2020-something?).

You can entirely rationally conclude you are getting the short end of the stick just so Eidos gets a cut of Tomb Raider resales.

Personal Disclaimer: I've never sold a game; the only used games I've bought were out of print titles (and I think the last one was Grandia 2 for the PS2.)


And IIRC the Family Packs had some ridiculous pricing to them too, didn't they? Like $60/mo for 4 linked accounts or some such?
I don't see the value. Seems like they're trying to price gouge for things that aren't that exciting. Great new things can make people forget about price gouging but this is just retardation. F Microsoft, will be getting a PS4 to replace my PS3 if at all.


Silver Squire
Not fucken happy at all with the news on the always online bullshit. I could handle one time connections but every 24 hours is absolute bullshit. Makes me definitely think twice now about getting an Xbox one..
I'm curious what the triggers are because you can be sure there are triggers that will force you to be online more often than that. Installing or uninstalling as an example would almost certainly require the check. I'm sure there will be others. I can't wait for Live to get hacked to all fuck and be down for 2 weeks with people staring at expensive bricks under their TV's. That or the inevitable big releases that will destroy the servers and cause all kinds of issues.

I know Microsoft will sell well. Americans love their payment plans and the contract Bone will be in high demand with the "how much is that a month" crowd.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Thorne: Personally it doesn't effect me much (I prefer to buy digital in almost all cases besides collector's editions) but the problem I have with it is there's a great system ecology right now with digital with it's pros and cons and physical media with it's pros and cons for people to weigh out their preference and go with the variant that they prefer.

Likely in practice it would change nothing for me, since I'd still prefer digital - but I don't like the idea of a completely valid option being torn out of my hands with no upside to replace it.

That's what the "problem" really honestly boils down to - with XBone they keep making decision after decision that removes options from the consumer without replacing them with something else to at least make up for the loss. I'll start praising them if we find out at E3 that everything we've heard is accurate but they're going to use a MSRP of $40 for AAA titles - it's a pipedream - but it would be a reasonable consolation for the lost options that XBone is giving compared to it's predecessor.

People want a new thing to improve on most functions and ADD GOOD STUFF TO MAKE UP FOR THE ABILITIES LOST. So far XBone is improving graphics slightly.... some silly TV functions... and losing a ton of other abilities.

Zombie Thorne_sl

If I'm coming off as rustled, I'm sorry. I should have clarified that my entitled comments were not directed at anyone here. I posted too soon after reading that thread on gaf, I got rustled by osmosis!!!


Tranny Chaser
Im pretty sure anyone I would want to loan a game to will fit in my "family" so this sounds like a major win to me. Who the fuck doesnt have a means to connect to the internet every 24 hours?


Trakanon Raider
Who the fuck doesnt have a means to connect to the internet every 24 hours?
The military. To a lesser extent, people off at vacation homes, depending on how cell phone tethering works.

(I imagine there are some people that can't afford internet yet somehow have the console (given the system as a gift, or severe drop in income in the interim (unemployment, or off to college), but I can't imagine that accounts to more than a couple hundred thousand systems.)

As to family sharing, that depends on how they define family, doesn't it? Is it just all the accounts under a Gold Family Plan? Is it just the sub-accounts you set up under your main account? Etc. Note that even under the best case, only the guy who bought the game can be playing it, while only one other person can be playing any of the games on that account. (E.g. You buy Remember Me, you can play RM, Adam can play RM, but that blocks Bob from playing Tomb Raider.)


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Microsoft has ceded this generation, and probably their entire gaming business with these decisions.


Its not like they've ever actually cared about their gaming business though. The PC version of Games for Windows Live should have made that perfectly clear 5 years and more ago


I'll start praising them if we find out at E3 that everything we've heard is accurate but they're going to use a MSRP of $40 for AAA titles - it's a pipedream.
Microsoft has no choice but to sell games at that price. There is no way in hell anyone will accept those restrictions and still pay the $60 price when the competitor has none of those restrictions for the same price. It's like buying a car and the dealership you went to gives all their customers a good swift kick to the nuts. There needs to be an incentive on why you would willingly go there and take a size 12 boot to the groin and that was because the price of the car was damn cheap.

That sharing your games will probably be tied to a gold membership account so there is nothing stating Sony can't do the same with their plus accounts. Keeping the price the same because of that one feature is a no go on excuses for the restrictions.